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Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece. An introduction. 上周提問回應. 平等,就是不輕視任何人,儘管每個人都不一樣。 我讀 《 傳道書 》 ,更相信人要確立自己的志向,越有知識、有智慧、有能力的人,越容易迷失在自己擁有的事物當中,不論是權力、名、利等。有些人因為困頓跌倒,但更多人迷失在安逸當中。. POUSSIN, Nicolas (1594-1665) "The Judgment of Solomon". Preparation for the mid-term oral presentation. 1.   Date: April 29 (Week 10)

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Ancient Greece

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  1. Ancient Greece An introduction

  2. 上周提問回應 平等,就是不輕視任何人,儘管每個人都不一樣。 我讀《傳道書》,更相信人要確立自己的志向,越有知識、有智慧、有能力的人,越容易迷失在自己擁有的事物當中,不論是權力、名、利等。有些人因為困頓跌倒,但更多人迷失在安逸當中。

  3. POUSSIN, Nicolas (1594-1665)"The Judgment of Solomon"

  4. Preparation for the mid-term oral presentation • 1.  Date: April 29 (Week 10) • 2.   time: 12-15 minutes • 3.    A mini-drama (recorded in DVD) • 4.    In English or in Chinese • 5.    Topics: Old Testament, Moses, David, Solomon, Greek Mythology, Iliad… • 6.    All students must have a role (and some lines) in the performance. • 7.    The sequence will be decided on the spot. • 8. Be cautioned: all students have to come to class to review the oral reports (as a form of mid-term exam)

  5. 期中小組口頭報告 1. 組別:依照分好的十組進行2. 長度:每一組拍攝12-15分鐘的影片,影片燒成DVD或是上傳到Youtube(但燒DVD比較保險以免當天網路出問題)3. 影片內容:舊約與荷馬史詩等等,可以從之前小組討論題目再延伸發展成一短劇或辯論等等形式。4. 時間:4/29日5. 注意事項:當天請大家都要出席

  6. 今天課程安排 1. 影片欣賞(25分鐘) 2. 古希臘簡介 (50分鐘) 3. 希臘眾神 (25分鐘) 4. 小組討論(25分鐘) 5. 小組討論結果分享(25分鐘) 2011--Alice Y. Chang

  7. 畢達哥拉斯 發明畢氏定理,為數學、音樂之父。 是最早的實驗科學家之一。 由月相圖(月的盈虧)推測月球是球狀的,進一步地推測地球與其他星體也是球狀的。環繞著它的地球,太陽、月球、五大行星及恆星。  Alice Y. Chang

  8. Pythagoras (570-500BC) not only pioneered the study of mathematics in the western world, but was also a reputed miracle worker. His famous theorem for calculating the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle is well known. Less well known is his mystical theory of the transmigration of souls. Alice Y. Chang

  9. Hippocrates (460-390BC) physician and medical writer, is the father of modern medicine. He established a renowned school of medicine on the island of Cos, where students learned to diagnose illness through observation rather than theory. It was from this school that the first version of the Hippocratic oath derived. Alice Y. Chang

  10. Archimedes (287-211BC) is most famous for running through the streets shouting “Eureka!” when he discovered the principle of specific gravity while sitting in his bath. But we can also credit him with the invention of the Archimedean screw—a device still used to draw water upwards—and many important theories of geometry. Alice Y. Chang

  11. The Prehistoric PeriodsPaleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic Periods The Bronze Age  : 3000 - 1100 B.C.The Early Iron Age : 1100 - 900 B.C.The Geometric Period  : 900-700 B.C.The Archaic Period : 700-480 B.C.The Classical Period : 480-323 B.C.The Hellenistic Period : 323- 31 B.C.The Roman Period in Greece: 31 B.C. - A.D. 323The Byzantine Period in Greece  : A.D. 323 - 1453 Alice Y. Chang

  12. Alice Y. Chang

  13. 800 B.C. to A.D. 400 The area is the Mediterranean basin, and the period the twelve hundred years from, roughly, 800 B.C. to A.D. 400. In this place and time the intellectual and religious foundations of the modern Western outlook were laid. Alice Y. Chang

  14. Alice Y. Chang

  15. languages–Hebrew, Greek, and Latin • The literature of that world, which, whether or not we are acquainted with it, still underlies many of our institutions, attitudes, and thought, was written in three languages–Hebrew, Greek, and Latin. • The peoples who spoke these languages created their civilizations independently in place and time, but the development of the Mediterranean area into one economic and political unit brought them into contact with one another and produced a fusion of their typical attitudes that formed the basis of later European thought. Alice Y. Chang

  16. Alice Y. Chang

  17. Minoan civilization 米諾文明 The first apex of the Greek civilization

  18. Minoan civilization The second millennium B.C. saw a brilliant culture, called Minoan after the mythical king Minos, flourishing on the large island of Grete, and the citadel of Mycenae and the palace at Pylos show that mainland Greece, in that same period, had centers of wealth and power unsuspected before the excavators discovered the gold masks of the buried kings and clay tablets covered with strange signs. Alice Y. Chang

  19. "Medallion Pithoi", or storage jars, at the Knossos palace. Alice Y. Chang

  20. A Kamare style vase, 2100-1700 BCE Alice Y. Chang

  21. Marine style, fragment from an oil jug, Aigina, 15th century BC, Alice Y. Chang

  22. Map of Minoan Crete Alice Y. Chang

  23. Crete Crete is a mountainous island with natural harbors. There are signs of earthquake damage at many Minoan sites and clear signs of both uplifting of land and submersion of coastal sites due to tectonic processes all along the coasts. Alice Y. Chang

  24. Alice Y. Chang

  25. Dolphin fresco A detail of the restored Dolphin fresco on the wall of the Queen’s Room in the Minoan palace at Knossos. The rosette pattern below the dolphins is typically Minoan and the whole fresco probably dates from the last phase of the New palace, around 1450-1400 BCE. Alice Y. Chang

  26. (Left) Liliumcandidum, Samos, 1995. (Right) Minoan lily fresco, Amnisos (c. 1600 BC, Museum Heraklion, Crete (Kandeler). http://jxb.oxfordjournals.org/content/60/7/1893.full

  27. Homer, Odyssey xix. Homer recorded a tradition that Crete had 90 cities. To judge from the palace sites the island was probably divided into at least eight political units during the height of the Minoan period. The north is thought to have been governed from Knossos, the south from Phaistos, the central eastern part from Malia, and the eastern tip from Kato Zakros and the west from Chania. Smaller palaces have been found in other places. Alice Y. Chang

  28. The Minoan Language

  29. 2 The Mycenaean Civilization 邁錫尼文明 The second apex

  30. Linear A Linear B The decipherment of these signs (published in 1953) revealed that the language of these Myceneans was an early form of Greek. It must have been the memory of these rich kingdoms that inspired Homer’s vision of “Mycenae rich in gold” and the splendid armed hosts that assembled for the attack on Troy. Alice Y. Chang

  31. The deciphered Linear B Linear B Syllabary

  32. Linear B Logograms

  33. Chariot Race

  34. Map of the Argolid during the Bronze Age

  35. From Mycenaean wealth to the Dark Age • With them disappeared not only the arts and skills that had created Mycenaean wealth but even the system of writing. • For the next few hundred years the Greeks were illiterate and so no written evidence survives for what, in view of our ignorance about so many aspects of it, we call the Dark Age of Greece. Alice Y. Chang

  36. Review:The Hebrew conception of God emphasizes those aspects of the universe that imply a harmonious order. The elements of disorder in the universe are, in the story of Creation, blamed on humankind, and in all Hebrew literature the evidences of disorder are something the writer tries to reconcile with an a priori assumption of an all-powerful, just God; no one tampers with the fundamental datum. Alice Y. Chang

  37. The Olympian gods = natural forces The Olympian gods, like the natural forces of sea and sky, follow their own will even to the extreme of conflict with each other, and always with a sublime disregard for the human beings who may be affected by the results of their actions. It is true that they are all subjects of a single more powerful god, Zeus. Alice Y. Chang

  38. Gods= the blind forces of the universe Such gods as these, representing as they do the blind forces of the universe that humans cannot control, are not always thought of as connected with morality. Morality is a human creation, and though the gods may approve of it, they are not bound by it. Alice Y. Chang

  39. the Trojan War and Mycenaean Age • The stories told in the Homeric poems are set in the age of the Trojan War, which archeologists (those, that is, who believe that it happened at all) date to the twelfth century B.C. • Though the poems do preserve some faded memories of the Mycenaean Age, as we have them they probably are the creation of later centuries, the tenth to the eighth B.C., the so-called Dark Age that succeeded the collapse (or destruction) of Mycenaean civilization. Alice Y. Chang

  40. 3 The Classical Period The Third Apex

  41. THE CITY-STATES OF GREECE The geography of Greece – a land of mountain barriers and scattered islands – encouraged this fragmentation. Alice Y. Chang

  42. Polis common Hellenic heritage The Greek cities never lost sight of their common Hellenic heritage, but it was not enough to unite them except in the face of unmistakable and overwhelming danger, and even then only partially and for a short time. They differed from each other in custom, political constitution, and even dialect: their relations with each other were those of rivals and fierce competitors. Alice Y. Chang

  43. Phoenician system of writing It was in the cities founded on the Asian coast that the Greeks adapted to their own language the Phoenician system of writing, adding signs for the vowels to create their alphabet, the forerunner of the Roman alphabet and of our own. Alice Y. Chang

  44. ATHENS AND SPARTA • By the beginning of the fifth century B.C. the two most prominent city-states were Athens and Sparta. • These two cities led the combined Greek resistance to the Persian invasion of Europe in the years 490 to 479 B.C. • The defeat of the solid Persian power by the divided and insignificant Greek cities surprised the world and inspired in Greece, and particularly in Athens, a confidence that knew no bounds. Alice Y. Chang

  45. Greek Mythology , the Homeric Hymns,and Theogony Alice Y. Chang

  46. Greek pantheon • According to Classical-era mythology, after the overthrow of the Titans, the new pantheon of gods and goddesses was confirmed. Among the principal Greek gods were the Olympians, residing atop Mount Olympus under the eye of Zeus. Alice Y. Chang

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