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Day 15 Open Court Phonics and Fluency Blending and Developing Oral Language. boil. b oi l. noise. n oi se. oi. point. p oi nt. boil spoil join point choice noise. choice. ch oi ce. sp oi l. spoil. join. j oi n. boil spoil join point choice noise. Spoil the noise!. oy.
Day 15Open Court Phonics and FluencyBlending and Developing Oral Language
boil boil noise noise oi point point boil spoil join point choice noise choice choice spoil spoil join join boil spoil join point choice noise Spoil the noise!
oy enjoy en joy toy toy toy boy joy enjoy annoy destroy annoy an noy boy boy toy boy joy enjoy annoy destroy destroy de stroy joy joy Enjoy the toy.
saw saw aw lawn lawn saw draw straw lawn crawl hawk hawk hawk draw draw saw draw straw lawn crawlhawk straw straw crawl crawl Draw a hawk.
haul haul au sauce sauce haul sauce laundry launch cause because laundry laun dry launch launch haul sauce laundry launch cause because because be cause cause cause laundry launch
au ough taught taught caught caught daughter with a thought taught caught daughter bought brought thought bought bought taught caught daughter bought brought thought thought thought daugh ter daughter brought brought
boil spoil join point choice noise toy boy joy enjoy annoy destroy saw draw straw lawn crawl hawk haul sauce laundry launch cause because taught caught daughter bought brought thought
Developing Oral Language boil spoil join point choice noise toy boy joy enjoy annoy destroy saw draw straw lawn crawl hawk haul sauce laundry launch cause because taught caught daughter bought brought thought
Sentences • The hawk caught a mouse with its large claws. • Troy thought the noise was made by the lawn mower.