P7.E2: The Big Event Session 6: Celebration
Session 6: CelebrationNow it’s time to put all your hard work together and show off your amazing ideas. You will all have a chance to look at each other’s work and vote on which idea you think is the best, and then reflect on what it might be like to be and Events Manager for real. Aims for today • Explore ways to display work to make maximum impact • Demonstrate persuasive skills when speaking to others • Analyse the Challenge Skills used during the project
Session 6: Celebration Today is all about speaking confidently and using persuasive language. To prepare us for this you are going to play a game of… Do Exactly as I Say This warm up activity will prepare you for listening carefully, speaking confidently and working in teams Split into pairs for this game. Person A will need to give instructions to person B to do an everyday task, such as put a coat on. Person B has to listen very carefully and to EXACTLY as they are told. For example if the instruction is to put your arm in the sleeve, you would have to be very clear about which arm, which sleeve, which way around the coat is etc.. Person B must only do as they are told so person A has to be as specific as possible. Swap roles so everyone has a chance to be person A and B.
Session 6: CelebrationNow it’s time to put all your hard work together and show off your amazing ideas. You will all have a chance to look at each other’s work and vote on which idea you think is the best, and then reflect on what it might be like to be and Events Manager for real. Aims for today • Explore ways to display work to have the maximum impact. • Demonstrate persuasive skills when speaking to others. • Analyse the Enterprise Skills used during the project.
Session 6: CelebrationPreparing your stand: trade stands are a great way to showcase all your ideas. It’s important to make your stand look as good as possible. Today you are going to hold a class trade fair where each group can display everything you’ve been working on during the project. Each team will be able to visit each others’ stands and vote on the idea you think is the best. Your team will split into two halves. Each half will have the opportunity to visit the other stands, the other half will stay on your stand and present your ideas. You will need to write and practise an elevator pitch which will summarise your ideas and explain how you met the brief to other teams in just 1 minute
Session 6: CelebrationThe Elevator Pitch Your elevator pitch must includea short introduction and explain how you met the original brief you were given in session 2. Remember to include why your idea is the best Your Brief Your brief is to take on the role of an Events Manager organise a 2 hour informative and unique event to help promote your school to prospective Year 6 students. Entertainment to showcase school talent Refreshments Up to 6 teachers Up to 3 other special guests A welcome speech (optional) Opportunities to speak to current pupils Interactive activities No more than 1 minute!
Session 6: CelebrationDuring the project you have produced documents which will help you to explain how you planned your event at the trade fair. Use the check list below to make sure that you have everything you need for your stall. • Initial Ideas Planning Sheet • Long, Mid & Short Term plans • Timelines & schedules • All marketing materials • Emails and letters • Elevator pitch written and rehearsed If you have extra time you may wish to draw a plan of the school showing where everything will be and/or write a short speech to open the evening.
Session 6: CelebrationNow it’s time to put all your hard work together and show off your amazing ideas. You will all have a chance to look at each other’s work and vote on which idea you think is the best, and then reflect on what it might be like to be and Events Manager for real. Aims for today • Explore ways to display work to have the maximum impact. • Demonstrate persuasive skills when speaking to others. • Analyse the Enterprise Skills used during the project.
Session 6: CelebrationThe Trade Fair Relevant Photo Should be of good resolution, not stretched, and cropped to fit this size. Once fitted, this box underneath should be deleted. The first half of your team need to stay at your stall to deliver the elevator pitch and answer any questions from visitors. The other half will go and visit the other stands, listen to pitches, look at their materials and ask questions to help you decide which is the best. After 10 minutes each half will then swap over.
Session 6: CelebrationNow you’ve now seen all the other teams’ ideas it’s time to vote for your favourite. You may now vote for the team that you think have come up with the best overall idea and supporting documents. They may have also been the most persuasive at the trade fair. You may only vote once, and you can’t vote for your own team.
Session 6: CelebrationReflection Task: Aims for today • Explore ways to display work to have the maximum impact. • Demonstrate persuasive skills when speaking to others. • Analyse the Enterprise Skills used during the project.
Session 6: CelebrationYou have successfully planned an event thinking of all the different parts to make it a success Complete the following sentences in pairs: “I think I would be a great Events Manager because…..” “If I were to be an Events Manager I think I would need to improve my…….skills because…”
Session 6: CelebrationReflection Task: Which of the Enterprise skills do you think you have used the most during this project? Discuss in your teams which skills you feel have been the most importantto Events Management. Working in a Team Listening Presenting . Enterprise Skills Aiming High Leading Solving Problems Staying Positive Being Creative
Session 6: CelebrationReflection Task: Aims for today • Explored ways to display work to have the maximum impact. • Demonstrated persuasive skills when speaking to others. • Analysed the Enterprise Skills used during the project.