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Safety and Sanitation

Safety and Sanitation. Keep knife blades sharp Cut down and away from yourself when using a knife Wash knives separately Do not leave drawers and cupboard doors open Turn off appliances before cleaning the sides with a rubber scraper. Kitchen Safety . Tie back long hair

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Safety and Sanitation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Safety and Sanitation

  2. Keep knife blades sharp Cut down and away from yourself when using a knife Wash knives separately Do not leave drawers and cupboard doors open Turn off appliances before cleaning the sides with a rubber scraper. Kitchen Safety

  3. Tie back long hair • Avoid wearing loose clothing • Wipe up spills immediately • Use a pot holder, not a dish towel to handle hot utensils • Lift pot lids away from you to avoid steam burns • Unplug electrical appliances before cleaning them • Handle electrical appliances with dry hands only

  4. Food Safety Vocabulary • Bacteria – Tiny one-celled microorganisms that multiply rapidly in food under the right conditions • Contaminated Food – Food that contains harmful bacteria • Cross contamination – The transfer of harmful bacteria from one food to another • Danger Zone– The temperature range at which most bacteria multiply rapidly – 40-140 degrees

  5. Vocabulary cont. • Microorganisms – Tiny living things such as bacteria that can be seen only with a microscope • Personal Hygiene - Cleanliness, keeping yourself clean • Perishable Foods – Foods that can become unsafe or spoil quickly if not refrigerated or frozen.

  6. Food borne IllnessStaph • Cause - spreads from food handlers and found in throats, skin, boils, pimples • Symptoms - 2-8 hours after eating – diarrhea and vomiting • usually lasts 1-2 days • Prevention –good hygiene – washing hands – don’t leave food out for more than 2 hours

  7. Salmonella • Cause - get by eating infected meat, poultry, eggs, fish that is undercooked or raw • Symptoms – attacks within 12-36 hours. Diarrhea, fever and vomiting lasting 2-7 days. • Prevention – Cook food properly and keep out of danger zone.

  8. Clostridium Perfringens • Cause - the “Buffet Germ” caused by foods not being at proper temperature for too long a period. • Symptoms – 8-24 hours later- diarrhea, gas and usually ends in less than a day • Prevention – keep food out of the danger zone (40-140 degrees)

  9. Botulism • Cause - Occurs in canned foods, bulging and dented cans. • Symptoms – 12-48 hours after infected it attacks your nervous system. Causes double vision, droopy eyelids, trouble speaking and swallowing, difficulty breathing. If left untreated it can be fatal. • Prevention – examine canned goods

  10. The End

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