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WHAT CAN TECHNOLOGY DO. THAN YOU SEE. Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting. GSCNC 20,100 eCards sent out last year! 10,039 Girls. The fastest, easiest way for girls to reach high goals!. 2011-2012 Next Generation Cookie Club Pilot. Cookie Club Legacy. Cookie Club Next Generation.

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  1. WHAT CAN TECHNOLOGY DO THAN YOU SEE Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting.

  2. GSCNC 20,100 eCards sent out last year! 10,039 Girls The fastest, easiest way for girls to reach high goals!

  3. 2011-2012 Next Generation Cookie Club Pilot Cookie Club Legacy Cookie Club Next Generation https://cookieclubpilot.littlebrowniebakers.com

  4. Cookie Club Legacy Next Gen Cookie Club THE DIFFERENCE • After council admin sets up their • council in eBudde Troop Leaders visit CC • and log in using their eBudde login credentials • Parents can create an account and • register their girls (must be exact same • name as appears in eBudde) by SU & Troop # • Cookies and prices are defined in eBudde • Gift of Caring name is set by council • admin in Cookie Club • Girls will send eCards to friends and family as well as record any paper order on their Next Gen Cookie Club account • Council admin and troop leader • use eBudde login credentials • Girls are set up by troop leaders • Girls log in with credentials supplied • by their troop leader • Cookies, prices and Gift of Caring • are defined in eBudde • Gift of Caring name is set by • council admin in Cookie Club Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting.

  5. Next Generation Cookie Club THE BENEFIT • Log in page helps differentiate between Legacy and Next Generation systems • Enhanced deliverability of e-cards and ability for senders to confirm e-cards sent • Ability for senders to know when e-cards were opened by recipients • Ability for senders to know who opted-out of e-cards • Ability to export and print file of cookies ordered • Ability to filter/sort paid orders from non-paid orders • Printer friendly feature for individual orders to aid in cookie delivery • System ability to display cookie varieties and Gift of Caring option • Family submission of orders • Enhanced reporting capabilities Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting.

  6. Timeline Cookie Club Setup eBudde Council Sets Up Cookie Club Council Activates Cookie Club Council Activates Ask Module Council Sets Up eBudde • Rollover 2011 troop data for 2012 • SUCM update Troop users information • Upload membership data by 12/10/2011 • Set Pricing • Create council message • Cookie Club Order due date set at 1/20/2012 (date orders are due from families to TCM) • Opens CC so girls can set up contacts on 12/12/2011 • TCM adds girls to eBudde not uploaded • Council activates Ask feature 1/18/2012 • The sale is now open and girls can “Ask” family and friends.

  7. COUNCIL SET UP Ask eCard that goes to family and friends.

  8. COUNCILCOOKIE PRICES These prices are reflected on CC orders.

  9. ORDER DUE DATE 1/20/2012 The date in Next Gen for parents to submit girls initial order (final in Cookie Club). Additional cookie needs are handled as in the past.

  10. COUNCIL ACTIVATES ASK MODULE Activated on December 18, 2011 with the start of the Cookie program. The ask feature becomes available for girls to send eCards to supporters.

  11. GIFT OF CARING Set up GOC in eBudde Donated packages become available for Orders in Cookie Club.

  12. NEXT GEN CC AVAILABLE The ask feature becomes available to users. Cookie Club is available for login. **Caution, if Troops are not set up with contacts in eBudde, CC will be open, but Troops without eBudde access will not be able to login.

  13. SETTING UP EBUDDE The Troop Leader View

  14. TROOP LOGIN • Council • Service Unit • Leader name…Troop 1001 • Leader name…Troop 1002 • Leader name…Troop 1003 • Cookie Club accepts Leaders’ eBudde login credentials. • This means that there is no confusion when a Troop Volunteer changes troops as long as the info is updated in eBudde. • Her new troop is set up in eBudde, so Cookie Club pulls in the correct troop.


  16. 2011-2012 Cookie Club Help Inquiries & Issues Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting. • Inquiries related to council set-up- Contact your Assn/SU Volunteer • Log in problems - users must be set up in eBudde before logging into Cookie Club • Can’t send e-cards – Ask module opening is set by the council admin • Gift of Caring not an option - option is set by the council admin and will be done prior to activating the ASK module • For council questions, contact jcarlson@gscnc.org • Cookie Club Help responsiveness • Team is monitoring emails daily and closing any open inquiries/issues


  18. ENTERING COOKIE ORDERS The Parent/Girl View

  19. Submit


  21. Next Gen ReportsTroop Leader View Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting. • Troop leader logs in and clicks on “Get Your Reports” • Troop leader can select from the list of reports to view the detailed reports • Troop leaders can also select an archive to export a CSV file to their desktop

  22. Troop Leader Reports Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting.

  23. Important Tips • Troop leaders will have trouble logging in if they are not set up in eBudde. • Even if they were set up last year, it doesn’t matter. They need a set up for this year. • Users may not understand why they can’t use the Ask module right away. It will be available Dec. 18, 2011 Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting.

  24. Questions / Discussions Contact : Julie Carlson, GSCNC Manager of Product Sales jcarlson@gscnc.org 202.274.3332 800.523.7898 ext 232 Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting. Celebrating 100 years of Girl Scouting.

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