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ESRM 452, Lab 2

ESRM 452, Lab 2. Pelicaniformes Ciconiformes Falconiformes Gruiformes Charadriiformes. Order: Pelicaniformes Pelicans and Cormorants. Brown Pelican. Non-Breeding. Breeding. Double-crested Cormorant. Pelagic Cormorant. Order: Ciconiformes Egrets and Herons. American Bittern.

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ESRM 452, Lab 2

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ESRM 452, Lab 2 Pelicaniformes Ciconiformes Falconiformes Gruiformes Charadriiformes

  2. Order: PelicaniformesPelicans and Cormorants

  3. Brown Pelican Non-Breeding Breeding

  4. Double-crested Cormorant

  5. Pelagic Cormorant

  6. Order: CiconiformesEgrets and Herons

  7. American Bittern

  8. Snowy Egret

  9. Great Blue Heron

  10. Order: FalconiformesHawks and Eagles

  11. Turkey Vulture

  12. Osprey

  13. Bald Eagle

  14. Northern Harrier Female Male

  15. Sharp-shinned Hawk

  16. Cooper’s Hawk

  17. Northern Goshawk Male Female

  18. Red-Tailed Hawk

  19. Rough-Legged Hawk

  20. Golden Eagle

  21. American Kestrel Female Male

  22. Peregrine Falcon

  23. Prairie Falcon

  24. Order: GruiformesRails, Coots, and Cranes

  25. Virginia Rail

  26. American Coot

  27. Sandhill Crane

  28. Order: CharadriformesFamily: CharadridaePlovers

  29. Black-Bellied Plover Non-Breeding Breeding

  30. Semipalmated Plover Non-Breeding Breeding

  31. Killdeer

  32. Order: CharadriformesFamily: HaematopodidaeOystercatchers

  33. Black Oystercatcher

  34. Order: CharadriformesFamily: RecurvirostridaeStilts and Avocets

  35. Black-necked Stilt

  36. American Avocet Non-Breeding Breeding

  37. Order: CharadriformesFamily: ScolopacidaeSandpipers, Turnstones, and Phalaropes

  38. Spotted Sandpiper Non-Breeding Breeding

  39. Greater Yellowlegs Breeding Non-Breeding

  40. Whimbrel

  41. Long-billed Curlew

  42. Ruddy Turnstone Non-Breeding Breeding

  43. Black Turnstone Non-Breeding Breeding

  44. Sanderling Non-Breeding Breeding

  45. Western Sandpiper Non-Breeding Breeding

  46. Dunlin Non-Breeding Breeding

  47. Short-billed Dowitcher Breeding Non-Breeding

  48. Long-billed Dowitcher Non-Breeding Breeding

  49. Wilson’s Snipe Breeding

  50. Wilson’s Phalarope Female Breeding Non-Breeding Male Breeding

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