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Resisting Violence Against Women. Gendered Violence. Masculine entitlements produce power that manifests itself in harm and injury toward women (physical, sexual, emotional, psychological). Facts about Violence. Women are 10 times more likely than men to be victimized by intimate partners
Gendered Violence • Masculine entitlements produce power that manifests itself in harm and injury toward women (physical, sexual, emotional, psychological)
Facts about Violence • Women are 10 times more likely than men to be victimized by intimate partners • Both men and women can perpetrate violence • Violence occurs in all types of relationships
Violence Against Women Statistics • Sexual assault occurs every 2 minutes • Rape occurs every 8 minutes • 56 women are victimized by an intimate partner every hour (National Crime Victimization Survey)
Violence Against Women Act • 1994: VAWA and subsequent legislation created new federal interstate domestic violence, stalking and firearms crimes, strengthened federal penalties for repeat sex offenders, and required states and territories to enforce protection orders issued by other states, tribes and territories. • VAWA also created legal relief for battered immigrants that prevented abusers from using immigration law to control victims and established the toll-free National Domestic Violence Hotline. • Additionally, VAWA authorized funds to support battered women's shelters, rape prevention education, domestic violence intervention and prevention programs, and programs to improve law enforcement, prosecution, court, and victim services responses to violence against women. (www.ncdsv.org)
Office on Violence Against Women • Created in 1995, administers the VAWA grant programs, handles the Department of Justice's (DOJ) legal and policy issues regarding violence against women, coordinates Departmental efforts, provides national and international leadership, receives international visitors interested in learning abut the federal government's role in addressing violence against women, provides technical assistance to communities across the country (including tribal communities) and responds to requests for information regarding violence against women. In 2003, OVW became an independent office within the DOJ, headed by a Presidentially-appointed director who reports to the Attorney General (www.ncdsv.org)
VAWA 2005 • On January 5, 2006, the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) of 2005 was signed into law by former U.S. President George W. Bush. VAWA 2005 took a more holistic approach to addressing violence against women and addresses domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking. In addition to enhancing criminal and civil justice and community-based responses to violence, VAWA 2005 created notable new focus areas such as: • Developing prevention strategies to stop violence before it starts; • Protecting individuals from unfair eviction due to their status as victims of domestic violence or stalking; • Creating the first federal funding stream to support rape crisis centers; • Developing culturally- and linguistically-specific services for communities; • Enhancing programs and services for victims with disabilities; and • Broadening VAWA service provisions to include children and teenagers. (www.nnedv.org)
Current Status of VAWA • The current authorization expired at the end of 2011. It was recommended for reauthorization in November 2011. To date it has not been reauthorized. • International Violence Against Women Act of 2010: never became law.
Stalking • A course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to feel fear • 3.4 million people over the age of 18 are stalked each year in the US • 3 out of 4 victims are stalked by someone they know
Rape and Sexual Assault • Approximately 95% of reported sexual assaults are against females • 1 in 3 – 1 in 4 women will experience sexual assault in their lifetime • Half of all females raped are under the age of 18; one fifth are under the age of 12
Battering and Physical Abuse • It is estimated that in the US one woman is battered every 20 seconds – 2 to 4 million women each year • Why do women remain in abusive relationships? • Shame, guilt, low self-esteem, become desensitized, “normalize” the behavior, become physically isolated, cannot financially support themselves, nowhere to go, believe they will be killed or their children will be killed if they leave
Incest/Abuse By a Person in a Position of Trust • Incest: sexual abuse by a family member or someone with a kinship role • Trust and power imbalances: teachers, babysitters, coaches, priests, scout leaders
Pornography • Soft porn – hard core, snuff films, child pornography • Internet pornography • Internet prostitution – sex trafficking • sexandmoneyfilm.com/
Campus Resources • Office of Victim Assistance • University Police Department • Women’s Resource Center • Wardenburg Health Center