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2014 COACHES MEETING. Welcome to Stuart. There will be coaches meetings as follows: 4A Friday November 7, 2014 3A Saturday November 8, 2014 2A Friday November 14, 2014 1A Saturday November 15, 2014 All coaches meetings will be held at 8:30 AM in the hospitality room.
Welcome to Stuart • There will be coaches meetings as follows: • 4A Friday November 7, 2014 • 3A Saturday November 8, 2014 • 2A Friday November 14, 2014 • 1A Saturday November 15, 2014 • All coaches meetings will be held at 8:30 AM in the hospitality room.
SPORTSMANSHIP • The Florida High School Athletic Association promotes good sportsmanship by student-athletes, coaches and spectators. We request your cooperation by supporting the participants and officials in a positive manner. Profanity, racial or sexist comments, or other intimidating actions directed at the officials, student-athletes, coaches, team representatives or fellow spectators will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from the site of competition.
Detailed Aerial View of Sailfish SunsplashWater Park Aquatic Center • Please review the map on this page and provide this information for your athletes, parents, and fans who may attend the Finals. • The diagram illustrates specific locations of important places (entrance, restrooms, concessions, etc.) at the facility. • Only credentialed people (athletes, credentialed coaches, FHSAA Staff, and Volunteer monitors) will be allowed in the Team areas – outlined in yellow.
CREDENTIAL INSTRUCTIONS • Wristbands will be issued to each athlete and coach as allowed by FHSAA standards at check-in. • Athletes and coaches MUST return wristbands on the morning of the competition and get stamped. • Athletes and coaches without a wristband will not be stamped or allowed on the deck. • If a stamp washes off, see a Volunteer or FHSAA staff member BEFORE leaving the facility.
CREDENTIALS PROCEDURE Keep your credentials your on you at all times! NO one will be allowed in the team area without the proper credentials!
Parking • Please refer to the adjacent diagram of the parking lot. • If you are traveling via bus, have the bus circle around the lot to drop-off the team and park in the bus area. • Parking is $5 per vehicle (proceeds go to Treasure Coast Sports Commission)
Facility & Meet Policies • No folding chairs for spectators • No cooler or glass containers for spectators • No loitering on pool deck • Must have credentials at all times • No diving into pool – feet first entries • No use of diving boards for swimmers • Only meet officials, coaches, and athletes allowed in locker rooms • No team parades around the pool deck • No entering the pool for celebration purposes • Parents are not permitted to enter with the team • Spectators cannot bring in coolers, food, beverages, or soft chairs
Meet Personnel • Melissa Hellervik-Bing - Meet Referee • Scott Kimmelman - Timing Manager • Adele Woodrow - Scoring Manager • Rick Hatcher - Executive Director Treasure Coast Sports Commission - Local Organizing Committee • Zach Shew - Assistant Director Treasure Coast Sports Commission • Todd Foust - Facility Manager • Kellie Doucette - FHSAA Swimming & Diving Administrator • Seth Polansky- FHSAA Media Relations • MaryAnn Krlin & Danielle Fleming - FHSAA Interns
3A/4A F I N A L S I N F O R M A T I O N • Friday November 7, 2014 • 3A Schools only: Practice for swimmers and coaches check-in 1:00-4:00 PM • Practice for divers 6:30-8:00 PM • Saturday November 8, 2014 • 3A Schools only: Warm-up for swimmers 7:00-8:30 AM (doors open for coaches and athletes at 6:30 AM) • Warm up for boysdiving 7:00-8:45 AM • Boysdiving begins at 9:00 AM • Preliminaries begin at 9:00 AM • Girlsdiving warm-up noon-1:30 PM (approximately) • Girlsdiving begins at 1:30 PM • Warm-up for swimming finals 4:15-5:15 PM (doors open for coaches and athletes at 4:00 PM) • Finals begin at 5:30 PARTICIPANT PASSES (per gender) 1-5 participants – 1 head coach 6 + participants – 1 head coach and one assistant coach 1 + divers – 1 diving coach • Thursday November 6, 2014 • 4A schools only: Practice for swimmers 3L00-7:30 PM (doors open at 3 • Practice for divers 3:00-7:30 PM • Coaches Check-in 3:00-7:30 • Friday November 7, 2014 • 4A schools only: Warm-up for swimmers 7:00 AM-8:30 AM (doors open for coaches and athletes at 6:30 AM) • Warm up for boysdiving 7:00-8:45 AM • Boysdiving begins at 9:00 AM • Preliminaries begin at 9:00 AM • Girlsdiving warm-up noon-1:30 PM (approximately) • Girlsdiving begins at 1:30 PM • Warm-up for swimming finals 4:15-5:15 PM (doors for coaches and athletes open at 4:00 PM) • Finals begin at 5:30
1A/2A F I N A L S I N F O R M A T I O N • Friday November 14, 2014 • 1A Schools only: Practice for swimmers and coaches check-in 1:00-4:00 PM • Practice for divers 6:30-8:00 PM • Saturday November 15, 2014 • 1A Schools only: Warm-up for swimmers 7:00-8:30 AM (doors open for coaches and athletes at 6:30 AM) • Warm up for boysdiving 7:00-8:45 AM • Boysdiving begins at 9:00 AM • Preliminaries begin at 9:00 AM • Girlsdiving warm-up noon-1:30 PM (approximately) • Girlsdiving begins at 1:30 PM • Warm-up for swimming finals 4:15-5:15 PM (doors open for coaches and athletes at 4:00 PM) • Finals begin at 5:30 PARTICIPANT PASSES (per gender) 1-5 participants – 1 head coach 6 + participants – 1 head coach and one assistant coach 1 + divers – 1 diving coach • Thursday November 13, 2014 • 2A schools only: Practice for swimmers 3L00-7:30 PM (doors open at 3 • Practice for divers 3:00-7:30 PM • Coaches Check-in 3:00-7:30 • Friday November 14, 2014 • 2A schools only: Warm-up for swimmers 7:00 AM-8:30 AM (doors open for coaches and athletes at 6:30 AM) • Warm up for boysdiving 7:00-8:45 AM • Boysdiving begins at 9:00 AM • Preliminaries begin at 9:00 AM • Girlsdiving warm-up noon-1:30 PM (approximately) • Girlsdiving begins at 1:30 PM • Warm-up for swimming finals 4:15-5:15 PM (doors for coaches and athletes open at 4:00 PM) • Finals begin at 5:30
2014 FHSAA Finals Swimming & Diving Relay Card Procedures • Preliminary relay cards will be available for pick up at coaches check-in tent on the morning of the competition. • Please mark relay cards with the names of the swimmers in the order that they will swim in the event. • Please note that names are listed left to right, then top to bottom. • You may list up to 4 alternates in position 5-8 on the card. In order for a swimmer to be eligible to compete in the finals of a relay, they must be listed in some position on the preliminary relay card. • Each swimmers legal first and last name must be used. • You may make changes to a relay card until the start of the race. If you make a change, please be sure it is legible. • The lead-off swimmer for each relay will present the completed relay card to the lane timer at the time of the swim. • A new set of relay cards will be made for each relay that qualifies for finals. They will be available at the coaches check-in tent before finals. • The names of each athlete that was listed on the preliminary card will be listed on the finals card. • If you notice that an athlete is missing, please notify the Administrative Referee immediately. • Only athletes who are listed on a relay card during preliminaries are eligible for use in the finals relay. • Annotate the athletes name in the order that they will swim by placing a 1,2,3,4 next to the athletes who will swim in finals. If you submit a card with no numbers, we will assume that the order from preliminaries did not change. • The penalty for not turning in a relay card or turning a relay card in that is incomplete, or incorrect is disqualification of the relay.
Relay Cards Continued • Please find examples of correctly and incorrectly completed relay cards that are included in the coaches’ packet you will receive at check-in. • Use complete names and it is your responsibility to make sure the cards are accurate and legible.
FHSAA Reminders General (1) Scratched Contestant. A contestant who is entered into an individual event in the FHSAA State Swimming & Diving Series on any level and is later scratched from that event will be disqualified from participating in all remaining events in that meet and as an individual on succeeding levels in that event. (2) Substitutions. No substitution may be made for any individual in any event, once entered, who qualifies to participate in an event but is unable to compete. This applies to individuals who qualify from the district meet to the regional meet and from the regional meet to the FHSAA Finals, and between the prelims and the finals on any level. (3) Relay Personnel. Relay personnel may be changed between the district and regional meets, between the regional meet and the FHSAA Finals, and between the prelims and finals on any level as long as such change is made in compliance with procedures established by the FHSAA and does not result in an over entry. Failure to Appear and Compete. A student-athlete who qualifies in a state series meet as an individual is expected to compete on successive levels of the state series unless ill, injured, suspended due to disciplinary action, or for any other reason acceptable to the Executive Director. If the student-athlete does not compete on a successive level, the student-athlete will not be permitted to compete in any other event in the State Series in that sport. Personnel on relay teams may be changed in accordance with the rules governing those sports. A school must submit in writing to the FHSAA Office the name of the student athlete and an explanation for the inability to compete in advance of the competition whenever situations make it possible to do so. Failure to participate in the district/regional meet by an individual or relay team is a violation of FHSAA policy and shall subject the school to a $50 penalty unless the reason for failure to participate is approved by the FHSAA Office.
Other Meet Information Rules: 2013-14 NFHS Swimming and Diving Rules for Championship as amended by the FHSAA. If this is a FL/USA observed sanctioned meet, students-athletes who are also USA-S members and have submitted their USA-S Membership number with Meet Manager will have their USA-S legal times entered into the National SWIMS database. A Disqualification Log of FHSAA DQ’s will be at the scorer’s table for Coaches review. For any disqualifications that are USA-S Swimming specific, a separate DQ log for USA reporting will be used. Rule will only be recorded in the FHSAA results. The use of bells, horns, sirens, whistles, or other artificial noise making devices are prohibited during the meet. Please advise parents and spectators abuse of this may result in removal from the event. Photography/Video/Electronic Devices: For the safety and protection of our student-athletes and in accordance with the Jessica Lundsford Act, there are no photography or video devices permitted behind the starting blocks, including any electronics used for such purposes. Every area in the peripheral and back from the pool edge of the starting side will be considered “behind the starting blocks”. As always, no flash photography allowed from anywhere at the start of each heat. Violation of these rules may lead to removal from the facility. ONLY FHSAA Credentialed Media personnel may use electronics in the starting area for the purpose of reporting the event after the start of the heat until the finish as long as it does not interfere with the athletes, officials, or delay the meet. Anyone not in accordance with these rules will be asked to leave the venue.
More Meet Information Uniform Rules will be enforced including one suit and jewelry. Jewelry is not allowed except for religious or medical purposes – which must be taped to the body per NFHS rules. Athletes will be ineligible to compete until compliant with FHSAA Rule 2009.01: 3-3-1 and NFHS Rule 3, Section 3. Hair restraint devices like rubber bands, etc. can be worn in the hair when used to hold back the hair. Swim Caps: If more than one swim cap is worn, make sure the underlying cap meets the NFHS/FHSAA current rule for logo specifications – the cap showing will be the one judged as compliant with the rule; therefore, if the outer cap falls off, then the cap worn under that must comply with NFHS/FHSAA rule or the swimmer will be disqualified.
More Meet Information Illegal Swimsuit Swimsuit reminders Only a suit with one logo that is 2 ¼ square inches will be allowed. The suit pictured to the left would be considered illegal because of the dual logos. Only caps with school names will be permitted, club team caps may not be worn.
More Meet Information Remind your athletes there should be quiet at the start of each heat. Whistle Starts: Please make sure your swimmer know the starting procedures. Before your swimmers heat, they need to report to their lane timer and be ready to swim. A series of short whistles will show the swimmers are ready for that heat standing directly behind the starting blocks. The deck referee’s long whistle will have them step up on the blocks, edge of the pool, or step into the water for the backstroke. For backstroke events, a second long whistle is used to place your feet prior to the race being turned over to the starter. A swimmer may start from the deck next to the block or in the water using the rules for that stroke. Please bring to the attention of the Meet Referee at any time prior to the start of the meet if you have a disabled athlete that requires an alterative starting procedure. Swimmers not on the block when the Deck Referee turns the heat over to the Starter are considered scratched and will be disqualified for the remainder of the meet. All reasonable efforts will be made to allow the swimmers notice of their heat; however, it is their responsibility to check-in with the timer and know when they need to report.
Other Meet Information No Declared False Starts – FHSAA 2009.03 (1): Swimmers who do not show on time are considered a “No Show/Scratched” and disqualified from the event as well as the remainder of the meet. The school may be subject to a fine. 500 Freestyle: Lap counters shall be positioned at the end of each lane opposite the starting end. ONE person per lane shall advance the counter to the next higher odd number or the final lap orange card. Interference by the lap counter at the end of the lane can be cause for disqualification of the swimmer. Weather Issues: In the event of inclement weather, the Aquatic Center will close the venue. Please LISTEN carefully for instructions over the announcing system.
Good Luck and Safe Travels! • If you have any questions, please contact Kellie Doucette, FHSAA Swimming and Diving Administrator – 352-372-9551, Ext. 450; kdoucette@fhsaa.org
Congratulations on reaching the 2014 FHSAA Swimming & Diving Finals!