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Ecological Sites on Rangeland

Ecological Sites on Rangeland. Ecological Site definition:. Ecological site = kind of land with: specific physical characteristics (soil, topography, climate) which differs from other kinds of land in its ability to produce distinctive kinds and amounts of vegetation

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Ecological Sites on Rangeland

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ecological Siteson Rangeland

  2. Ecological Site definition: • Ecological site = kind of land with: • specific physical characteristics (soil, topography, climate) • which differs from other kinds of land in its ability to produce • distinctive kinds and amounts of vegetation • In other words, a kind of land with similar natural potential. • Other stratification systems can be an have been used to described rangelands.

  3. (Example 1) Ecological sites vary in kind and amount of vegetation

  4. (Example 2)

  5. (Example 3)

  6. (Example 4)

  7. Ecological Sites – Based on Soil • Soil affects the type of plants that grow on the land. • Therefore, soil maps usually form the basis for maps of ecological sites. • Ecological Site Descriptions – can be found by starting with soil maps in the Web Soil Survey

  8. Ecological Sites are based on different topographic settings http://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/

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