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Getting married. Want to know details about your spouse or who is my life partner by date of birth? Get interesting details of your soulmate from astrologer by marriage horoscope by date of birth.
Getting married. Want to know details about your spouse or who is my life partner by date of birth? Get interesting details of your soulmate from astrologer by marriage horoscope by date of birth. Marriage is the part of life where a non-believer would turn a believer of Marriage astrology. Considering the problems that might come across after/before marriage, anyone would seek any kind of suggestion or guidance to live a successful marital life. This suggestion would possibly offer one to live a smoother married life. How Astrologer can help you to pursue a happy marital life? How Astrologer can help you to pursue a happy marital life? Marriage astrology could never dig this deeper into Vedic astrology to help people with their pre- marriage blues. Here are the aspects that marriage prediction reveals to go about a successful and prosperous marriage. These aspects make the complete marriage prediction in your life. Our well- known astrologer is specialist in this field and given an accurate result like your marriage prediction, Late or early marriage problem, about your future career and business progress. 1) Delay Marriage problem: As per the Indian culture, people are expected to marry within a certain time period. This time period is not much different in different societies. The majority of marriages happen at the age of 18–30 years. However, the marriage horoscope discloses the possibility of delayed marriage because of a unique planetary position placement. The planets Sun, Mars, and Saturn are considerably responsible for delayed marriage. Any of these planets in the 7th house would clearly Indicate that the person would get married after the age of 29.
You should get married at the age of 35 and not before if you have Saturn in the 7th house especially. Check your personal Marriage Horoscope by date of birth Chart report. 2) Reasons responsible for Early Marriage: The main problem of early marriage prevails along with the dependence of a girl over her parents. She would definitely be expected to marry at a younger age. On the other hand, some would like to get married earlier than the actual age of marriage in their culture. This age would be much earlier than expected by society. How Planets is responsible for the time of the marriage: Jupiter and Venus are the planets taken into consideration for the determination of marriage time. sometimes early marriage would be a problem for some situations and might be a desire for some. When it is a desire for marriage, your 2nd, 7th, and 11th house play an important role. Whenever you were born you had a certain position of planets ruling like the 2nd, 7th, and 11th house. According to marriage prediction astrology, you would get the best to marry when these lords or planets are transiting through the 2nd, 7th, or 11th house. The below figure indicates the most preferable time of marriage for the native with certain planetary positions.
3) Successful Marriage: - A happy and successful marriage includes all from the starting of your discussion of marriage, choice of a life partner to prosperous life after marriage, and an accurate age of your marriage. Marriage age prediction by date of birth free online service is the way where astrologer checks your horoscope details and predict successful marriage. The below figure shows that different way a successful marriage can be predict. Is there a chance to start the second marriage in my life? Is there a chance to start the second marriage in my life? If the 2nd house lord and 7th house (the lord of married life) are anyhow connected with malefic houses also indicates second marriage in your life. If Mars is placed in the 7th house and Saturn or Rahu is placed in the 8th house of horoscope indicates second marriage in astrology. While studying second Marriage Prediction free, if multiple planets mainly Rahu, Mars, and Venus are found occupying the 7th House, they give multiple relationships. Our Marriage Prediction report also guides you and calculate the perfect age match to find your soulmate, for more information regarding marriage visit Tabij.in or call on +91-9776190123