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NIBS Conference

Challenges facing E-Learning. NIBS Conference. The International Business Academy – IBA The Higher Education Department of the International Business College with 6-7000 students About 1000 students

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NIBS Conference

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  1. Challengesfacing E-Learning NIBS Conference Keld Hvam

  2. The International Business Academy – IBA The HigherEducation Department of the International Business College with 6-7000 students About1000 students Business courses at under-graduate and post-graduatelevelsas well as summer schoolprogrammes Traditionalteaching and e-learning Students from manycountries Innovative and progressive institution NIBS Conference Keld Hvam Associate Dean Keld Hvam

  3. NIBS Conference E-learning Since 1996 Among the first in Denmark Continuousdevelopment Focusonpedagogicaldevelopment Both pure e-learning and blended learningcourses Co-operation with British universities. Keld Hvam

  4. The effect of the current world economic crisis on international student mobility: challenges and opportunities. NIBS Conference Will the current economic crisis make e-learning a preferred choice for many internationally minded students unable to travel physically or will it have a negative effect on e-learning delivery? Conclusions from Online Educa, Berlin – December 2011: More demanding students Keld Hvam

  5. Whatdoesthisrequire from us ? Students expect: NIBS Conference • Adaptive learning (learningpaths) • Availability • Beinginvolved (participativelearning) • Learningthroughactivecommunication • Motivatingand modernassessment systems • Lecturerswhotakecontrol and are visible • Contentsthatare relevant Keld Hvam

  6. Whyshouldthese students choosee-learningprogrammesratherthanmoving to studyabroad? NIBS Conference • Onlybecause of: • Higherquality • Lowertuitionfees Keld Hvam

  7. Current Student Preferences - in order of priority Studying at home Goingabroad to study Studyingthroughe-learning from home location NIBS Conference Future Student Preferences - in order of priority Goingabroad to study Studyingthroughe-learning from home location Studying at home Keld Hvam

  8. Students from differentculturesrequiredifferentlearningstyles NIBS Conference Low High Power Distance UncertaintyAvoidance Geert Hofstede, CulturesConsequences 2001 Keld Hvam

  9. The Nordic Approach to (e-)Learning NIBS Conference Low power distance and uncertaintyavoidance Students aresceptical and must beconvincedthrough rational and convincing arguments ratherthan statements of facts. Focuson arguments and discussions Participativelearning Inductiveratherthandeductivelearning Keld Hvam

  10. The IBA’s current e-concept is based on: • One-to-one communication • Student involvement • Structure and variation • High academic level NIBS Conference Keld Hvam

  11. One single learningpath– facilitated by lecturer NIBS Conference Learning Path Discussion item 1 Additional and supportivecontrolactivities (interactivelearningobjects, m/c exercises, assignments, etc) Discussion item 2 Information input (writtenmaterial, video-recordedlectures, webinars, etc) Discussion item 3 Discussion item 4 Etc Keld Hvam

  12. One single learningpath– nolecturerinvolved NIBS Conference Learning Path Item 1 Additional and supportivecontrolactivities (interactivelearningobjects, m/c exercises, assignments, etc) Item 2 Information input (writtenmaterial, video-recordedlectures, webinars, etc) Item 3 Item 4 Etc Keld Hvam

  13. Combination of separate learningpaths NIBS Conference LearningPath 1 LearningPath 2 Discussion item 1 Item 1 Discussion item 2 Item 2 Discussion item 3 Item 3 Discussion item 4 Item 4 Etc Etc Keld Hvam

  14. DiscussionStrategies NIBS Conference • E-Learning: • (The upside-downfunnel approach) • Asynchronous session • Start withspecificquestions • to a text • Ask them to give examples • of personalexperience • Ask them to commenton • eachother’sentries • Ask themvery general • questions • Ex: 3 e-students generated 157 entries in an online discussion forum over 10 weeksduring spring 2012. In a classroom: (the funnel approach) + synchronouse-learning session Start with the general and easyquestions Makethem more and more specific Directthem at individual students Keld Hvam

  15. Potential Threats for e-Learning NIBS Conference • Costs • Image (esp related to level) • Freeprogrammeslike: • Lack of socialisation Learning Space Coursera Keld Hvam

  16. How to Meet the Threats NIBS Conference Costs: • Minimizecoststhroughcooperation • (eg e-Connect Centre) • Outsource e-learningdelivery • Incorporate the freeprogrammesinto • lecturerfacilitatedprogrammes • Cut-and-pastestrategies Keld Hvam

  17. How to Meet the Threats NIBS Conference Image: • Increasequalitythrough the use of • high-qualitymaterial • Onlyuse professional lecturers as • facilitators • have fullcontrol of logistics and • systems • be visible and available Keld Hvam

  18. How to Meet the Threats NIBS Conference Freeprogrammes: • ”If youcan’t beat them, jointhem” – • oruse (integrate) them • bebetter • be ”human” • Award degrees Keld Hvam

  19. How to Meet the Threats NIBS Conference Lack of socialisation (the worstthreat): • Meet online (eg discussiongroups and webinars) • Include initial physical meetings • Encouragegroupactivity • Be visible and available Keld Hvam

  20. FocusAreas for e-Learning NIBS Conference • Perceivedhigherquality • Adaptive learning • Increasedavailability • Increased and direct • communication • Adding elements of e- • teaching • Technologythatfulfils • thesegoals • Lowercosts • Pooling of resources • Outsourcing • Cut-and-paste • strategies Keld Hvam

  21. Thankyou for listening Questions ? NIBS Conference Keld Hvam Associate Dean IBA Contact: khv@iba.dk Keld Hvam

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