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Explore the life changes of a German family post-reunification through manipulation of reality in the movie 'Good Bye Lenin!'. Witness how Alexander creates a false East Germany for his comatose mother.
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Analyzing a life during the changes of the German Reunification in 1989/90 _ source: the german movie ‘Good Bye Lenin!”] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
Balkanization _ Project Katja Rinderspacher _ Pratt Institute _ Spring 2005
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Good Bye Lenini! Story outline] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
While she is in the hospital, the wall comes down. The mother sleeps through all the changes…
She is wakes up after 8 months, but the doctors tell Alexander that she will not survive a second heart attack.
Alex must protect her from any type of excitement, so he redecorates her room and brings her home.
He starts creating her ‘world in Eastern Germany’ and at the same time creates his own version of the former DDR.
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation of Alexander’s life through changes in products and food] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation of Alexander’s life through changes in clothing] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation of Alexander’s life through changes in jobs] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation of Alexander’s life: Comparison of the appearances of the news broadcasts (in Eastern Germany _ Alexander’s invented news _ Western Germany)] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de; www.heute.de; http://home.att.ne.jp/apple/berlin/baustelle/BAUSTELLE/Bau.berlinale.goodbyelenin.html] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation of Alexander’s life through the changes after the well came down] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
Historical facts vs. Alexander’s invented reality(= Alexander’s search for identity) Alexander’s life in East Berlin historical facts about the reunification Alexander’s life in the reunited Germany Alexander’s invented DDR
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation of Alexander’s life through the changes after the well came down] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
invented life historical facts old life new life
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation of Alexander’s life through time (= length of the movie)] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation of Alexander’s life through time (= length of the movie)] [DVD: Good Bye Lenin, director: Wolfgang Becker, www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: Feb. 13, 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation of words used within the two parts of the country _ grey= DDR, red= BRD] [www.79qmddr.de] [date of occurrence: 2003] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
Arbeiterschließfach_ Kaufhalle_ Datsche_ _Supermarkt _Wochenendhäuschen _Neubauwohnung Broiler_ _Brathähnchen Ein-Raum-Wohnung_ _Ein-Zimmer-Wohnung Arbeiterversorgung_ Cellophantüte_ _Frühstückspause _Plastiktüte Beschwerdebuch_ Delikat-Laden_ Grilletta_ _Gästebuch _Lebensmittelgeschäft _Hamburger Brettsegeln_ Marmor-Jeans_ _Surfen Kaviarbrot_ _Stone-washed Jeans _Baguettebrot Pop-Gymnastik_ _Aerobic Weiße Maus_ Kosmonaut_ Aktuelle Kamera_ _Verkehrspolizist _Astronaut _Tagesschau Silberpapier_ _Alu-Folie Pionier_ Dispatcher_ Ket-Wurst_ Puff-Mais_ _Pfadfinder _Organisator _Hot-Dog _Popcorn Römerlatschen_ Auslegware_ _Sandalen _Teppichboden Gastmahl des Meeres_ _Fischrestaurant
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation/ Amalgamation of symbols of the two parts of Germany _ left=DDR, right=BRD] [www.osthits.de/shop/index.php; www.tagesschau.de, www.heute.de, etc.] [date of occurrence] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Fragmentation/ Amalgamation of products of the two parts of Germany _ left=DDR, right=BRD] [www.osthits.de/shop/index.php; www.tagesschau.de, www.heute.de, etc.] [date of occurrence] [place of occurrence: Germany] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]
[BALKANIZE DEUTSCHE BANK] [Amalgamation of sumbols of the two parts of Germany _ example: The Berlin Wall] [www.ebay.com, www.time.com] [date of occurrence: 2004/05] [place of occurrence: Germany, United States] [filed by: KR; date: March 2005]