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The Versioning Machine v-machine.org

The Versioning Machine v-machine.org. From Metadata to Linked Data July 2011. < l n ="1"> <app> < rdg wit="#a660 #h72">"Faith"</ rdg > < rdg wit="#h201 #l1894 #ll227">Faith</ rdg > < rdg wit="#p1891 #cp32">FAITH</ rdg > </app> is a fine invention </ l > .

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The Versioning Machine v-machine.org

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  1. The Versioning Machinev-machine.org From Metadata to Linked Data July 2011

  2. <ln="1"> <app> <rdg wit="#a660 #h72">"Faith"</rdg> <rdg wit="#h201 #l1894 #ll227">Faith</rdg> <rdg wit="#p1891 #cp32">FAITH</rdg> </app> is a fine invention </l>

  3. Display Requirements • multiple witnesses of a text displayed in one browser window; • display images of the manuscripts appropriate to each diplomatic version in a pop-up box that could be • easily compared to the diplomatic version of the text; • read in its own right as an image; • compared with other manuscript images belonging to the same witness series • display the fluidity of the writing process • accommodate headers typical to the TEI & a robust typology of notes; • line matching across witness set

  4. Design Specifications allow the software to run in a browser without plug-ins or pre-processors; to support client-side transformations; allow previously-encoded XML; allow alternative rendering of elements; provide users with a tool that can be used without additional programming

  5. Methods of Encoding Multiple Versions of Text w/in the TEI double-end-point attached location-referenced method parallel segmentation

  6. Parallel Segmentation <ln="1"> I labour in a barren place,</l> <ln="2"> <app> <rdg wit="a1">Afraid, aware, <del type="hand">little</del> <add rend="hand">blundering</add>, lonely thing:</rdg> <rdg wit="a2 a3 pub"> Alone, self-conscious, frightened, blundering;</rdg> </app> </l>

  7. <l n="4"> <app> <rdg wit="#a1 #a2 #a4 #pub">And time grows afraid of the triumph of time. <note type="gloss" anchored="true"><p>The fifth of six allegorical triumphs in Petrarch's Trionfi is <emph rend="italic">the Triumph of Time</emph>. Petrarch's Triumphs, often depicted as Father Time in his chariot surrounded by symbolic devices such as the scythe and hourglass, were frequently represented by Baroque and Renaissance artists.</p> </note> </rdg> </app </l>

  8. Features of the VMtypology of notes: • glosses [g]; biographical notes [b]; critical and/or contextual notes [c]; and notes about the physical artifiact [p]. • Also a fifth note type: can be undefined or user defined; represented by a "n" icon (for note).

  9. fluidity of the writing process • allows editors to distinguish within a particular witness bibliographic features as holograph and/or typescript emendations and erasures; • feature controlled by a combination of XSLT and CSS; • Utilise XSLT to transform the elements, leaving display protocols to the CSS. • allows for editorial control of display via the CSS (presumption that most editors would find it easier to manipulate CSS)

  10. Element matching in previous versions • line matching across a witness set highlights parallel-encoded units across versions; • Matches on <l>, <p><seg>, <s>, <c>, <mod>, <closer>, <opener>, and <epigraph>; • For display purposes the entire line across witnesses is highlighted

  11. Changes to this version • - Support for additional TEI elements, including <pb>, <choice>, <orig>, and <reg> • - New popup note display based entirely on CSS (no JavaScript) • - Improved visual layout and new color scheme and font • - Faster performance on larger documents thanks to coding improvements • - Dropped support for older (pre-7.0) versions of Internet Explorer

  12. Questions?

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