Ball-point pen This invention is very important in our life. It is a simple object. However, it is hard to imagine our every days without it. Everybodyuse it, every day. The inventor is László Bíró. He was Hungarian, and he invented this in 1931. It is a cheap thing, you can buy it from the Tesco, Auchan, and almost every shop. Do you know what is it?
About László Bíró An Italian magazine wrote these words about him: ,,When he was sitting in a café in Budapest, he saw some children and they were playing with balls. One of the balls rolled into a lake and after that the ball left a wet line in the floor. The idea of the ball-pen came from here.” Bíró said it was a lovely story, but it wasn’t true. We don’t know exactly how came the idea. People used pen, but it was about feather. They dunked the end of the feather into the ink. László wanted to make a better pen. At first he made a huge pen, but it was hard to write with it. He tried to make a smaller and better version…
He tried to make a perfect ball point pen. The components of the ballpoint pen were imprecise. He needed perfect balls. In 1939 he moved to Buenos Aires. The Germans made a similar ballpoint pen, but it had a big mistake. The ink of the ballpoint pen dried up too quickly. However, László Bíró made the perfect ballpoint pen. It was sold and it was called eterpen. After that the English soldiers started to use it. It was useful, when they were flying on the aeroplane, because the ink didn’t flow out. In 1945 in the Uninted Kingdom people could buy ball-point pens in the shops.
Firstly it was a little bit expensive. In the USA, it was 12.50 $. In 1948 the pen was 50 cent, because every chaffer became cheaper. After that people started to use fountain pen. Later the ballpoint pens were popular again. Nowadays this is the most popular stationery, and it has a lot of types.