Job description Police officers work in partnership with the public and are in the front line in the fight against crime and the fear of crime. They are citizen-focused, responding to the needs of individuals and communities. Using the latest technology, police officers are trained to manage information and intelligence in order to secure successful court prosecutions.
The Association of Chief Police Officers is an independent, professionally led strategic body. In the public interest and, in equal and active partnership with Government and the Association of Police Authorities, ACPO leads and coordinates the direction and development of the police service in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In times of national need ACPO - on behalf of all chief officers - coordinates the strategic policing response.
How do you get ready? Most police officers must be U.S. citizens. They must be healthy, strong, and of good character. To get a job, a person must pass a written test, be at least a high school graduate, and have some work experience. Some local, special, and State police units want recruits to have some college training. All Federal police agencies require a college degree. Many police units encourage new recruits to take college courses in police work.