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Guessed Meaning

Guessed Meaning. Number the Stars Vocabulary Chapters 1-3. Guessed Meaning Form. impassive (adjective). Context : The expression on his face was impassive . Definition : showing no feeling or emotion; inanimate; motionless. obstinate (adjective).

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Guessed Meaning Number the Stars Vocabulary Chapters 1-3
  2. Guessed Meaning Form
  3. impassive (adjective) Context: The expression on his face was impassive. Definition: showing no feeling or emotion; inanimate; motionless.
  4. obstinate (adjective) Context: The obstinate boy refused to clean his room. Definition: Stubborn
  5. occupation (noun) Context: During World War II, Denmark was under German occupation. Definition: The period during which a military force takes control of another country
  6. sabotage (verb) Context: The angry workers were responsible for sabotaging the machines. Definition: To purposely destroy or damage something
  7. fiancé (noun) Context: My sister’s fiancé bought her engagement ring at a jewelry store in New Orleans. Definition: man/ woman engaged to be married
  8. rationed (verb) Context: During the war, the government rationed oil and sugar. Definition: To control the amount of food or supplies that people can use
  9. haughtily (adverb) Context: The soldiers walked in haughtily and demanded the Jews follow them. Definition: arrogantly; with too much pride
  10. trousseau (noun) Context: The young woman looked at the clothes in her trousseau knowing her wedding was soon. Definition: a bride’s collection of clothing and linens
  11. curfew (noun) Context: The streets were desolate and dark at night due to the early curfew. Definition: a time by which people must be off the streets
  12. swastika (noun) Context: The flags of Nazi Germany had a black swastika on them. Definition: A symbol used to represent the Nazi party; it looks like a cross with bent arms
  13. torment (verb) Context: The mosquitoes constantly tormented people during the long summer days. Definition: To cause pain or suffering
  14. Guessed Meaning Number the Stars Vocabulary Chapters 4-6
  15. rabbi (noun) Context: The rabbi taught the congregation about God. Definition: A Jewish religious leader
  16. synagogue (noun) Context: My Jewish friend goes to the synagogue with her family every week. Definition: A Jewish house of worship (It’s the Jewish equivalent of a church or temple)
  17. imprinted (verb) Context: The paper was imprinted with the Great Seal of the United States. Definition: To make a mark or impression on something
  18. urgently (adverb) Context: I urgently needed to contact the resistance fighters. Definition: Compelling immediate action or attention; pressing.
  19. disdainfully (adjective) Context: Laura looked at the sweater disdainfully and then put it back on the rack. Definition: Showing that you dislike something or think it is worthless
  20. imperious (adjective) Context: The bully on the playground made imperious comments to the other children. Definition: commanding; dominant
  21. tentatively (adjective) Context: We tentativelyset plans for the weekend. Definition: showing hesitancy or uncertainty
  22. exasperation (noun) Context: The student sighed in exasperation when she was told she could no longer use the calculator on her test. Definition: to be frustrated
  23. Guessed Meaning Number the Stars Vocabulary Chapters 7-9
  24. deftly (adverb) Context: Lois deftly poured a glass of milk. Definition: Quick and skillful
  25. Star of David (noun) Context: The flag of Israel has a Star of David on it. Definition: A symbol of Judaism
  26. anchored (verb) Context: They anchored the ship in the bay. Definition: Secured; held in place
  27. dismayed (verb) Context: Her parents were dismayed that she chose to be a teacher instead of a doctor. Definition: To be upset
  28. hazy (adjective) Context: We only had a hazy view of the mountain. Definition: Partly hidden or obscured by light vapor, smoke, or dust
  29. relocate (verb) Context: He relocated to Los Angeles for his new job. Definition: To move to a new location
  30. mourning (noun) Context: He was still in mourning for his dead wife. Definition: A period of time during which a person feels grief or sadness for someone who has died
  31. specter (noun) Context: After watching the scary movie, Molly had a difficult time getting the specter of the haunted house out of her mind. Definition: A haunting or disturbing image
  32. hearse (noun) Context: The hearse transported the coffin to the cemetery. Definition: A funeral vehicle
  33. Guessed Meaning Number the Stars Vocabulary Chapters 10-12
  34. gnarled (adjective) Context: Kevin used the gnarled branches of the tree as the arms for his snowman. Definition: Twisted and knotty
  35. pride (noun) Context: Students show their pride when they do good work. Definition: confidence in yourself
  36. Psalm (noun) Context: After the sermon, we sang a brief psalm. Definition: A sacred song or poem used in worship (particularly those contained in the Bible)
  37. staccato (noun) Context: Her high-heeled shoes made a rapid staccato as she walked across the wooden floor. Definition: Short, sudden sounds
  38. surge (noun) Context: Tom felt a surge of anger when he saw another boy mistreating his dog. Definition: A sudden rush of emotion or feeling
  39. typhus (noun) Context: By the looks of this rash, I think the patient has typhus. Definition: An infectious disease caused by lice or fleas. It causes high fever, headache, and a dark red rash.
  40. commotion (noun) Context: I went outside to see what all the commotion was about. Definition: A noisy disturbance
  41. Godspeed (noun) Context: We wished our dad godspeed when he went on a business trip to Japan. Definition: An expression used to wish success to someone who is going away
  42. unfamiliar (adjective) Context: Since this was his first time in this town he was unfamiliar with the streets. Definition: Not well known
  43. Guessed Meaning Number the Stars Vocabulary Chapters 13-15
  44. protruding (verb) Context: I saw a shark fin protruding from the water. Definition: Sticking out
  45. contempt (noun) Context: He showed his contempt for his job by doing it very badly. Definition: A feeling that someone or something is worthless or unworthy of respect
  46. implored (verb) Context: He implored his parents to let him keep the stray cat. Definition: Begged; pleaded
  47. sprawling (verb) Context: The ladder tipped over, sending him sprawling across the floor. Definition: To lie, sit, or fall with your arms and legs spread out
  48. tantalize (verb) Context: You should not tantalize your younger brother with that candy bar if he can not have it. Definition: to tease
  49. stricken (adjective) Context: John’s face was stricken with grief after his dog died. Definition: Overwhelmed with pain or sorrow
  50. Guessed Meaning Number the Stars Vocabulary Chapters 16-Afterword
  51. concealed (verb) Context: The note was carefully concealed in his pocket. Definition: Hidden
  52. bleak (adjective) Context: It was a dark and bleak wintry day. Definition: Gloomy and miserable
  53. deprivation (noun) Context: Mary suffers from sleep deprivation. Definition: The lack of something that you need
  54. orchestrated (verb) Context: The man orchestrated the entire circus, including the wardrobe, refreshments, and all of the acts. Definition: Organized or planned
  55. permeated (verb) Context: The aroma of the soup permeated the air. Definition: To spread throughout something
  56. raided (verb) Context: The village was suddenly raided by neighboring tribes. Definition: To make a surprise attack
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