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Snark Hunting Using Millennium for ACRL Annual Statistics

Snark Hunting Using Millennium for ACRL Annual Statistics. Matt Polcyn 2009 OPAL Conference. Using Millennium for ACRL Annual Statistics. Focusing on statistics that can be ferreted out of Millennium More than one way to do it Can feel like a “snark hunt” at times.

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Snark Hunting Using Millennium for ACRL Annual Statistics

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  1. Snark HuntingUsing Millennium for ACRL Annual Statistics Matt Polcyn 2009 OPAL Conference

  2. Using Millennium for ACRL Annual Statistics Focusing on statistics that can be ferreted out of Millennium More than one way to do it Can feel like a “snark hunt” at times

  3. Image from: “The Hunting of the Snark” by Lewis Carroll, eBooks@Adelaide

  4. Q1: Volumes held end of year Q1a: Volumes held beginning of year Q1b: Net Volumes added during year Q1b(i): Volumes added (gross) Q1b(ii): Volumes withdrawn Part 2: Volumes

  5. Part 2: Volumes • Q1a = Volumes held beginning of year • Q1b = Net volumes added during year = Q1b(i) – Q1b(ii) = Additions - withdraws • Q1 = Q1a + Q1b • Q1 = Q1a + (Q1b(i) – Q1b(ii))

  6. Instructions: Must be “cataloged, classified and made ready for use” Includes: Periodicals (even those shelved in alphabetical order) Government documents Part 2: Volumes

  7. Excludes: Microforms Maps Non-print materials (videos, cds, etc.) Part 2: Volumes

  8. Part 2: Volumes • Q1a: At beginning of year, create a list of items to be included • Q1b(i): At end of year, create a list of included items created between beginning and ending of year • Q1b(ii): At end of year, create a list of items withdrawn during year

  9. Part 2: Volumes • Fill into equation: Q1 = Q1a + (Q1b(i) – Q1b(ii))

  10. Part 2: Volumes Q2: Number of monographic volumes purchased • If using acquisitions module: • Create list of order records for monographic purchases • Generate Mil Stats “field stats” report, looking at “piece count” column • Requires coding the order record volumes field accurately

  11. Q2: Monographic volumes purchased

  12. Q2: Monographic volumes purchased

  13. Part 4: Expenditures Q15: Total Library Materials Expenditures • Q15a: Monographs • Q15b: Serial titles, including periodicals • Q15c: Other library materials • Serial backfiles, charts, maps, av materials, etc. • Q15d: Miscellaneous • Bib utilities, memberships, security equipment

  14. Q15: Expenditures • Using acquisitions module: • Create hierarchical fund codes on most atomic level possible • Use “fund hierarchy” groupings to combine all monographic or serial funds • Use “old hierarchy” numbers since reporting is a year behind

  15. Q15: Expenditures

  16. Q15: Expenditures

  17. Q15: Expenditures OR: • Use one of the order record code fields (CODE1, CODE2 or CODE3) to indicate which grouping record should fall into • Generate report at fiscal year end: • Create list of records with payments during period • Create a Mil Stats “field stats” report based orders in that list

  18. Q15: Expenditures

  19. Q15: Expenditures

  20. Q15: Expenditures

  21. Q15: Expenditures …. Might be simpler to use data from business office.

  22. Part 6: Circulation • Q32: Number of initial circulations excluding renewals • Q33: Total checkouts which include renewals • Instructions: Exclude reserves or checkouts when on reserve

  23. Q32: Number of initial circulations • Use Web Management Reports Circulation Crosstab • Need to use Crosstab report to allow excluding circulations for reserve material

  24. Q32: Number of initial circulations BUT WAIT …. • Instructions ambiguous: • Should you include your own items picked up at another institution??

  25. Image from: “The Hunting of the Snark” by Lewis Carroll, eBooks@Adelaide

  26. Web Management Reports: • Two interfaces: • Spreadsheet interface: http://cat.opal-libraries.org/iii/webrpt • Browser interface: http://cat.opal-libraries.org/manage • Use spreadsheet interface if you need to exclude data from the system generated report

  27. Crosstab via spreadsheet interface

  28. Crosstab via spreadsheet interface

  29. Crosstab via spreadsheet interface

  30. Crosstab via spreadsheet interface

  31. Crosstab via spreadsheet interface

  32. Crosstab via spreadsheet interface

  33. Crosstab via spreadsheet interface

  34. Crosstab via spreadsheet interface

  35. Q33: Total checkouts including renewals AGAIN: • Use Web Management Reports Circulation Crosstab • Need to use Crosstab report to allow excluding circulations for reserve materials

  36. Renewal crosstab via spreadsheet

  37. Part 6: ILL • Q34: Filled requests provided to other libraries • Q35: Filled requests received from other libraries or providers • Tricky instructions: • Include electronic copies sent • Exclude requests for locally owned and available on shelves • Emphasis on “filled” requests

  38. Part 6: ILL (cont.) • Q34: Filled requests to: • OPAL • OhioLINK via PCIRC • OCLC • Q35: Filled requests from: • OPAL • OhioLINK via PCIRC • OCLC

  39. Q34a: Filled request to OPAL • Use circulation crosstab for checkouts: • Generate report for appropriate date period • Remove stats for others’ items • Remove stats for your patrons • Remove system generated totals • Use Excel to sum

  40. Q34b: Filled request to OhioLINK • Use OhioLINK Web Management Reports Fulfillments report http://olc1.ohiolink.edu/manage • Generate report • Look for your institution as “owning site” • Exclude fulfillments to your own institution AND to other OPAL institutions

  41. Fulfillments to OhioLINK report

  42. Fulfillments to OhioLINK report

  43. Fulfillments to OhioLINK report

  44. Q35a: Filled request from OPAL • Use circulation crosstab report for checkouts: • Generate report for appropriate date period • Remove stats for your items • Remove stats for others’ patrons • Remove system generated totals • Use Excel to sum

  45. Q35b: Filled request from OhioLINK AGAIN: • Use OhioLINK Web Management Reports Fulfillments report http://olc1.ohiolink.edu/manage • Generate report • Look for your institution as “borrowing site” • Exclude fulfillments from your own institution AND other OPAL institutions

  46. Fulfillments from OhioLINK report

  47. Part 6: ILL • Q34c and Q35c can be found at: http://www.stats.oclc.org • Q34 = Q34a + Q34b + Q34c • Q35 = Q35a + Q35b + Q35c

  48. Part 7: Networked Resources Q51b: Number of virtual visits to library’s catalog • Can get estimates of usage from Google Analytics reports, however: • Can’t associate off-campus searches with specific library • Can only provide on-campus stats • May not be able to separate in-library use

  49. Additional Resources Elluminate Training: http://www.opal-libraries.org Resources and Support Training Elluminate Training Archives CSDirect: http://csdirect.iii.com Ask opalhelp@ohionet.org for username and password

  50. Questions?? Image from: “The Hunting of the Snark” by Lewis Carroll, eBooks@Adelaide

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