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Chinese yoga, also known as Qigong, is a holistic system of exercises and meditations designed to improve physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. It can help you transform your life by reducing stress, increasing flexibility, improving balance, and boosting your immune system.
DEVELOPAREGULAR PRACTICE Consistency is key when it comes to reaping the benefits of Chinese yoga trainingcourse. Set aside time each day to practice, even if it's just for a few minutes.
Focusonyour breath Breathingisanessential componentofChineseyoga trainingcourse.Payattention toyourbreathasyoumove throughtheposturesandfocus onbreathingdeeplyandfully.
Listentoyour body Chineseyogatrainingcourseisagentlepracticethat shouldnevercausepainor discomfort.Listentoyourbody andmodifytheposturesas neededtoavoidinjury.
Stay committed Likeanypractice,aChinese yogatrainingcourserequires commitmenttoseeresults. Stickwithit,evenondays whenyoudon'tfeellike practicing,andyou'llsoon starttoseethebenefitsin yourlife.
Keepintouch: Unioncentreisfoundedbytheteachers of Yoga which literally means union. www.unionyogaayurveda.com.sg +65 8321 6170