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CST Review Jeopardy. The North . The South. Civil War. Reconstruction. Growing America. Industrialization. 100. 100. $100. $100. 100. $100. 100. $100. $100. 100. 100. X. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 200. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 300. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400. 400.

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  1. CST Review Jeopardy The North The South Civil War Reconstruction Growing America Industrialization 100 100 $100 $100 100 $100 100 $100 $100 100 100 X 200 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 500

  2. The North- 100 People who were against slavery Abolitionist

  3. The North- 200 The movement for women’s voting rights was called Women’s suffrage

  4. The North- 300 The period of rapid growth that introduced machines in manufacturing and production Industrial Revolution

  5. The North- 400 This white abolitionist led a failed slave rebellion at Harper’s Ferry, Virginia John Brown

  6. The North- 500 Doctrine of nullification was based on this theory? • state’s rights

  7. The South - 100 This Northerner’s invention made cotton profitable. Eli Whitney

  8. The South - 200 Slave from Virginia, who led the most violent slave revolt in the US Nat Turner

  9. The South - 300 What led the newspapers to speak of “Bleeding Kansas” in 1856? Kansas-Nebraska Act

  10. The South - 400 This controversial Supreme Court case overruled the Missouri Compromise. Dred Scott Decision

  11. The South - 500 In order to announce candidacy for Illinois senate and gain voter support __________ and ___________ debated the issue of slavery expansion in the west Lincoln and Douglas

  12. The Civil War - 100 Command Confederate Army Robert E. Lee

  13. The Civil War - 200 Abraham Lincoln freed slaves in Confederate states with this document Emancipation Proclamation

  14. The Civil War - 300 The battle became the turning point of the Civil War Battle of Gettysburg

  15. The Civil War - 400 This speech given by Lincoln on Nov. 19, 1863, related to the Declaration of Independence because both supported the ideals of self government. Gettysburg Address

  16. The Civil War - 500 To sort out the terms of surrender, the Union and Confederate leaders met at a home in the small town of Appomattox

  17. Reconstruction - 100 Who assassinated Abraham Lincoln? John Wilkes Booth

  18. Reconstruction- 200 What did the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment have in common? Intended to correct injustices created by slavery

  19. Reconstruction- 300 Local governments did not do much to stop this violent group from obtaining power in the South Ku Klux Klan

  20. Reconstruction - 400 During Reconstruction what group established schools and provided supplies and other services to former slaves Freedmen’s Bureau

  21. Reconstruction- 500 Some examples of these are a literacy test and poll tax Jim Crow Laws

  22. Growing America- 100 What was completed in Promontory, Utah in 1869 Transcontinental Railroad

  23. Growing America- 200 Indian policy during the late 1800s forced Native Americans to live in these areas reservations

  24. Growing America- 300 In the late 1800s many entrepreneurs formed their businesses as Corporations

  25. Growing America- 400 The organization created on behalf of farmers National Grange

  26. Growing America- 500 This law made it illegal to create a monopoly or trust that restrained trade Sherman Antitrust Act

  27. Industrialization-100 The majority of “new immigrants” who arrived to the United States in the early 1900s were from Southern and Eastern Europe

  28. Industrialization - 200 What did Alexander Graham Bell invent? The telephone

  29. Industrialization - 300 Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Leland Stanford, and J.P. Morgan were all Powerful industrialists

  30. Industrialization - 400 Edison held more than a thousand of these exclusive rights to make or sell inventions patents

  31. Industrialization - 500 How was the Knights of Labor organization different from the American Federation of Labor? Both skilled and unskilled workers were members of the Knights of Labor

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