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SGHS-ITL GENERAL ACCOUNTING PROCEDURES AND INFORMATION . Collecting money!!! How to make our lives easier……. All funds must be receipted in an official GCS receipt book. RECEIPT BOOKS are available from the bookkeeper and must be signed for when issued and returned.
All funds must be receipted in an official GCS receipt book. • RECEIPT BOOKS are available from the bookkeeper and must be signed for when issued and returned. • Items sold for .99 or less can be documented on a list receipt sheet in replace of writing individual receipts, see 13-2 LIST RECEIPT FORM.
Bring your money to me… • Receipts are to be written with the student’s name and the WHITE copy given to the payee. • The YELLOW receipt copy is to be turned in with all money daily to the bookkeeper by 2:15pm.
All MONEY and YELLOW tickets must match when turned in to the bookkeeper and a TEACHER’S REPORT TO SCHOOL TREASURER will be completedby the teacher; which will summarize your deposit. • You must indicate which account and what the funds are to be used for in your summary. A summary sheet may be helpful: see DEPOSIT SUMMARY FORM
This Teacher’s Report slip will be stapled to the last PINK copy of the receipts used that day. All receipt books will be totaled, summarized, and signed on the back cover when complete and returned to the bookkeeper.
All fundraiser must have prior approval in writing and meet county policies. • Refer to accounting handbook pages 5-1 for detail instructions. • (SEE BOOKKEEPER) A summary form should be completed after the fundraiser is concluded • Fundraising request and summary forms are available from the bookkeeper. (attached)
PURCHASING • Purchases using school funds must be accompanied with a Purchase Order. • A Purchase Order number guarantees the vendor a payment of the exact amount shown. A quote including sales tax and shipping totals must be supplied in order for the bookkeeper to create the PO. Contact information and other details should be turned in to the bookkeeper. • The bookkeeper will send the PO along with the order information to the vender to confirm the order.
If a purchase order is not accepted by the Vendor there are a few options. • Find a new vendor….Please remember, we do not have school charge cards…… • Make a purchase with personal funds. • ONLY with PRIOR APPROVAL can you be reimbursed for purchases you spend from personal funds. See 13-7 PRIOR APPROVAL FOR REIMBURSEMENT FORM