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Phonics and Fluency

Phonics and Fluency. Blending. PowerPoint Application designed by Ms. J. Black, Simmons Marshall St. Louis, MO. Unit 1: Sharing Stories. Unit 2: Kindness. Unit 3: Look Again. Return to Units TOC. Unit 1: Sharing Stories. Lesson 1: Ant and the Three Little Figs. Lesson 2: Come Back, Jack.

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Phonics and Fluency

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Phonics and Fluency Blending PowerPoint Application designed by Ms. J. Black, Simmons Marshall St. Louis, MO

  2. Unit 1: Sharing Stories Unit 2: Kindness Unit 3: Look Again

  3. Return to Units TOC Unit 1: Sharing Stories Lesson 1: Ant and the Three Little Figs Lesson 2: Come Back, Jack Lesson 3: The Library Lesson 4: Story Hour – Starring Megan! Lesson 5: Tomás and the Library Lady

  4. Return to Unit 1 TOC Ant and the Three Little Figs s a t b a ck w e t f i g Line 1: p i g p o t t o p up on Line 2: j u dge b dge i r f u dge e dge Line 3: out side an far a way y time wa ter mel on Line 4:

  5. Return to Unit 1 TOC Sentence 1: I had a dream about three little pigs. Sentence 2: The frog jumped intothe brook. Sentence 3: Jack was glad tohave a plum.

  6. Return to Unit 1 TOC Come Back, Jack ad ven ture bot tom sit ting gar den Line 1: tum bled re al ly al read y per haps Line 2: l e d y e t Line 3: h i ll sh u t c l i mb th u mb l i mb l a mb Line 4: s p r ea d a head in stead th r ea d Line 5:

  7. Return to Unit 1 TOC Sentence 1: I forgot my soccer ball at practice. Sentence 2: We climbed the hill. Sentence 3: I put my sweater on over my head.

  8. Return to Unit 1 TOC The Library cra zy la dy ba by la zy Line 1: d a e t l a e t s k a e t p a e g Line 2: r ai n tr ai n r r ai d s t t s aigh Line 3: w ay s t ay d ay ay p Line 4:

  9. Return to Unit 1 TOC Sentence 1: I like to make things out of clay. Sentence 2: Our class will play outside today. Sentence 3: I felt a sharp pain when I fell.

  10. Return to Unit 1 TOC Story Hour-Starring Megan! Line 1: e re cent me ter qual fe male pete Pete Line 2: ath lete com plete com ee s m ed l sh ee t s Line 3: ee p s ee m t t f n ea l ea m t w ea k ea Line 4: Line 5: ly stor short y ny fun by ba ie ie ie p Line 6: ce ch f n ie ce g r f

  11. Return to Unit 1 TOC Sentence 1: There are many books I want to read. Sentence 2: We wentto see a movie. Sentence 3: The toy will keep the baby happy.

  12. Return to Unit 1 TOC Tomás and the Library Lady pi ny lot ti Line 1: ti tle li on m Line 2: r i e d t i e s i e d l i e n bright ly r igh t Line 3: l igh t n igh t sh y s k y dr y wh y Line 4: tr ed ie i ie p t dr ed i Line 5:

  13. Return to Units TOC Sentence 1: The eagle seemed to glide over the trees. Sentence 2: We go tothe library on Friday nights. Sentence 3: I have an idea.

  14. Return to Units TOC Unit 2: Kindness Lesson 1: Mushroom in the Rain Lesson 2: The Elves and the Shoemaker Lesson 3: The Paper Crane Lesson 4: Butterfly House Lesson 5: Corduroy Lesson 6: The Story of Three Whales Lesson 7: Cinderella

  15. Return to Unit 2 TOC Mushroom in the Rain u men hu mor Line 1: u su al hu man Line 2: cube ac cuse fuse cute fuel hue Line 3: fuse re huge few ar gue res cue cue Line 4:

  16. Return to Unit 2 TOC Sentence 1: The restaurant had a big menu. Sentence 2: The puppy was cute. Sentence 3: My mom has a great sense of humor.

  17. Return to Unit 2 TOC The Elves and the Shoemaker Line 1: mo ment gold clothes pi an o Line 2: woke stove froze joke hoe Joe Line 3: toe foe bow crow throw mow Line 4: Line 5: coats goat boat float

  18. Return to Unit 2 TOC Sentence 1: Joe enjoys playing the piano. Sentence 2: The joke she told was funny. Sentence 3: Thereare three goldfish inthe fish bowl.

  19. Return to Unit 2 TOC The Paper Crane ble Line 1: nei ther trou dai ly dai sy Line 2: sea son trea sure mea ning rea son au thor fau cet au tumn Au gust Line 3: poi son ea gle bea gle pea nut Line 4:

  20. Return to Unit 2 TOC Sentence 1: Autumn is my favorite season. Sentence 2: The faucet was dripping water. Sentence 3: The author wrote a book about eagles.

  21. Return to Unit 2 TOC Butterfly House Line 1: se cret e qual eve Pete Line 2: greed y sweet free breez es crea ture leaf leaves beach Line 3: scar y la dy star ey mys ter y Line 4: Line 5: la dies thief be lief mov ies

  22. Return to Unit 2 TOC Sentence 1: The small creature crawled along the leaf. Sentence 2: The trees swayed inthe breeze. Sentence 3: I don’t like scary movies.

  23. Return to Unit 2 TOC Corduroy Line 1: wak ing wait ed e nor mous eve ning Line 2: cry ing h o e m o ver alls val ue an i mal hand y emp ty help ing Line 3: in vis i ble dif fer ent prob lem un cle Line 4:

  24. Return to Unit 2 TOC Sentence 1: I left her house inthe evening. Sentence 2: The animals were just waking up. Sentence 3: I tied the bows differently.

  25. Return to Unit 2 TOC The Story of Three Whales Line 1: ba by fla vor freez ing leap ing Line 2: des cribe ti tle o pen fu ture Line 3: plant ed an swer pic tures in sect Line 4: feath er fol low prob lem num ber Line 5: a lone a gree hap pen giv en Line 6: oth er o pin ion moth er sec ond

  26. Return to Unit 2 TOC Sentence 1: The water is freezing. Sentence 2: I collect insects. Sentence 3: We have different opinions.

  27. Return to Unit 2 TOC Cinderella Line 1: pa tient re mem ber strik ing u nit ed Line 2: mag ic wick ed pump kin mid night lis ten an swer know Line 3: calm rhi no wrong crumb Line 4:

  28. Return to Units TOC Sentence 1: The clock is striking twelve. Sentence 2: I know the answer to the question. Sentence 3: I dropped a cookie crumb on the floor.

  29. Return to Units TOC Unit 3: Look Again Lesson 1: I See Animals Hiding Lesson 2: They Thought They Saw Him Lesson 3: Hungry Little Hare Lesson 4: How to Hide an Octopus and Other Sea Animals Lesson 5: How the Guinea Fowl Got Her Spots Lesson 6: Animal Camouflage

  30. Return to Unit 3 TOC I See Animals Hiding Line 1: herd bird bark shore line fur Line 2: in sect dis tance wood land win ter au tumn be hind wea sel bro ken Line 3: a lone moth er oth er a live Line 4:

  31. Return to Unit 3 TOC Sentence 1: Fur helps keep animals warm. Sentence 2: The fox was running fast. Sentence 3: I was absent yesterday.

  32. Return to Unit 3 TOC They Thought They Saw Him Line 1: joy boy an noy toy Line 2: couch grouch pouch south hour count mound cloud Line 3: a void boil noise spoil Line 4:

  33. Return to Unit 3 TOC Sentence 1: The cloud was shaped like a balloon. Sentence 2: I try to avoid loud noises. Sentence 3: We found the house key.

  34. Return to Unit 3 TOC Hungry Little Hare Line 1: crawl ing paws yawn drawn Line 2: drow sy crowd crown show tell re re plant re pay re fill Line 3: pain ful col or ful ful Line 4: thank ful care

  35. Return to Unit 3 TOC Sentence 1: He woke up before dawn. Sentence 2: The television show was a rerun last night. Sentence 3: We were hopeful that it wouldn’t rain during our picnic.

  36. Return to Unit 3 TOC How to Hide an Octopus and Other Sea Creatures joy Line 1: boy an noy toy pouch south Line 2: couch grouch Line 3: wea sel au tumn be hind bro ken noise spoil a void boil Line 4:

  37. Return to Unit 3 TOC Sentence 1: Ouch! That hurt! Sentence 2: Don’t slip onthe oil they split. Sentence 3: The king wore a crown.

  38. Return to Unit 3 TOC How the Guinea Fowl Got Her Spots house Line 1: mouse doubt scout er plow tow er Line 2: pow der flow Line 3: roy al al de stroy dis loy joy ful oil hoist point voice Line 4:

  39. Return to Units TOC Sentence 1: I tried to count the jellybeans inthe jar. Sentence 2: The baby will enjoy her new toy. Sentence 3: The crow ate the corn.

  40. Return to Unit 3 TOC Animal Camouflage Line 1: mis lead mis guide mis place mis print pre cau tion Line 2: pre paid pre fix pre judge hunt ing melt chang ing blend ing ing Line 3: build er teach er bank er hunt ers Line 4:

  41. Return to Units TOC Sentence 1: I misread the question. Sentence 2: We enjoy flying kites. Sentence 3: I would like to be a ballet dancer.

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