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Biofortified MAIZE for Latinoamerica

Biofortified MAIZE for Latinoamerica. Natalia Palacios Rojas Thanda Dhliwayo , Felix San Vicente, Luis Narro , Babu Raman, Kevin Pixley , Kai Sonders. Outline. Biofortified maize work at CIMMYT Agrosalud products QPM and High Zn maize ProA maize

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Biofortified MAIZE for Latinoamerica

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  1. Biofortified MAIZE forLatinoamerica Natalia Palacios Rojas ThandaDhliwayo, Felix San Vicente, Luis Narro, Babu Raman, Kevin Pixley, Kai Sonders

  2. Outline • Biofortified maize work at • CIMMYT • Agrosalud products • QPM and High Zn maize • ProA maize • Tortilla on the roast- Climate • change impact in Mesoamerica • Biofortified maize in LA

  3. Researchable Issues

  4. Biofortification at CIMMYT

  5. QPM is not always conducive to high Zn. However, high Zn has been mainly observed in QPM background. Currently doing some proteomic studies to understand the mechanism (Instituto de Biotecnologia-UNAM)

  6. High Zn tropical maize lines

  7. Multilocation evaluation of stage II hybrids in Mesoamerica- 2012 2013: Twenty 3-way high Zn hybrids in evaluation

  8. QPM screening Colorimetric assays: Tryptophan Lysine NIR: Protein Tryptophan Lysine SNP1(315) – Uni-plex Ensayo para O2 Nurit et al., JAFC, 2009; Rosales et al., JAFC, 2011; Galicia et al., Fitotecnia Mexicana, 2011

  9. Screening tools for micronutrients Zn Fe

  10. Preliminary data for Fe and Zndassociation mapping Fe Zn Association mapping panel: 532 lines

  11. 2 B 0.2 4 AU 1 0.1 6 3 7 5 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Screening Tools • Molecular Markers • LYCE • HYDB1 • UPLC • Improvement of HPLC • ATR FT-IR (in validation) Biochemical Analysis Babu et al, TAG 2013

  12. ProA association mapping Association mapping panel: 436 lines- 3 cycles of phenotyping Swarnoet al, In preparation

  13. 3 high proA hybrids released in Zambia in September 2012 Approx. LSD (P<0.05) Mg ha-1 Mean of 8 commercial hybrids • Competitive agronomically • Provitamin A concentration varying from 6-8 ppm • Second wave is building momentum…

  14. New wave High Provitamin A hybrids (Subtropical maize) 66 hybrids in trial 99 hybrids in trial

  15. Step pVAC decay • Maize drying None • Maize storage Yes. • Higher for flour, Less in kernels • At higher temperature, higher degradation • pVAC decay varies among genotypes • pVAC more stable after the first 6 weeks of storage Palacios-Rojas et al, in preparation

  16. No significan carotenoidlosses duringnixtamalization P<0.05 Palacios-Rojas et al, in preparation

  17. 40% loss of ProA during sweet tamal preparation Hernandez-Montes et al, in preparation

  18. No significant losses of ProA in boiled and roasted green maize Rosales et al, in preparation

  19. Climate change preditions Source: Report ToR, 2012

  20. Maize yield differences between the current climate and 2020s predicted Poor soil conditions Good soil conditions Source: Report ToR, 2012

  21. Biofortified maize for LA Intercropping: Maize + Beans in the hills CA Retention studies on nixtamalizedproducts Understanding on ProA degradation (role of antioxidants- vitamin E; biodisponibilidad-oil) Potentially: storage pest and mycotoxin evaluation Capacity building- Quality monitoring of current released cultivars

  22. Partners Colombia: Corpoica, Fenalce Guatemala: INTA Nicaragua: ICTA Panama: IDIAP Mexico: INIFAP, TEC-Monterrey

  23. From the Field to the Plate

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