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NCM N on C onformance M aterial Report Training Material

NCM N on C onformance M aterial Report Training Material. NCM. NCM ID Number: Type the individual NCM number. NCM Type: Drop Down Menu: choose “S” if a supplier issued the NCM or “A” for Autoliv issued the NCM. NCM. Supplier/Autoliv:

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NCM N on C onformance M aterial Report Training Material

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  1. NCMNon Conformance Material ReportTraining Material

  2. NCM NCM ID Number: Type the individual NCM number. NCM Type: Drop Down Menu: choose “S” if a supplier issued the NCM or “A” for Autoliv issued the NCM

  3. NCM Supplier/Autoliv: Drop Down Menu: choose “Supplier” or “Autoliv”, depends were the NCM was found

  4. NCM Supplier ID: Type the ID of the responsible supplier Supplier Name: Type the name of the responsible supplier

  5. NCM Found Date: The date when the non conformance was detected

  6. NCM Defect Code: Type the defect code number

  7. NCM Location Found/Gen.: Type the location were the non conformance was found or generated (e.g. plant, production line, stock, income inspection)

  8. NCM Reported by: Type name of person who opens/reports this non conformance

  9. NCM PO Number: Purchase order number

  10. NCM Date Opened: Enter the date when the NCM Report was opened

  11. NCM Last Change: The date of the last change is set automatically and reported

  12. NCM Product ID: Enter the product identification number Description: Enter the description of the part/material

  13. NCM Program: Enter program or project name, if applicable

  14. NCM Original Qty Held: Type the number of parts delivered by the supplier affected by the non conformity

  15. NCM Lot Size: Enter the lot size within the original quantity delivered, if applicable

  16. NCM Lot Number: Enter the lot number within the original quantity delivered, if applicable

  17. NCM Assigned to: Enter the name of the SQA/SQE, PQ, Quality engineer etc. the task is assigned to

  18. NCM Due date: Type the due date when the NCM is expected to be closed

  19. NCM Description of Non- conformance: Describe the non- conformance (deviation from spec e.g material, dimensions, not on time delivery), enter both, the spec and the description of the deviation

  20. NCM Supplier Ref.: Type name of supplier contact person

  21. NCM Ref. Doc. No.: Enter reference document number e.g. delivery note number from supplier

  22. NCM ERP/MRP Transactions: Enter transaction number of description of transaction

  23. NCM Other Transactions: Enter any other significant transactions made

  24. NCM Disposition: Enter description of disposition, e.g. scrap, sorting, use as it is

  25. NCM Disposition by: Enter name of the person that decides about the disposition Assigned to: Enter name of the person responsible for the disposition to executed

  26. NCM Identification: Enter description how good products are identified e.g. date, special labelling, marking

  27. NCM Date: Enter date when the disposition was decided Date: Enter the due date of the disposition

  28. NCM Disposition/Verification Instruction: Enter disposition and/or verification instruction, e.g. APA

  29. NCM Actual NC Parts: 1. cell -> type number of actual non conform parts (according AS51) 2. cell -> enter comments on actual non conform parts, if necessary

  30. NCM Demerits: Generated automatically according to demerit code (see “Demerit information”) Demerit information: Drop down menu: choose demerit code (according AS51) - minor -> 4 demerits - major -> 7 demerits - critical -> 10 demerits - customer -> 20 demerits - delivery -> ?

  31. NCM Demerit Date/Comment: 1. cell -> enter a period, e.g. may 2004, for witch the demerit should be allocated at the AS51 rating 2. cell -> type a comment on the demerit date, if necessary

  32. NCM Use-As-Is: Enter quantity of parts that could be used as they are Scrap: Enter quantity of parts to scrap RTS: Enter quantity of parts to Return To Supplier TEST: Enter quantity of parts needed for tests to verify the usability

  33. NCM Sort-Use: Enter quantity of parts that could be used after sorting Sort-Scrap: Enter quantity of parts to scrap after sorting Sort-RTS: Enter quantity of parts to Return To Supplier after sorting

  34. NCM Rework-Use: Enter quantity of parts that could be used after rework Rework-Scrap: Enter quantity of parts to scrap after rework Recycle/Rework: Enter quantity of parts to Recycle/Rework

  35. NCM Final Part Disposition Qty : Generated automatically, shows the quantities “Simple”, “Sorted” and “Rework” 0 Undispositioned Qty : 1. cell: generated automatically; it subtracts the quantities from “Simple”, “Sorted” and “Reworked” from the “Original Quantity Held”, this figure should be “0” at least 2. cell: enter comments on undispositioned quantity, if necessary

  36. NCM Response Expected Within: 1. cell -> enter timeframe within the supplier shall respond on the NCM 2. cell -> drop down menu, choose “days” or “hours” to specify the figure in the timeframe cell

  37. NCM 8-D required: 1. cell -> drop down menu, choose “yes” if you require an 8-D report from the supplier, choose “no” if not 2. cell -> comments on your decision

  38. NCM 8-D Report Number: Enter 8-D report number for supplier and date when opened

  39. NCM Supplier Debit/Comments: 1. cell -> enter supplier debit, if applicable 2. cell -> type comments on supplier debit

  40. NCM Approved by/Date: Enter name of the person approving the NCM and date of approval, approval by 2 persons possible. In the final cell you can add comments on the approval or other comments

  41. NCM Pictures: Pictures: Attach pictures/images that pertain to the non conformance. (e.g. pictures of good and bad product, packaging, etc. and/or before and after tooling, processes, rework, etc.)

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