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Remote Support For Students

Remote Support For Students. Presented by: Eric Rosenberg – Student Manager Client Support Behzad Barzideh – Network Manager Stony Brook . Agenda. About Stony Brook Our Services Why Remote Support? Our Remote Support Solution How It Works What’s Next?. Stony Brook University.

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Remote Support For Students

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Remote Support For Students Presented by: Eric Rosenberg – Student Manager Client Support BehzadBarzideh – Network Manager Stony Brook

  2. Agenda • About Stony Brook • Our Services • Why Remote Support? • Our Remote Support Solution • How It Works • What’s Next?

  3. Stony Brook University • Location: Stony Brook NY about 60 miles east of New York City • Student Population: 23,000 • Residential Students: 9,000 • 10,000 Active Devices • Faculty and Staff: 10,000 • All Campus Buildings: 134 • Residence Halls: 57

  4. Client Support Student Support Faculty Staff Support Drop Off Service Virus Removal Spyware Removal Operating System Reloads Registration Issues Software Installs Data Recovery Room Visits Registration Issues Connectivity Issues Diagnose Broken Ports Phone Support Desktop Support Remote Support SMS Atelier Remote Commander Apple Remote Desktop Etc Staffing 2 Full Time Employees 15 Student Technicians 9 Full Time Employees 7 Student Technicians

  5. Why Remote Support? • Provide a quicker resolution over traditional room visits • More efficient use of technician's time • Able to assist multiple users at the same time • Happier techs :) • QC!

  6. Computer Registration Process • Residential students are required to register their computers each semester • The registration process checks for: • Current Windows updates • An approved antivirus • Updated antivirus dat files

  7. Bomgar • Cross platform • Uses a “melt away” client • Zero Footprint • Ease of use • Customizable web interface • Remote to/from anywhere • Client reconnects after reboot

  8. Bomgar Appliances B100 Desktop Appliance 1 concurrent session B200 Rack mounted Up to 20 concurrent sessions

  9. Windows Client Connection Http://helpme.resnet.stonybrook.edu

  10. Security Warnings

  11. Connection Established

  12. Representative Screen – PC to PC

  13. Macintosh Client Connection Http://helpme.resnet.stonybrook.edu

  14. Macintosh Client Download

  15. Connection Established

  16. Representative Screen – PC To Mac

  17. Linux Client Connection Http://helpme.resnet.stonybrook.edu

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