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Welcome to math World where everything adds up. Ms Maryam Khan msmaryamkhan5grade@gmail.com. Overview. * Welcome Letter * Daily Schedule * Syllabus * Grading Policy * Attendance Policy * Class Rules * Hall Rules * Our Promise * Contact Info. Welcome Letter.
Welcome tomath World where everything adds up Ms Maryam Khan msmaryamkhan5grade@gmail.com
Overview • * Welcome Letter • * Daily Schedule • * Syllabus • * Grading Policy • * Attendance Policy • * Class Rules • * Hall Rules • * Our Promise • * Contact Info.
Welcome Letter Academy of Greatness & Excellence Where Prosperous Futures Begin Dear Parents, My name is Maryam Khan and I am your child’s 5th grade Homeroom teacher. Before I go any further and lay out class structure with rules and regulations, I would like to introduce myself. This is my third year as a teacher. Prior to AGE, I was working as a long term replacement teacher at Franklin Board of Education, Somerset NJ. Additionally, I have been tutoring at Huntington Learning center for the past one and a half year. Though I have an MBA and have worked in corporate America for the past 12 years, I am thrilled and passionate about the teaching profession. By nature I am a teacher and feel children tend to build strong barriers between the real world and the academic world. My mission this year is to directly relate the real world with the classroom environment. I am looking forward to a very successful and practical year. I have high expectations for your child and I will do all that I can to help your child achieve those expectations. You can help too. I will be expecting all work assigned in class to be completed. The way you can help is to make sure to check with your child every school night if homework needs to be done, and if so, make sure your child completes the assignment. In addition, your child will be assigned projects in various subjects throughout the school year. Projects are to be completed at school and at home. Your help and support will not only make your child more successful in school this year but will instill good study habits that will last a lifetime. Finally, I want you to know that one of my most important goals this year is to keep the lines of communication open with you. I am available every day to correspond with you via email, please allow me 24hours to respond. You are always welcome to take an appointment through the Main Office if you require immediate response/ attention and need to speak to me face to face.
Syllabus 6th grade Math Book 5th grade Math Book 4th grade Math Book 3rd grade Math Book
Resources • Everydaymathonline.org • Khanacademy • Mathblaster.com • https://www.mathblaster.com/Parents1/Users.aspxhttp://www.khanacademy.org/coach/dashboard
Ali IbnTalib & MATH A person was about to die, and before dying he wrote his Will which went as follows ... "I have 17 Camels, and I have three sons. Divide my Camels in such a way, that My eldest son gets half of them, the second one gets 1/3rd of the total and my youngest son gets 1/9th of the total number of Camels" After his death when the relatives read his will they got extremely perplexed and said to each other that how can we divide 17 camels like this. So they all came to the door of Ali (RATA) and put forward their problem. Ali (RATA) said, "Ok. I will divide the camels as per the man's will."
Ali ibnTalib & MATH • Ali (RATA) said, • "I will lend one of my camels to the total which makes it 18 • (17+1=18), now lets divide as per his will" • The Eldest gets 1/2 of 18 = 9 • The second one gets 1/3 of 18 = 6 • The Youngest gets 1/9 of 18 = 2 • Now the total number of camels = 17 • Then Ali (RATA) said, "Now I will take my Camel back"
Math Olympiads Math Problem solving contests for teams of up to 35 students in grades 4 through 8. • Goals: • To stimulate enthusiasm and a love for Mathematics • To introduce important Mathematical concepts • To teach major strategies for problem solving • To develop Mathematical flexibility in solving problems • To strengthen Mathematical intuition • To foster Mathematical creativity and ingenuity • To provide for the satisfaction, joy, and thrill of meeting challenges
Grading Policy • Class work & Participation: 20% • Homework: 20% • Test: 30% • Quiz: 20% • Project: 10%
Attendance Policy • * If a Child is Tardy 3 times it is equal to 1 absence. • * If your Child has 3 absences, you will be asked to schedule a meeting with the Administration.
Class Rules These are the rules we will follow this year to learn, play, and have fun.
Classroom Rules • Follow the steps of Prophet Muhammad (SWT). • Think before we speak. • Respect and be kind to others. • Listen carefully to directions, and obey them. • Be attentive, work hard and dream big. • Leave excuses outside the school
Hall Rules • Obey all our school rules. • Respect our school’s property. • Be quiet in lines, hallways, and restrooms. • Walk only, no running. • Stay in line • Walk on the right side of the staircases.
Lunchtime Rules • Stand in line quietly and wait your turn to be served. • Don’t play with or throw your food. • Clean your table before you leave. • Walk only, no running. • Don’t take food out of the cafeteria.
Our Promises • We will get along with each other and with our teachers. • We will be friendly to everyone. • We will be kind to each other: No putdowns, making fun of, or singling out anyone. • We will take turns and share. • We will respect others’ property.
Contact Info. • Email: • Msmaryamkhan5grade@gmail.com • http://www.agehomeworkspot.com/