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PRoKansas Miller Recycling Center

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PRoKansas Miller Recycling Center

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  1. This PowerPoint presentation provides basic information needed by volunteers to assist recyclers in sorting their items at the Miller Recycling Center. It is necessary to supplement the text on the individual slides with the information contained in the “notes” pane of the Normal (Tri-Pane) PowerPoint View. You can resize the panes by clicking and dragging their boundaries.

  2. PRoKansas Miller Recycling Center • 725 East Clark • Not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) organization • Volunteer based

  3. Our Customers • General public who come to our Center • Local businesses and churches • Outlying communities • Environmental groups, school clubs, Scout groups, etc.

  4. Open Hours • 9:00 to 3:00 Saturday • 1:00 to 4:00 Tuesday & Thursday

  5. Items Accepted • Plastic products • Paper products • Glass bottles • Aluminum and tin cans • Other items

  6. Plastic Categories • #1 transparent bottles • #2 cloudy containers • #2 colored containers • Mixed plastic • Plastic bags

  7. Plastic Resin Codes with Examples

  8. Plastic Manufacturing Processes • Blow-molded • production“seam” on the bottom • dull surface sheen • Injection-molded • injection “button” on the bottom • Shiny surface

  9. #1 Transparent Bottles • Category requirements: • #1, bottle or jar, transparent, injection-molded (button) • Examples: • Soft-drink, water & sports drink bottles • Dish detergent, mouthwash, liquor, salad dressing, cooking oil, ketchup, household cleaners, peanut butter, etc.

  10. #2 Cloudy Containers • Category requirements: • #2, cloudy, blow-molded (seam) • Examples: • Milk, vinegar, distilled water & Sunny Delight • Bulk commercial salad dressing, windshield cleaning solution, rubbing alcohol, etc.

  11. #2 Colored Containers • Category requirements: • #2, solid color, blow-molded (seam) • Examples: • Laundry detergent, bleach, fabric softener, white milk jugs, Folgers coffee, cat litter, 409, Shout (and other hand pump spray products) disinfecting wipes, automotive fluids, shampoo products, etc.

  12. Mixed Plastic • Category requirements: • All numbered household plastic containers not specified in one of the previous plastic categories • We do NOT accept #3 (PVC) and foam type #6 (polystyrene & Styrofoam) products! • Examples: • Cottage & cream cheese, margarine, “whipped” topping and yogurt tubs, fast food cups, food trays, clear thin produce trays and plant pots

  13. Plastic Bags • Category requirements: • #2 & #4 polyethylene • Clean and dry • No “crunchy” bags (usually #5) • Examples: • Regular shopping bags, dry cleaning bags, bread bags, newspaper bags, six-pack carriers

  14. Paper Categories • Newspaper • Magazines and catalogs • Office paper • White ledger paper • Corrugated cardboard • Mixed paper and junk mail • Books (paperback and hardback)

  15. Newspaper • Everything that comes in the newspaper is recycled with the newspapers • Must remove from plastic or paper bags • No other types of paper

  16. Magazines and Catalogs • Slick, coated paper magazines and catalogs • includes anything that came in it • Other slick-finish paper • like some junk mail inserts, wall calendars and other papers with that slick magazine feel • Plastic wrap and such must be removed

  17. Office Paper • White & pastel paper and envelopes • Includes “annual report” type publications • NO slick or glossy paper • NO dark or bright color papers, manila envelopes or file folders • Windows in envelopes are okay as are staples and paperclips.

  18. White Ledger Paper • High quality, bright white “office” paper • Computer paper, stationery, most copy paper, some high grade paper removed from books or manuals and building plans. • No envelopes (it’s the windows & yucky glue) • No slick, colored or yellow, aged paper • Only experienced volunteers are to sort this category of paper

  19. Heavy Corrugated Cardboard • Includes brown paper sacks • No extremely thin corrugated cardboard • Oftentimes with a glossy surface

  20. Mixed Paper • Cereal, soft drink, shoe and tissue boxes, tablet backing, toilet paper & paper towel inner rolls and other “light” cardboard or pasteboard • Cardboard products that are gray inside • Junk mail, manila envelopes, file folders • Dark paper & bright neon, fluorescent paper • Very thin (usually shiny) corrugated cardboard • Paper egg cartons and similar packing products • Telephone directories

  21. Books(all types are accepted) • Paperback • Small romance novels (mass market) • Larger, better quality books (trade paper) • Hardback • Glued bindings • Sewn bindings

  22. Glass Containers • Food and beverage containers • Labels do not need to be removed • Pyrex & Corningware type cooking items • Drinking glasses and plate glass • Other types of glass products are accepted with approval only

  23. Aluminum Cans • Soft drink, beer, and other beverage containers only. • Aluminum cat food cans, foil, and disposable pans & trays go in the box on the floor between the tin cans and aluminum beverage cans.

  24. Tin (steel) Cans • Labels can be left on • Steel bottle caps from glass containers are okay. • No scrap steel

  25. Other Items Accepted • Toner and ink cartridges from laser and inkjet printers, copiers, and fax machines • Regular corded and cordless telephones, answering machines, cell phones, pagers and chargers • Other electronic items with approval • Batteries (household rechargeable and automotive) • Eyeglasses

  26. Items NOT Accepted at the Center • Hazardous waste • Oil,, antifreeze, insecticides, herbicides, paint • Containers made with two unrelated products • Anything that is dirty or has food in it • Non-container plastics • Vinyl ,toys, hoses, packaging, large plastic items • PVC (#3), meat tray, take-out food containers, Styrofoam (foam #6) and unmarked plastics

  27. Procedure for Helping Sort ItemsUnder Two Scenarios • Heavy traffic and/or few volunteers • Recyclers do their own unloading and sorting • Light traffic and/or plenty of volunteers • Volunteers help with the actual unloading and sorting (procedure covered on the next slide)

  28. Procedure for Helping Sort Items when we have Plenty of Volunteers • Approach and welcome the recycler to our Center • Determine the level of assistance needed • Inform the recycler of anything new • If needed, help with sorting into the appropriate gaylords • Finally, thank the person for recycling with us

  29. Final Important Issues • Volunteer Application • Sign-in sheet • Orange volunteer vests • Safety • Facilities • Parking • Keep a good attitude

  30. THANK YOU !! Your involvement in our operation is sincerely appreciated. It is our hope that you find your time with us both enjoyable and rewarding. Our Volunteer Coordinator will be in regular contact with you. We recognize the value of your feedback. Please let us know how we can help make your experience at the Center all that you expect. It all comes back to you

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