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23. February 2012 Plenary Talk: Prof. em. Klaus Ammann, University of Bern, Switzerland ‚GENOMIC MISCONCEPTION‘ and why we need a new regulation of GM crops. Natural Mutation and Genetic Engineering (transfer of genes over natural barriers) Have the same molecular processes.
23. February 2012 Plenary Talk: Prof. em. Klaus Ammann, University of Bern, Switzerland ‚GENOMIC MISCONCEPTION‘ and why we need a new regulation of GM crops
Natural Mutation and Genetic Engineering (transfer of genes over natural barriers) Have the same molecular processes Arber, W. (2010) Genetic engineering compared to natural genetic variations. New Biotechnology, 27, 5, pp 517-521 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Vatican-PAS-Studyweek-Elsevier-publ-20101130/Arber-Werner-PAS-Genetic-Engineering-Compared-20101130-publ.pdf
Interestingly, naturally occurring molecular evolution, i.e. the spontaneous generation of genetic variants has been seen to follow exactly the same three strategies as those used in genetic engineering14. These three strategies are (after W. Arber, Nobel Laureate 1978) (a) small local changes in the nucleotide sequences, (b) internal reshuffling of genomic DNA segments, and (c) acquisition of usually rather small segments of DNA from another type of organism by horizontal gene transfer. Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf Arber, W. (2011) Genetic Variation and Molecular Darwinism. In Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/3527600906.mcb.200300093.pub2 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Arber-Genetic-Variation-Molecular-Evolution-2011.pdf
Fig. 1 Synoptical presentation of major elements of the theory of molecular evolution. A number of specific mechanisms contribute, each with its own characteristics to the four groups of mechanisms of genetic variation listed. Each of the specific mechanisms follows one (and sometimes more than one) of the three principal, qualitatively different strategies of genetic variation. Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf Arber, W. (2011) Genetic Variation and Molecular Darwinism. In Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/3527600906.mcb.200300093.pub2 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Arber-Genetic-Variation-Molecular-Evolution-2011.pdf
However, there is a principal difference between the procedures of genetic engineering and those serving in nature for biological evolution. While the genetic engineer pre-reflects his alteration and verifies its results, nature places its genetic variations more randomly and largely independent of an identified goal. After ca. 10 years of testing the GM crops are brought to the field by millions in a few years Arber, W. (2002) Roots, strategies and prospects of functional genomics. Current Science, 83, 7, pp 826-828 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Arber-Comparison-2002.pdf Arber, W. (2011) Genetic Variation and Molecular Darwinism. In Encyclopedia of Molecular Cell Biology and Molecular Medicine. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/3527600906.mcb.200300093.pub2 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Arber-Genetic-Variation-Molecular-Evolution-2011.pdf
Changes in gene expression in MON810 vs. near-isogenic maize lines Aristis Bt vs. Aristis and PR33P67 vs. PR33P66. Each point represents one gene in the maize Affymetrix microarray. The log odds for differential expression of all genes, estimated from the RMA analysis of the data were plotted against the estimated log2 fold changes. Thus, a twofold increase or decrease in the level of a given transcript corresponds to 1 or -1, respectively. Bold, sequences further analyzed by real-time RT-PCR. From (Coll et al., 2008) The Graph in fig. 2 demonstrates clearly that genomic variability can be more substantial among the non-transgenic traits (right) in the analyzed traits than in a comparison between GM- and non-GM maize traits (left). Coll, A., Nadal, A., Palaudelmàs, M., Messeguer, J., Melé, E., Puigdomènech, P., & Pla, M. (2008) Lack of repeatable differential expression patterns between MON810 and comparable commercial varieties of maize. Plant Molecular Biology, 68, 1, pp 105-117 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Coll-Lack-Repeatable-Differenciation-Maize-2008.pdf
Intrinsic Value in organic plant breeding questionable Scientifically incorrect molecular concepts in Organic Farming van Bueren, E.T.L., Struik, P.C., Tiemens-Hulscher, M., & Jacobsen, E. (2003) Concepts of intrinsic value and integrity of plants in organic plant breeding and propagation. Crop Science, 43, 6, pp 1922-1929 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Organic/van-Bueren-Organicbreeding.pdf
Comparative microarray analysis demonstrates, that transcriptomic disturbances are more important in conventional crops when compared to isolines of transgenic crops Barros, E., Lezar, S., Anttonen, M.J., Dijk, J.P.v., Röhlig, R.M., Kok, E.J., & Engel, K.-H. 2010 Comparison of two GM maize varieties with a near-isogenic non-GM variety using transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 8, 4, pp 436-451 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Barros-Comparison-GM-crops-2010.pdf Batista, R., Saibo, N., Lourenco, T., & Oliveira, M.M. (2008) Microarray analyses reveal that plant mutagenesis may induce more transcriptomic changes than transgene insertion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, 9, pp 3640-3645 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Batista-Microarray-Analysis-2008.pdf AND http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Transgenesis-Comparison-Slides.pdf A ND Http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Transgenesis-Comparison-Slides.ppt Baudo, M.M., Lyons, R., Powers, S., Pastori, G.M., Edwards, K.J., Holdsworth, M.J., & Shewry, P.R. (2006) Transgenesis has less impact on the transcriptome of wheat grain than conventional breeding. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 4, 4, pp 369-380 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Organic/Baudo-Impact-2006.pdf AND http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Transgenesis-Comparison-Slides.pdf AND http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Transgenesis-Comparison-Slides.ppt Shewry, P.R., Baudo, M., Lovegrove, A., & Powers, S. (2007) Are GM and conventionally bred cereals really different? Trends in Food Science & Technology, 18, 4, pp 201-209 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Wheat/Shewry-Are-GM-Convent-Cereals-different-2007.pdf
Scatter plot representation of transcriptome comparisons, Baudo et al. 2006 Baudo: comparison in genomic disturbance: GM crops are less disturbed (black dots) than classic breeds transgenic vs. control endosperm 14 dpa 28 dpa 8 dpg Baudo, M.M., Lyons, R., Powers, S., Pastori, G.M., Edwards, K.J., Holdsworth, M.J., & Shewry, P.R. (2006) Transgenesis Has Less Impact on the Transcriptome of Wheat Grain Than Conventional Breeding. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 4, 4, pp 369-380 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Organic/Baudo-Impact-2006.pdf Shewry, P.R. & Jones, H.D. (2005) Transgenic Wheat: Where Do We Stand after the First 12 Years? Annals of Applied Biology, 147, 1, pp 1-14 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Organic/Shewry-Performance-2006.pdf 2 conventional lines Endosperm 14 dpa 28 dpa leaf at 8 dpg transgenic vs. conventional Endosperm 14 dpa 28 dpa leaf at 8 dpg
Explanation of the graphs in Baudo Dots in black represent statistically significant, differentially expressed genes (DEG) at an arbitrary cut off > 1.5. The inner line on each graph represents no change in expression. The offset dashed lines are set at a relative expression cut-off of twofold. Coloured dots: relative gene expression levels: reds indicate overexpression, yellows average expression, greens under-expression. Example b) middle in slide 6: 2 conventional lines compared in Endosperm at 28 dpa Scatter plot representation of transcriptome comparisons Dots represent the normalized relative expression level of each arrayed gene for the transcriptome comparisons described
Full caption of slide 6 Full caption of slide 6: Scatter plot representation of transcriptome comparisons of: (a) transgenic B102-1-1 line vs. control L88-31 line in endosperm at 14 dpa (left), 28 dpa (middle) or leaf at 8 dpg (right); (b) conventionally bred L88-18 vs. L88-31 line in endosperm at 14 dpa (left), 28 dpa (middle), or leaf at 8 dpg (right); (c) transgenic B102-1-1 line vs. conventionally bred L88-18 line in endosperm at 14 dpa (left), 28 dpa (middle), or leaf at 8 dpg (right). Dots represent the normalized relative expression level of each arrayed gene for the transcriptome comparisons described. Dots in black represent statistically significant, differentially expressed genes (DEG) at an arbitrary cut off > 1.5. The inner line on each graph represents no change in expression. The offset dashed lines are set at a relative expression cut-off of twofold. In the adjacent coloured bar (rectangle on the far right of the figure), the vertical axis represents relative gene expression levels: reds indicate overexpression, yellows average expression, and greens under-expression. Values are expressed as n-fold changes. The horizontal axis of this bar represents the degree to which data can be trusted: dark or unsaturated colour represents low trust and bright or saturated colour represents high trust.
Differences observed in gene expression in the endosperm between conventionally bred material were much larger in comparison to differences between transgenic and untransformed lines exhibiting the same complements of gluten subunits. These results suggest that the presence of the transgenes did not significantly alter gene expression and that, at this level of investigation, transgenic plants could be considered substantially equivalent to untransformed parental lines.
Batista Microarray analysis: Mutagenesis versus Transgenesis, transcriptome changes • Batista, R., Saibo, N., Lourenco, T., & Oliveira, M.M. (2008) • Microarray analyses reveal that plant mutagenesis may induce more transcriptomic changes than transgene insertion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, 9, pp 3640-3645 • http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Batista-Microarray-Analysis-2008.pdf
Leister, D. (2005) Origin, evolution and genetic effects of nuclear insertions of organelle DNA. Trends in Genetics, 21, 12, pp 655-663 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Leister-Origin-Evolution-Genetic-Effects-2005.pdf
“The close similarity of the up- and downstream regions with the corresponding regions in P. palustris excludes all suggestions that PgiC2 is not a HGT but the result of a duplication within the F. ovina lineage. The small size of the genetic material transferred, the complex nature of the PgiC2 locus, and the associated fragment with transposition associated properties suggest that the horizontal transfer occurred via a vector and not via illegitimate pollination.” Vallenback, P., Ghatnekar, L., & Bengtsson, B.O. (2010) Structure of the Natural Transgene PgiC2 in the Common Grass Festuca ovina. PLoS One, 5, 10, pp e13529 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Vallenback-Structure-Natural-Transgene-2010.pdf
Development time and frequency of transposition differ in mutations caused by the insertion of different defective Spm elements. If transposition takes place late in the development, the clones of revertent cells are small and therefore so are the pigmented spots (a) . If transposition takes place at about the same time but at a lower frequency, there are fewer such clones and fewer spots (b). If the transposition that resores gene function takes place earlier, the revertant clones and the spots of the pigmented tissue are larger (c). From (Fedoroff, 1984). Fedoroff, N.V. (1984) Transposable genetic elements in maize [Corn, Zea mays]. Scientific American, 250, pp 64-74 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Fedoroff-transposable-Elements-Maize-1984.pdf
Landrace preserved as a cultivar from Thusis, Eastern Switzerland, visualizing the colorful dynamics of transposition: Photo Klaus Ammann
A natural transgenic grass widespread in Europe Ghatnekar, L., Jaarola, M., & Bengtsson, B.O. (2006) The introgression of a functional nuclear gene from Poa to Festuca ovina. Proceedings: Biological Sciences, 273, 1585, pp 395 - 399 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Mutations/Gathnekar-Transgen-Festuca.pdf
The upstream sequence of PgiC2, drawn to scale, with boundaries identified by sequence comparisons with other PgiC genes. TAF: Transgene Associated Transgene Vallenback, P., Ghatnekar, L., & Bengtsson, B.O. (2010) Structure of the Natural Transgene PgiC2 in the Common Grass Festuca ovina. PLoS One, 5, 10, pp e13529 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Genomics/Vallenback-Structure-Natural-Transgene-2010.pdf
Kogel et al. 2010: In summary, our results substantially extend observations that cultivar-specific differences in transcriptome and metabolome greatly exceed effects caused by transgene expression. Furthermore, we provide evidence that, (i) the impact of a low number of alleles on the global transcript and metabolite profile is stronger than transgene expression Kogel, K.-H., Voll, L.M., Schaefer, P., Jansen, C., Wu, Y., Langen, G., Imani, J., Hofmann, J.r., Schmiedl, A., Sonnewald, S., von Wettstein, D., Cook, R.J., & Sonnewald, U. (2010) Transcriptome and metabolome profiling of field-grown transgenic barley lack induced differences but show cultivar-specific variances. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 14, pp 6198-6203 <Go to ISI>://WOS:000276374400016 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Kogel-Transcriptome-Metabolome-2010.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Kogel-Transcriptome-Metabolome-Supporting-2010.pdf
Old, untargeted methods in former decades: • Colchicin application: it is a toxin enhancing the number of mutations, doubling chromosome numbers and produce haploid (one chromosome set) for breeding UNCONTROLLABLE EFFECT • Radiation mutation breeding: hundreds of cases, including Durum Wheat for pasta. All those methods produce uncontrolled changes in genomes, more transcriptomic disturbance than genetic engineering. • Primarily uncontrollable effects, later eliminated through repair mechanisms and breeders selection
Kogel, K.-H., Voll, L.M., Schaefer, P., Jansen, C., Wu, Y., Langen, G., Imani, J., Hofmann, J.r., Schmiedl, A., Sonnewald, S., von Wettstein, D., Cook, R.J., & Sonnewald, U. (2010) Transcriptome and metabolome profiling of field-grown transgenic barley lack induced differences but show cultivar-specific variances. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107, 14, pp 6198-6203 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Kogel-Transcriptome-Metabolome-2010.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Kogel-Transcriptome-Metabolome-Supporting-2010.pdf PCA of transcriptome data. PCA was performed based on data from two replicate hybridizations per genotype and treatment. RNA was extracted from aliquots of pooled sample material also used for metabolome analysis. From the 1,660 genes differentially expressed between cultivars B and GP (Table S3), five of the most significant ones were confirmed by qRT-PCR analysis of independent sample aliquots (Fig. S2B). GP, Golden Promise; B, Baronesse; ChGP, Chitinase GP; GluB, Glucanase B; M, Amykor treatment. From (Kogel et al., 2010)
What Conclusions Can Be Drawn Regarding the Substantial Equivalence Concept? It is important to keep in mind that the standard proposed by the OECD/Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations/World Health Organization was substantial equivalence rather than total equivalence and that there is no specific statistical or biological basis to define “substantial” (Hoekenga, 2008). In other words, no “limits of concern” have been defined regarding differences. In addition, plant composition is usually variable even within a single variety. Pairwise differences between a GE line and its comparator are usually less than natural variability. Furthermore, near isogenic lines differ by a number of alleles, which could explain a number of differences attributed to transgenesis. Thus, the substantial equivalence concept cannot provide more than a guiding framework for evaluation. Ricroch, A.E., Berge, J.B., & Kuntz, M. (2011) Evaluation of genetically engineered crops using transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic profiling techniques. Plant Physiology, preview February 24, 2011, pp 26 http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/content/abstract/pp.111.173609v1 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-Crops-Omics-def-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl-T-II-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl-TI-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl.-References-S2-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl.-References-S4-2011.pdf
Nevertheless, the experience acquired after 15 years of GE crop commercialization has comforted the validity of this framework [Substantial Equivalence]. However, considering the highly polarized views on GE crops, it is important to notice that the opinions expressed previously by food safety agencies (i.e. general “equivalence” of authorized GE crops with non-GE comparators) have now been independently corroborated at the transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic levels by recently published omic comparisons (Table I). None of the published omic assessments has raised new safety concerns about marketed GE cultivars. Ricroch, A.E., Berge, J.B., & Kuntz, M. (2011) Evaluation of genetically engineered crops using transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic profiling techniques. Plant Physiology, preview February 24, 2011, pp 26 http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/content/abstract/pp.111.173609v1 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-Crops-Omics-def-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl-T-II-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl-TI-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl.-References-S2-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl.-References-S4-2011.pdf
Ricroch, A.E., Berge, J.B., & Kuntz, M. (2011) Evaluation of genetically engineered crops using transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic profiling techniques. Plant Physiology, preview February 24, 2011, pp 26 http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/content/abstract/pp.111.173609v1 AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Genomics/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-Crops-Omics-def-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl-T-II-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl-TI-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl.-References-S2-2011.pdf AND http://www.ask-force.org/web/Food/Ricroch-Evaluation-GE-crops-omics-Suppl.-References-S4-2011.pdf
Radiation breeding as field experiments Gamma Field for radiation breeding 100m radius 89 TBq Co-60 source at the center Shielding dike 8m high Better spaghettis, whisky 1800 new plants Institute of Radiation Breeding Ibaraki-ken, JAPAN http://www.irb.affrc.go.jp/
Reuters, May 10, 2010 UN's International Atomic Energy Agency since 1963, 2,252 new plant varieties, including Italian durum wheat, have been created using radioactive substances such as cobalt and X-rays. 70% of the crops under cultivation worldwide are radiation mutation varieties Charles Margulis of Greenpeace USA: "But now they tell us that scientists have been artificially hybridizing plants since the 1960s.That's, like, really uncool."
Radiation Mutation old to plant breeders, new to Activists: caused unjustified panics ca. 1960 Activists, supported by Jane Rissler, called for a ban, since those irradiated varieties have never been tested for food safety, which would have wiped out 70% of the food products on shelfs. Jane Rissler: “Compared to these plants, genetically modified food is about as dangerous as a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.” But excellent repair mechanisms working like zippers are reducing radiation damage considerably And worldwide there has been no correlation established between radiation mutation and negagtive food safety facts.
Fig. 2. Mitotic chromosomes in root tip cells of plants irradiated by N ion beam or X-ray. (A) Normal chromosomes of hexaploid wheat (2n = 42). (B) Chromosomes irradiated with 50 Gy of N ion beam. (C) Chromosomes irradiated with 200Gy of X-ray. (D) A pair of chromosome ‘J’ of L. racemosus in addition lines distinguished by in situ hybridization with the probe of genomic DNA (red) and subtelomeric repetitive sequence TaiI (green). (E) Chromosomes of L. racemosus visualized by GISH in the cell irradiated with 50 Gy of N ion beam. Arrows indicate chromosome fragments of L. racemosus. (F) L. racemosus chromosomes detected by GISH in the cell irradiated with 175Gy of X-ray. One L. racemosus chromosome was normal, and another was involved in reciprocal translocation (indicated by arrows). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of the article.) Kikuchi, S., Saito, Y., Ryuto, H., Fukunishi, N., Abe, T., Tanaka, H., & Tsujimoto, H. (2009) Effects of heavy-ion beams on chromosomes of common wheat, Triticum aestivum. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, 669, 1-2, pp 63-66 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Wheat/kikuchi-effects-heavy-ion-wheat-2009.pdf
Breeding methods in relation to the disturbance of genomic structures • National Research Council NAP (2004) • Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods: Approaches to Assessing Unintended Health Effects, NAP pp 255 Washington (Report)http://www.nap.edu/catalog/10977.html AND http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Food/NAP-Safety-GMO-Food-2004.pdf
FRANKENSTEIN (?) Durum Wheat, Triticum durum: all major breeds have gone though massive and inprecise radiation breeding, but with Important success unnecessary fearmongering
Old Risks Unwelcome Toxins related to traditional Breeding New Celery (Apium graveolens): Dermatitis because of high psoralen-content Diawara, M.M., Chavez, K.J., Simpleman, D., Williams, D.E., Franklin, M.R., & Hoyer, P.B. (2001) The psoralens adversely affect reproductive function in male wistar rats. Reproductive Toxicology, 15, 2, pp 137-144 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Allergy/Diawara-Psoralens-Rats-2001.pdf Potatoes: new Lenape: Had to be withdrawn from market due to high content of solanin Anonymous (1970) Name of potato variety Lenape withdrawn. American Journal of Potato Research, 47, 3, pp 103-103 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02864812 Akeley, R., Mills, W., Cunningham, C., & Watts, J. (1968) Lenape: A new potato variety high in solids and chipping quality. American Journal of Potato Research, 45, 4, pp 142-145 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/BF02863068
Good news for radiation mutants: Repair mechanisms of DNA mismatch: They are always at work. There is no real worry that radiation could permanently damage the genomes Bray, C.M. & West, C.E. (2005) DNA repair mechanisms in plants: crucial sensors and effectors for the maintenance of genome integrity. New Phytologist, 168, 3, pp 511-528 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Radiation-Mutants/bray-dna-repair-mechanisms-2005.pdf
Repair mechanism of DNA mismatch Are always at work There is no real Worry that radiation Could permanently Damage the genomes Bray, C.M. & West, C.E. (2005) DNA repair mechanisms in plants: crucial sensors and effectors for the maintenance of genome integrity. New Phytologist, 168, 3, pp 511-528 http://www.ask-force.org/web/Radiation-Mutants/bray-dna-repair-mechanisms-2005.pdf
CONCLUSIONS: Abolish the Genomic Misconception We need to reconcile contrasting agricultural management systems It is better to make peace between industrial agriculture and integrated and organic methods, since all those systems have advantages and disadvantages and we need to learn from each other instead of waging war. ORGANOTRANSGENICS
Farmer de Jonghe in the Netherlands, produces vegetables strictly according to organi standards Foto Claus Lange, Text Michael Miersch Weltwoche 06 2003
Old Order Amish farmers in Lancaster County North of Washington have partially adopted transgenic vegetables (Pennsylvania Enquirer Artikel 2000) Ammann K. & Truth about Science (1999) Electronic Source: Amish Farmers Grow Biotech Tobacco, Potatoes (ed T.a.T.a. Technology), published by: Truth about Trade and Technology http://www.ask-force.org/web/Amish/Amish-Farmers-Grow-Biotech-1999.PDF
Why organic farmers should use transgenic crops Ammann, K. (2008) Feature: Integrated farming: Why organic farmers should use transgenic crops, open source citations. New Biotechnology, 25, 2, pp 101 - 107 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/NewBiotech/Ammann-Opinion-Integrated-Farming-20080825-names-links-edited.pdf
Why high tech farmers should adopt Organic management Ammann, K. (2008) Feature: Integrated farming: Why organic farmers should use transgenic crops, open source citations. New Biotechnology, 25, 2, pp 101 - 107 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/NewBiotech/Ammann-Opinion-Integrated-Farming-20080825-names-links-edited.pdf Ammann, K. (2009) Feature: Why farming with high tech methods should integrate elements of organic agriculture. accepted, corrected proof, open links. New Biotechnology, 4, pp http://www.botanischergarten.ch/NewBiotech/Integrated-Farming-Biotech-Org-20090803-openlink.pdf
Ronald, P.C. & Adamchak, R.W. (2008) Tomorrow's Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food Oxford University Press, USA (April 18, 2008) IS: ISBN-10: 0195301757 ISBN-13: 978-0195301755 pp 232 Book review by J. Gressel 2009 http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Gressel-Book-Ronald-2009.pdf
Mixed message if you compare the impact of modern agriculture with organic farming: there are sometimes coming good results from organic farming, but also modern agriculture has its positive impact
Time needed for Bobwhite Quail chicks To satisfy daily insect requirements Fawcett, R. & Towery, D. (2002), Electronic Source: Conservation tillage and plant biotechnology: How new technologies can improve the environment by reducing the need to plow., published by: Purdue University, accessed: 2003 www.ctic.purdue.edu/CTIC/CTIC.html or http://www.botanischergarten.ch/HerbizideTol/Fawcett-BiotechPaper.pdf Conservation Tillage has been easily adopted with herbicide tolerant crops
Figure 1. Principal component analysis of microbial community structure observed in two depths of no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT) Dundee silt loam soil based on total fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) technique. No Tillage: ----------------------------------------------------- Tillage Zablotowicz, R.M., Accinelli, C., Krutz, L.J., & Reddy, K.N. (2009) Soil Depth and Tillage Effects on Glyphosate Degradation. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57, 11, pp 4867-4871 http://www.ask-force.org/web/HerbizideTol/Zablotowicz-Soil-Depth-Tillage-2009.pdf
Scale and landscape structure more important than differences in organic and conventional farming. Gabriel, D., Sait, S.M., Hodgson, J.A., Schmutz, U., Kunin, W.E., & Benton, T.G. (2010) Scale matters: the impact of organic farming on biodiversity at different spatial scales. Ecology Letters, 9999, 9999, pp http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Organic/Gabriel-Scale-Matters-Organic.2010.pdf
Scheme to visualize the hierarchical sampling design of: (a) 16 paired landscapes (coldspots in black and hotspots in grey) in two regions in England. Each landscape pair within a region forms a cluster, which is shown by the shading pattern. (b) Schematic view of a coldspot and hotspot landscape with low or high amount of organic land (grey shading). Each landscape contains one organic (grey circle) and one conventional farm (white circle) with three arable and grass fields (dark and light grey rectangles). (c) Farmland biodiversity components were surveyed on each field at nine sampling stations (grey rectangles): three in the margin (M), three in the edge (E) and three in the centre (C). Sampling design within a sampling station (magnified) using the hot mustard method for earthworms (grey circle), three 1-m2 quadrats for plants, nine Vortis suctions for epigeal arthropods (white circles) and a triplicate pantrap for pollinators. Note: Earthworms were sampled only in the centre and edge location and in 2008 the sampling effort for earthworms was increased from three sampling stations to five. Pantraps were exposed only in field centres and margins. Transect walks for butterflies and birds are not shown. Gabriel, D., Sait, S.M., Hodgson, J.A., Schmutz, U., Kunin, W.E., & Benton, T.G. (2010) Scale matters: the impact of organic farming on biodiversity at different spatial scales. Ecology Letters, 9999, 9999, pp http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Organic/Gabriel-Scale-Matters-Organic.2010.pdf
birds and solitary bees are often better taken care of by conventional agriculture Distribution of different measures describing farmland birds across organic and conventional farms in coldspot (black) and hotspot (grey) landscapes. (g) Ordination of farmland bird species (black dots) and corvids (grey triangles). Means + SEM per farm and survey, n = 190; number of: (a) farmland bird species, (b) farmland bird specialist species, (c) farmland bird generalist species; (d) Shannon Index; (e) number of farmland birds excluding jackdaw and rook and (f) number of corvids (jackdaw, rook, jay and magpie) per farm and survey. Geometric means are shown for abundance data. The effect of farm management does not depend on which measure is used. See Appendix S1c for additional details. although management effects on biodiversity were quite consistent for some species groups, such as plants and butterflies, for others such as birds and solitary bees, the effects (and effect sizes) varied considerably between regions. Gabriel, D., Sait, S.M., Hodgson, J.A., Schmutz, U., Kunin, W.E., & Benton, T.G. (2010) Scale matters: the impact of organic farming on biodiversity at different spatial scales. Ecology Letters, 9999, 9999, pp http://www.botanischergarten.ch/Organic/Gabriel-Scale-Matters-Organic.2010.pdf