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Evaluation of Six K-8 Science Website for Mrs. Jackie Yaroborough K-8 Science Curriculum Coordinator. Prepared by: Amy Pollington Matthew Levell Kalani Soller. Please click on the links below to view the webpages being evaluated. . 2. The Genius of Leonardo Da Vinci. 1. Earth Floor.
Evaluation of Six K-8 Science WebsiteforMrs. Jackie YaroboroughK-8 Science Curriculum Coordinator Prepared by: Amy Pollington Matthew Levell Kalani Soller
Please click on the links below to view the webpages being evaluated. 2. The Genius of Leonardo Da Vinci 1. Earth Floor 3. Cells Alive 5. Food Chain 4. The Dinosauria 6. Biology for Kids
Summary Slide The site Earth Floor is an educational website that contains information regarding earth science from the prehistoric era, the dinosaurs, to modern times. This site contains student activities, a teacher's resource page for additional information as well as support from Wheeling Jesuit University and NASA-supported Classroom of the Future. The information regarding earth science includes earth cycles, plate tectonics, evolution of plants, animals, and mammals, etc. In addition, it also elaborates on information about dinosaurs. There are limited animations and graphics contained on the webpage. The graphics contained on the pages seems to appeal to a younger student population but, the reading is geared to an older or target audience at the seventh to ninth grade level. The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci is a site that may take a bit to get used to in terms of understanding how the page(s) are set up. The home page is a template page that leads you to other page whose designs and interface are very different from the home page which can make navigation more complicated. The audience intended for this site a may be for students grades ten through twelve. There are a graphics that relate to the topics covered on the site however there are also video links that are not functioning. The pages contain relevant information as it relates to the topic and makes use of external information from other museum sites for supplemental support. This site may be useful for a web-quest activity for individual or group learning.
Summary Slide The Food Chain webpage is designed for students who are of reading age in elementary school. Users can choose from various aspects of the food chain such as producers and consumers or photosynthesis. The user is taken to a story like webpage that looks like an online storybook. There are sentences and static pictures for the user to read and look at. There is one game for the user to play but the game does not allow the user to answer the question wrong. When the question is answered wrong it is as though the question was never answered. There are many links and advertisements on this webpage causing the user to become distracted. This webpage would be effective if used in whole group instruction. If using this webpage in small groups or individual use specific directions should be given as to what the user should visit on the webpage. Biology for Kids is a webpage designed for children in elementary and middle school. Users of this WBLE can learn about human biology, animals and other biology topics. There are games and activities but most are not interactive such as hangman and word search.This webpage contains a large amount of content, however, the content is disorganized and is dispersed between advertisement and game links. The advertisements and links take up a large part of the webpages which is very distracting for users. Biology for Kids would be an effective website to use for whole group instruction. If students are directed to use this webpage individually or in small groups it is crucial that the students have specific directions as to what they are supposed to be visiting in the website.
Earth Floor http://www.cotf.edu/ete/modules/msese/earthsys.html
Earth Floor The website "Earth Floor" is geared for high school readers who would like to know more about the subject of Earth science. This site contains clear modules, attractive pages with a page design that is fun and eye catching. The information and facts contained on the site references Wheeling Jesuit University/NASA-supported Classroom of the Future and university professors backed by NASA. There is a good mix of information and activities for students to engage in with some classroom as well as individual activities. There is a resource room for teachers to access with additional information that can be used in a curriculum. Although this site is intended for high school students it is stated on a graphic that the material is written at a 5th grade level with some graphics that seem a bit young for the target audience which may be more of a deterrent than an attention getter. There is thorough coverage of the topics and facts are appropriately explained however, at times this site contains a lot of text which requires unnecessary scrolling and the text alignment is centered which may cause further dislike to the site. Students seeking further enrichment may find this site generally appropriate but some of the links are disabled or not working and they may find that there is need to print up some additional pages for supplemental support. There are no "official" activities so the need of rubrics are not necessary like wise immediate feedback is not present. The maintenance on this site does not indicate any work since April 28, 2005 as some of the contents are timeless to the subject matter. Consequently there are three known links and possibly others that are not working.
Evaluation of Usability The following data analysis uses the median or average of the central tendency or summarizing of numbers based on a value scale. The information represents two categories: evaluation (excellent, adequate, or poor) and activity (Not present or not applicable) which is used to measure the evaluator's attitude toward the quality of the site. The tool used to measure this website is based off the WBLE rubric. These six categories looks to evaluate the usability of the site. The mode score which measures the most frequent rating for this section is a 2 or Adequate. The average for this section was 1.51 which would indicate that this leaned more towards an Adequate rating.
Evaluation of Content The data analysis for these four categories follows the criteria as the previous slide. This evaluation addresses the contents of the website and uses the WBLE rubric as a means of measurement. The mode score which measures the most frequent rating for the content contained on this site is a 1 or Excellent. The median or average for this section was 1.32 which would indicate that the contents of this site leaned more towards an Excellent rating.
Evaluation of Educational Value The data analysis for these seven categories follows the criteria as the previous two slides. The goal of this evaluation was to assess the educational value of the website and also used the WBLE rubric as a means of measurement. The mode score for this site for educational value was rated as a 2 or Adequate. The median or average for this section was 1.63 which would indicate that the contents of this site leaned more towards an Adequate rating.
Evaluation of Vividness The data analysis for these two categories follows the criteria as the last three slides. This evaluation was to assess the vividness of the website and used the WBLE rubric as a means of measurement. There is no mode score available for this section as there are only two categories to rate. The median or average for this section was 2 which would indicate that the vividness of this site has Adequate rating.
The Genius of Leonard Da Vinci http://www.learnersonline.com/gifted/CD/lessons/daVinci/daVinci.html
The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci The site “The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci” appears to be geared for high school students in grades 10 and 12. This site appears to be more of a tutorial that presents information and then presents questions to check student comprehension (Baya'a). Due to this format, this site may serve as a web-quest activity for students as an assignment that may either be done in small groups, an individual, in class or individual, outside of class (i.e., at home or after school, etc.) (Baya'a). The views shared for this site seems to vary from easy to use to overwhelming. There are issues with links being broken or not going to the correct URL. The navigation of the pages can seem a bit confusing as it often leads to different pages within different pages with no clear indication of where one might be on the site. There is no table of contents, which make site navigation more difficult. The content appears to be well suited for the target audience with copious information from other museums sites such as Boston Museum of Science, the Paris webmuseum site and Martin Kausal’s biography site. As the student progress through the pages, there is no indication or opportunity for feedback or interaction from this site. In addition, there is very little indication that site maintenance work has not been done or recorded since 2002. However, the links that are still functional are appropriate and enriching. The information presented on the following slides are of data that has been complied by using Baya'a's Web Based Learning Environments (WBLE) rubric to help pre- and in-service teachers evaluate the quality, pedagogical design and the potential of the WBLE they refer their student to them (Baya'a). http://www.learnersonline.com/...Vinci.html
Evaluation of Usability The following data analysis uses the median or average of the central tendency or summarizing of numbers based on a value scale. The information represents two categories: evaluation (excellent, adequate, or poor) and activity (Not present or not applicable) which is used to measure the evaluator's attitude toward the quality of the site. The tool used to measure this website is based off the WBLE rubric. These six categories looks to evaluate the usability of the site. The mode score which measures the most frequent rating for usability was rated by evaluators as a 1 or Excellent. The median or average for this section was 1.51 which would indicate that the usability of this site leaned more towards an Adequate rating.
Evaluation of Contents The data analysis for these four categories follows the criteria as the previous slide. This evaluation addresses the contents of the website and uses the WBLE rubric as a means of measurement. The mode score which measures the most frequent rating for the contents contained on this site was rated by evaluators as a 1 or Excellent. The median or average for this section was 1.33 which would indicate that the contents of this site leaned more towards an Excellent rating.
Educational Value The data analysis for these seven categories follows the criteria as the previous two slides. The goal of this evaluation was to assess the educational value of the website and also used the WBLE rubric as a means of measurement. The mode score was a 4 or Not Present / Not Applicable which may indicate that there is information either missing or not included in this section. The median or average for this section was 1.99 which would indicate that the educational value of this site leaned more towards an Adequate rating.
Evaluation of Vividness The data analysis for these two categories follows the criteria as the last three slides. This evaluation was to assess the vividness of the website and used the WBLE rubric as a means of measurement. There is no mode score available for this section as there are only two categories to rate. The median or average for this section was 2.28 which would indicate that the vividness of this site has Adequate rating.
Cells Alive! http://cellsalive.com/http://cellsalive.com/
Cells Alive Cells alive is a website geared towards 9th -12th grade science students. The primary educational style is a mix of interactive media and straight forward reading. This site could be used as a introduction site to showcase what the students will be learning. It could be used as a reference site for at home. This webpage’s usability, vividness, and content have been scored in the excellent to adequate range using the WBLE rubric.
The Dinosauria http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edu/diapsids/dinosaur.html
The Dinosauria This webpage appears designed for students in Junior and Senior High Schools. The instructional style is informational in nature and this site could be used as a great resource site. It would be more beneficial if used individually as a resource or introduction into the subject matter. The analysis of usability showed mixed results. The homepage, purpose, and navigation scored lower than design, enjoyment, and readability. The design was well done and the website was readable, but the navigation was difficult at times and the purpose was not so clear. Analysis of the content showed favorable scores from the WBLE rubric. The webpage scored poorly on educational value due to the lack of help tools, feedback, rubric, and communication. The webpage did well with all of the links to other educational sites, but needed work on updating its materials.
Food Chain http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/content/animals/kidscorner/foodchain/foodchain.htm
Food Chain The Food Chain received both positive and negative responses from evaluators. Evaluators found the content of this website to be educational if the content meets the standards that are being taught. This webpage does not provide learning activities, an activity plan, rubric or ways to communicate so those items would need to be contributed by the teacher. Evaluators did find that navigation and design were lacking in this webpage along with a clear purpose, however, enjoyment was rated adequate by most. The most frequent complaint by evaluators was the lack of interactive games and the excess of distracting ads and game links on this webpage. This webpage does have educational value however it is important that teachers and students both understand the objectives before having students visit this webpage. The following pages detail the evaluators responses regarding this WBLE.
Food Chain Grade/Age The grade level that evaluators chose most often(mode) as the most appropriate grade level for this WBLE was 3:4th-6th Grade with 20/25 evaluators choosing this. The mean or average grade level that was selected by evaluators was 2.9: between 1st - 3rd Grade and 4th - and 6th Grade. The median of this data is 3:4th Grade - 6th Grade. Please click here for a graph of responses. Primary Instructional Style The primary instructional style that was chosen most frequently(mode) by evaluators was 6:Mixed Mode- a combination of one or more of the above instructional styles with 11/25 evaluators choosing this. However, 1:Informational- presents information with little or no student interaction was the second most popular answer with 10/25 evaluators choosing this as the primary instructional style. Please click here for a graph of responses. How would the WBLE be used most effectively? The most common answer that evaluators gave for how this WBLE would be used most effectively was 4:Individual, outside of class with 10/25 evaluators choosing this answer. 8/25 evaluators thought that this WBLE would be used most effectively individually in class: 3:Individual, in class. The median and mode for this data is 3:Individual, in class. Please click here for a graph of responses. Most appropriate instructional application for the WBLE. A majority of evaluators (18/25) felt that the most appropriate instructional application for this WBLE is 1:Basic instruction for all learners. 3/25 evaluators felt that this WBLE would be most appropriately applied in 2:Differentiated instruction for students with varying learning needs while 3/25 evaluators felt that this WBLE would be most appropriately applied in 3:Remedial instruction. Only 1 evaluator felt that this WBLE would be most appropriately used as 4:Enrichment instruction for students who benefit from advanced activities. The mean and median for this data is 3:Remedial instruction. Please click here for a graph of responses.
Food Chain: Usability Purpose: the purpose, benefit and importance of the WBLE are clearly presented. Over half (16/25) rated the purpose of this WBLE to be 2:Adequate. 10/25 evaluators rated the purpose of this WBLE as 3:Poor or 4:Not present or not applicable while only 2/25 evaluators found the purpose of this WBLE to be 1:Excellent. The mean of the data collected on this WBLE purpose is 2.6:between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. The median of this data is 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Homepage: homepage is well-labeled with a clearly defined table of contents. ThThe most common answer(mode) the evaluators gave this WBLE's homepage was 2:Adequate with 8/25 choosing this. Both 3:Poor and 4:Not present or not applicable were each chosen by 7//25 evaluators. 3/25 evaluators felt that this WBLE's homepage was 1:Excellent. The median for the data collected on this WBLE's homepage is 2:Adequate while the mean is 2.7:between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses. Navigation: users can tell where they are, where they have been, and where they need to go next. The most common answer chosen by the evaluators regarding the navigation of this WBLE was 3:Poor with 12/24 evaluators choosing this. 11/24 evaluators found the navigation of this WBLE to be 2:Adequate while only 1 evaluator found the navigation of this WBLE to be 1:Excellent. The median and mean of the data collected on this WBLE's navigation is 2.5: between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses. Design:pages are neat, simple, and not overstuffed, and the background does not interfere with text. Many (14/25) evaluators found the design of this WBLE to be 3:Poor (mode). 9/25 evaluators found the design to be 2:Adequate while 1 evaluator found the design of the WBLE to be 1:Excellent and 1 evaluator found the design of the WBLE to be 4:Not present or not applicable. The median of this data is 3:Poor. The mean of this data is 2.6: between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses.
Food Chain: Usability Enjoyment: multimedia and humor that are relevant, clear, and appropriate to the subject matter that does not slow down the presentation of the webpages. A majority, 14/24, evaluators found the enjoyment of this WBLE to be 2:Adequate. 7/24 evaluators rated the enjoyment of this WBLE as 1:Excellent while 3 evaluators felt that the enjoyment was 3:Poor. The median of this data is 2:Adequate. The mean of this WBLE's enjoyment data is 1.8: between 1:Excellent and 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Readability: users can read the content of the web pages easily; text, sounds and images are properly used. The most common answer given by evaluator's regarding this WBLE's readability was 2:Adequate with 15/25 evaluators choosing this. 6/25 evaluators found the readability of this WBLE to be 1:Excellent while 4/25 evaluators found the readability of this WBLE to be 3:Poor. The mean of this data is 2:Adequate. The median of this data is 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses. See appendix Chart 1 for a graph of Food Chain: Usability Responses.
Food Chain: Content Authority: information relies on authentic organizations and dependable resources in the field. The most common answer (mode) given for this WBLE's authority was 4:Not present or not applicable with 13/25 evaluators choosing this. 7/25 evaluators found the authority of the WBLE to be 2:Adequate while 3/25 evaluators found the authority of the WBLE to be 1:Excellent. 2/25 evaluators found the WBLE's authority to be 3:Poor. The median of this data is 4:Not present or applicable. The mean of this data is 2.5: between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses. Relevance: information focuses on the main topic and does not include irrelevant or marginal data. The most common response to this WBLE's relevance was 1:Excellent with 12/25 evaluators choosing this. 8/25 evaluators found the relevance of the WLBE to be 2:Adequate. 5/25 evaluators found the relevance of the WBLE to be 3:Poor. The median for the data on this WBLE's relevance is 2:Adequate. The mean for this data is 1.7: between 1:Excellent and 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Sufficiency: information present is sufficient but not excessive. The most common answer that evaluators chose for the this WBLE's sufficiency was 2:Adequate with 12/25 evaluators choosing this. However, 11/25 evaluators felt that the sufficiency of this WBLE was 1:Excellent. Only 2 evaluators felt that the sufficiency of this WBLE was poor. The median of this data is 2:Adequate. The mean of this data is 1.6: between 1:Excellent and 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Appropriateness: information is presented in an appropriate method. A majority (15/25) of the evaluators felt that the appropriateness of this WBLE was 1:Excellent. 7/25 evaluators felt that the appropriateness of this WBLE was 2:Adequate while only 3/25 evaluators rated the appropriateness of this WBLE as 3:Poor. The median of the data is 1:Excellent. The mean of this data is 1.5: between 1:Excellent and 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. See appendix Chart 2 for a graph of Food Chain: Content Responses.
Food Chain: Education Value Learning Activities: site provides learning activities that expose users to new information and encourage them to construct new knowledge and educational substance. The most common response by the evaluators regarding this WBLE's learning activities was 2:Adequate with 11/25 evaluators choosing this. 7/25 evaluators found the learning activities to be 3:Poor while 5/25 evaluators found the learning activities to be 1:Excellent. 2/25 evaluators rated this WBLE's learning activities as 4:Not present or not applicable. The mean of this data is 2.2: between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. The median of this data is 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Activity Plan: each learning activity is accompanied by a clear and suitable activity plan. Almost half of the evaluators (12/25) found the activity plan for this WBLE to be 4:Not present or not applicable. Only 1 evaluator found the activity plan for this WBLE to be 1:Excellent. The mean and median of this data is 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses. Resources: activities include well prepared content and presented in various ways, as well as references to additional resources on the web. The most common response(mode) to this WBLE's resources was 3:Poor with 9/25 evaluators choosing this. However, 8/25 evaluators found this WBLE's communication to be 2:Adequate and 7/25 evaluators found the communication to be 4:Not present or applicable. Only 1 evaluator found the communication to be 1:Excellent. The mean of of this data is 2.9: between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. The median of this data is 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses. Communication: users are able to interact with designers of the WBLE and with peers through different communication tools. Most of the evaluators (mode), 23/25, rated the communication of this WBLE to be 4:Not present or applicable. 1/25 evaluators rated the communication of this WBLE to be 2:Adequate 1/25 evaluators found the communication of this WBLE to be 3:Poor. The median of this data is 4:Not present or not applicable. The mean of this data is 3.9: between 3:Poor and 4:Not present or not applicable. Please click here for a graph of responses.
Food Chain:Educational Value Feedback: user performance and outcome for each activity is tracked and evaluated through mechanical or human feedback. The most common response by evaluators (11/25) regarding this WBLE's feedback was 4:Not present or applicable while 8/25 evaluators found the feedback on this WBLE to be 2:Adequate. 3/25evaluators found the feedback for this WBLE to 3:Poor while the same amount of evaluators found the feedback to be 1:Excellent. The median for this data is 3:Poor. The mean for this data is 2.9:between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of response. Rubric: each activity includes a rubric to evaluate user performance. Almost all of the evaluators (22/24) found this WBLE's rubric to be 4:Not present or not applicable. 0 evaluators found the rubric for this WBLE to be 1:Excellent. The median for this data is 4:Not present or not applicable. The mean of this data is 3.9: between 3:Poor and 4:Not present or not applicable. The median of this data is 4:Not present or not applicable. Please click here for a graph of responses. Help Tools: assistant tools that help users solve problems (technical, contextual and didactical) encountered in the process of performing the activities are available. A majority of the evaluators (21/25) found the help tools on this WBLE to be 4:Not present or not applicable. Only 1 evaluator found the help tools to be 1:Excellent. The median of this data is 4:Not present or not applicable. The mean of this data is 3.6: between 3:Poor and 4:Not present or not applicable. Please click here for a graph of responses See appendix Chart 3 for a graph of Food Chain: Educational Value Responses.
Food Chain: Vividness Links: users are directed to other web pages: in other sites or in the site itself. These links should always be active, adequate and enriching. The most common response(mode) to the links on the WBLE was 2:Adequate with 10/25 evaluators choosing this. 7/25 evaluators found the links to be 1:Excellent while 8/25 evaluators found the links on this WBLE 3:Poor. The mean and median for this data is 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Updating: designers continuously update information content, and links. Half (12/24) evaluators rated this WBLE's updating as 4:Not present or not applicable. 8/24 evaluators rated this WBLE's updating as 2:Adequate, 3/24 evaluators chose 1:Excellent and 1/24 evaluators rated this WBLE's updating as 3:Poor. The mean of this data is 2.9: between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. The median of this is 3.5: between 3:Poor and 4:Not present or not applicable. Please click here for a graph of responses. See appendix Chart 4 for a graph of Food Chain: Vividness Responses
Biology for Kids http://www.kidsbiology.com/
Biology for Kids Biology for Kids received both positive and negative responses from evaluators. The evaluators found that the content of this webpage was appropriate and sufficient for classroom use. The relevancy of the content also rated high if standards aligned. There was no evidence of updating but many of the items in this WBLE are not going to change over time. This WBLE does not appear to provide a learning plan, rubric, help tools, a way of communication or feedback for users. The navigation and design of this webpage appear to not be user friendly which can be a problem when having students individually use the webpage. The most common complaint about this webpage is the excess of ads, banners, and links dispersed throughout the page. This can be very distracting for users. Another issue evaluators had with this webpage was the lack of educational games. The only games found were hangman and word games. The webpage can be very effective in the classroom if students are monitored and given explicit instructions as how they are to use the webpage. The following pages detail the evaluators responses regarding this WBLE.
Biology for Kids Grade/Age The grade that was chosen most often(mode) as the grade level that this webpage is most appropriate for is 3:4th - 6th grade with 14/27 evaluators choosing this. However, 12/27 evaluators felt that this WBLE was most appropriate for 4:7th - 9th Grade. When calculating the data to find the mean the mean fell between two grade level categories. The mean is 3.5: between 4th - 6th grade and 7th - 9th grade. The median of this data is 3:4th - 6th grade. Please click here for a graph of responses. Primary Instructional Style The primary instructional style of this webpage that was chosen most often(mode) is 1:Informational-presents information with little or no student interaction. Out of 27 evaluators 14 chose 1:Informational and 13 chose 6:Mixed Mode- a combination of instructional styles. The median of this data is 1:Informational. The mean of this data is 3.4. Please click here for a graph of responses. How would the WBLE be used most effectively? Most of the evaluators (20/27) found that this WBLE would be used most effectively individually. 11 chose individually at home while 9 chose individually in class. The answer that was chosen most frequently (mode) as to how this WBLE would be used most effectively is 4:Individual, outside of class (i.e., at home or after school, etc). The mean of this data fell into the 3:Individual, in class category. The median of this data is 3:Individual, in class. Please click here for a graph of responses. Most appropriate instructional application for the WBLE. A majority of the evaluators (20/27) felt that this WBLE was most appropriate for 1:basic instruction for all learners. The mean of this data is 1.5. The mode of this data is 1: basic instruction for all learners. Please click here for a graph of responses.
Biology for Kids: Usability Purpose: the purpose, benefit and importance of the WBLE are clearly presented. 25 out of 27 evaluators found the purpose of this WBLE to be clearly presented. 14 chose Excellent and 11 chose Adequate. The most frequent answer(mode) was 1:Excellent. The mean of this data was 1.5:between Excellent and Adequate. The median of this data is 1:Excellent. Please click here for a graph of responses. Homepage: homepage is well-labeled with a clearly defined table of contents. The most frequent answer(mode) for the category of homepage is 2:Adequate. The average(mean) of this data is 1.85: between Excellent and Adequate. The median of this data is 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Navigation: users can tell where they are, where they have been, and where they need to go next. The most common answer(mode) for navigation of the WBLE was 2:Adequate with11 evaluators choosing this answer.However, 9 evaluators chose 3:Poor. The mean of the data is 2:Adequate. The median for this data is 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Design:pages are neat, simple, and not overstuffed, and the background does not interfere with text. Most, 26/27 evaluators of this WBLE found the Design of this WBLE to be 2:Adequate(12) or 3:Poor(14). The most common answer(mode) is 3:Poor. The median of this data is 3:Poor. The mean of this data is 2.5:between Adequate and Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses.
Biology for Kids: Usabillity Enjoyment: multimedia and humor that are relevant, clear, and appropriate to the subject matter that does not slow down the presentation of the webpages. Over half of the evaluators, 15/27, gave the enjoyment of the WBLE a rating of 2:Adequate. Adequate was the most chosen answer(mode). 8/27 evaluators rated the enjoyment of the WBLE as a 1:Excellent while 4/27 evaluators rated the enjoyment of the WLBE as 3:Poor. Both the mean and median of this data are 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Readability: users can read the content of the web pages easily; text, sounds and images are properly used. The most common answer among evaluators was that the readability of this WBLE was 2:Adequate. The median and mode of this data is 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. See appendix Chart 5 for Biology for Kids: Usability Responess.
Biology for Kids: Content Authority: information relies on authentic organizations and dependable resources in the field. The most common answer evaluators gave in response to authority for this WLBE were 1:Excellent and 2:Adequate. Both were chosen 8 times. 7 evaluators responded to the authority of the WBLE with 4:Not present or not applicable. The median of this data is 2:Adequate. The mean of this data is 2.4:between Adequate and Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses. Relevance: information focuses on the main topic and does not include irrelevant or marginal data. 100%(27) of the evaluators found the relevance of the WBLE to be ether 1:Excellent or 2:Adequate. The most frequent answer(mode) was 2:Adequate with 14 evaluators choosing this, however, 1:Excellent had one less with 13 evaluators rating the relevance of the webpage to be 1:Excellent. The median of this data is 2:Adequate. The mean of this data is 1.6:between 1:Excellent and 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Sufficiency: information present is sufficient but not excessive. All but one evaluator (26/27) found the WBLE to be 1:Excellent or 2:Adequate in the area of sufficiency.The most common rating(mode) that evaluators gave this WBLE for sufficiency is 1:Excellent, with over half, 16/27 choosing this. The mean of this data is 1.4:between 1:Excellent and 2:Adequate. The median of this data is 1:Excellent. Please click here for a graph of responses. Appropriateness: information is presented in an appropriate method and suitable level of difficulty for suitable learners. Almost all (25/27) evaluators found the appropriateness of the WBLE to be either 1:Excellent or 2:Adequate with 1:Excellent being the most common response(mode) with 13/27 evaluators choosing this. The median of this set of data is 2:Adequate. The mean of this data is 1.6:between 1:Excellent and 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. See appendix Chart 6 for a graph of Biology for Kids: Content Responses.
Biology for Kids: Education Value Learning Activities: site provides learning activities that expose users to new information and encourage them to construct new knowledge and educational substance. The most frequent ratings(mode) for learning activities for this WBLE were 2:Adequate and 3:Poor with 9 evaluators choosing each of those. 1:Excellent and 4:Not present or not applicable were also chosen by evaluators. The mean of this data is 2.3: between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. The median of this data is 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Activity Plan: each learning activity is accompanied by a clear and suitable activity plan. The most common answer(mode) in regards to the activity plan for this WBLE is 4:Not present or not applicable. 15/27 evaluators chose this answer. The median for this set of data is 2. The mean for this data is 3.4:between 3:Poor and 4:Not present or not applicable. Please click here for a graph of responses. Resources: activities include well prepared content and presented in various ways, as well as references to additional resources on the web. The most common answer(mode) for resources in the WBLE is 3:Poor with 9/26 evaluators choosing this. However, 7/27 rated the resources as 4:Not present or not applicable and 10 evaluators rating this WBLE's resources as 1:Excellent or 2:Adequate. The mean of this data is 2.7:between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. The median of this data is 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses. Communication: users are able to interact with designers of the WBLE and with peers through different communication tools. The most common answer(mode) that evaluators gave for communication for this WBLE is 4:Not present or applicable with 12/27 evaluators choosing this. The mean for this data is 3.1:between 3:Poor and 4:Not present or not applicable. The median of this data is 3:Poor. Please click here for a graph of responses.
Biology for Kids: Educational Value Feedback: user performance and outcome for each activity is tracked and evaluated through mechanical or human feedback. The most common answer (mode) which was chosen by more than half of the evaluators (17/26) found feedback for this WBLE to be 4:Not present or not applicable. The median the data collected for feedback is 4:Not present or not applicable. The mean of this data is 3.5:between 3:Poor and 4:Not present. Please click here for a graph of responses. Rubric: each activity includes a rubric to evaluate user performance. All but 1 evaluator (25/26) rated the rubric to be 4:Not present or not applicable. The median for the data collected for the WBLE's rubric is 4:Not present or not applicable. The mean for the data is 3.9: between 3:Poor and 4:Not present or not applicable. Please click here for a graph of responses. Help Tools: assistant tools that help users solve problems (technical, contextual and didactical) encountered in the process of performing the activities are available. Most, 22/27, rated the help tools of this WBLE as 4:Not present or not applicable. A total of 5/27 evaluators rated the rubric on this WBLE as 2:Adequate or 3:Poor. The mean of the data collected on this WBLE's help tools is 3.7:between 3:Poor and 4:Not present or not applicable. The median of this data is 4:Not present or not applicable. Please click here for a graph of responses. See appendix Chart 7 for a graph of Biology for Kids: Educational Value Responses.
Biology for Kids: Vividness Links: users are directed to other web pages: in other sites or in the site itself. These links should always be active, adequate and enriching. The most common answer about the links on this WBLE is that the links are 2:Adequate with 16/27 evaluators choosing this. 7 evaluators found the links to be 1:Excellent while 4 evaluators found the links on the WBLE to be 3:Poor or 4:Not present or not applicable. Both the median and mean for the data collected on this WBLE's links are 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. Updating: designers continuously update information content, and links. The most frequent answer(11/26) the evaluators gave about this WBLE's updating is 2:Adequate. 9 evaluators rated this WBLE's updating as 4:Not present or not applicable. The mean of this data is 2.5:between 2:Adequate and 3:Poor. The median of this set of data 2:Adequate. Please click here for a graph of responses. See appendix Chart 8 for a graph of Biology for Kids: Vividness Responses.
References Baya'a, N., Shehade, H. M., & Baya'a, A. R. (2009). A rubric for evaluating web-based learning environments. British Journal of Educational Technology, 40 (4), 761-763.
Project Contributions The following was completed as a group: Cover Slides Summary Slides (each member completed their webpages summary) References The following was completed by Kalani Soller: Earth Floor and The Genius of Leonardo da Vinci summary and data. The following was completed by Amy Pollington: Food Chain and Biology for Kids summary and data. The following was completed by Matt Levell: The Dinosauria and Cells Alive! summary and data.
Appendices Chart 1: Food Chain Usability