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Effective Communication Styles between Men and Women

Explore the differences in communication styles between males and females, highlighting the benefits of adopting effective communication methods. Learn how feedback can enhance communication accuracy and clarity. Enhance your skills with practical examples and expert insights.

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Effective Communication Styles between Men and Women

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  1. Communication 余佩玲 王靖雯 鍾佩君 施怡如 詹宜華

  2. outline

  3. male and female • To become effective school administr-ators,she believes,men would be well advised to watch how women speak and listen and try to make those styles their own rather than pushing women to modify their language to mimic men.(Charol Shakeshaft,1986) • My reason to choose this sentence.

  4. male and female • What communication styles of female use in school is easier to accept than male ? • Please give some example. 情境模擬: 1. 假設你的身分是女老師,要說服所有的男性  主任同意你的想法,你覺得簡單還是困難?  為什麼? 2. 同樣的情境,若要說服所有的女性主任,你  會覺得比較簡單嗎?為什麼?

  5. male and female • The bad communication around us. • What is the difference in communication between male and female?

  6. The difference in communication between male and female. (引述自黃兆永之報告:性別與溝通—兩性差異與溝通)

  7. male and female (男女大不同:職場輕鬆溝通,約翰.葛瑞博士,2005) • My opinion about the sentence • Why is the communication style of female better than male? Do you agree with it? Why? • 中庸之道溝通法:  壞話好說、狠話柔說 、大話小說 、重話輕說 、  急話緩說、長話短說 、虛話實說 、廢話少說

  8. outline

  9. Albert Mehrabian said:

  10. 93% nonverbal communication • Facial expression • Vocal Inflection • The body language

  11. How do you feel?

  12. Space & distance -- 1.3m

  13. verbal communication is important BUT Nonverbal communication is MORE important

  14. outline

  15. What’s Feedback ? • Feedback is a response from a person who has received a message. • “Feedback can be defined as the tool that projects and presents the information which highlights if there are any gaps between the intentions and the actions with in the individual”, Prof.M.S.Rao. Thinking?

  16. “Feedback is the breakfast of champions.”Ken Blanchard 原來暑假作業可以這樣做…Q

  17. Tips while receiving 〝Feedback〞: • Case3 • Case4~Q • Case1 • Case2 • Listen carefully to the person providing feedback. • Learn to paraphrase the contents of the feedback, analyze, absorb and accept. • Accept gracefully and project positive body animation and positive facial animation. • Thank the person for taking the time to provide constructive feedback.

  18. Remember one thing that no man is free from weaknesses in this world. • Never be too quick to judge.

  19. The point • Feedback increases the accuracy and clarity of communication.

  20. outline

  21. Bogus feedback is common. (Downs,1977) Question: (1) What happened to the office? (2) How is the communication in the office? (3) Give an example about the problem in your experience.

  22. Positive VS Negative: Positive is accepted;negative is barriers. In accepted situation:negative feedback Accept positive fast than negative. Why? Gender.. Situation.. …… 無聲的哀嚎

  23. Culture difference

  24. The skills of negative feedback Stand in one’s shoes; remove defense mechanism Considered: situation、atmosphere、honesty、cooperation Use 3K sandwich Kiss + Kick + Kiss Jerald Jellison <overcoming resistance> (1)honest complimentary (2)relationship confirmed (3)no more past (4)rational expectation from王榮春(政治大學心理學博士,104研發中心協理)

  25. The effective feedback skills Helpful to recipient Should be specific and recent Should be directed toward behavior that the person could change Should be timely (Anderson,1976;Harris,1993) Focus on ‘’things’’, not person. Clear, exact, understanding

  26. outline

  27. Communicate ? • United States Masters Carnegie Training, said: "A person's success, 15% depend on professional skills, 85% depends on the ability to communicate.“ • Do you agree it ? Do you have experiences to share with us?

  28. Good Communication? • Communication = Water • Because communication plays such a central role in schools, the key issue is not whether administrators, teachers, and students engage in communication but whether they communicate effectively(Hoy, W. K. & Miskel, C. G. ,2008 ).

  29. why should we communicate effectively? • Effective communication will help you to: • express yourself better • allow you to let other people express themselves • help you to change your environment toward your own thoughts and beliefs

  30. What can we do?

  31. Think think see • 小男是國小主任,小女是六年級的導師長,校務會議時,小女提出學校應該以快樂學習而不是升學導向,小男則認為小女的想法將使得學校招生 困難,雙方意見不合戰況 越演越烈,小男並在會議 上直接指著小女說她不是 如果你是小男/小女? • Do you have other skills to get good communication? • Do you have experiences to share with us?

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