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Chapter 2. The Complexity of Algorithms and the Lower Bounds of Problems. S. J. Shyu. Main Themes. ( 1 ) the goodness of algorithms ( 2 ) the difficulty of a problem ( 3 ) an optimal algorithm for a problem. 2.1 Time Complexity of an algorithm. Time vs. Space
Chapter 2 The Complexity of Algorithms and the Lower Bounds of Problems S. J. Shyu
Main Themes (1) the goodness of algorithms (2) the difficulty of a problem (3) an optimal algorithm for a problem
2.1 Time Complexity of an algorithm • Time vs. Space • How to measure the time-complexity of an algorithm? • Choose a particular step • Summation — # of additions, • Sorting — comparison data movement, • Matrix multiplication — # of multiplication, ... • Measure the number of steps in terms of the size of the problem
c∣g(n)∣ ∣f(n)∣ f(n) n n0 Big-O Def. f(n)= O(g(n)) if and only if there exist two positive constants c and n0 such that ︱f(n)︱c︱g(n)︱ for all n n0. 當 n 大到一個程度 (nn0) 後,f(n)會被g(n)的某個constant倍bound住!
Common computing time functions • O(1) O(log n) O(n) O(n log n) O(n2) O(n3) O(2n) O(n!) O(nn) • polynomial algorithms • exponential algorithms
2.2 The Best-, Average- and Worst-Case analysis of algorithms • Best case • Worst case • Average case
input: 7,5,1,4,3,2,6 7,5,1,4,3,2,6 5,7,1,4,3,2,6 1,5,7,4,3,2,6 1,4,5,7,3,2,6 1,3,4,5,7,2,6 1,2,3,4,5,7,6 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Ex.2.1 Insertion Sort (example) 觀察 data movement 用 inversion table來計算 data movement 的次數。 原序列: 7 5 1 4 3 2 6 Inversion 2 4 3 2 1 1 0 table ( 1 之前有 2 個數比 1 大, 2 之前有 4 個數比 1 大,… ) 將數列的值加總即為 data movement 的次數!
Ex.2.1 Insertion Sort (Algorithm) • Input:x1, x2, x3, …, xn • Output: The sorted sequence of x1 ,x2 ,x3 , …,xn for j := 2 to n do begin i := j-1 x:= xj while (x<xiand i>0) do begin xi+1:=xj i:= i-1 end xi+1 := x end
xj = 3 xi = 6 xi = 4 xi = 2 ex. x1x2 …xj1xj 1 2 4 63 ↘ 1 2 4 6 3 ↘ 1 2 4 6 3 1 2 3 4 6 觀察此 algorithm,其評估的重點在於 — data movement ﹙或 comparison﹚ 凡比xj大者就往右移一位! xi < xj遂將 xj放在位置 j+1 之處
Ex.2.1 Insertion Sort ( Analysis – best & worst case) Best case = 0 ex. instance: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Worst case {n-1, n-2, ..., 1, 0}ex. instance: 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 = d1 = n 1 d2 = n 2 : di = ni dn = 0
Ex.2.1 Insertion Sort( Analysis - average case) Average case :Suppose that x1, x2, …, xj-1, are sorted. , xj 是 x1~ xj 中第□大 1 2 3 … j steps needed 2 3 4 … j+1 probability … 於是將xj insert 至 x1, x2, …, xj-1中平均steps: 2 + 3 + ... +(j+1) = 而 j從 2 ~ n都得執行,所以總共步驟為: = = (n+8)(n-1) = O(n2)
Ex.2.2 The binary Search (Example) • Sorted sequence : (search 9) 1 4 5 7 9 10 12 15 Step 1 Step 2 Step 3
Ex.2.2 The binary Search (Algorithm) Input:a1, a2, … ,an , n > 0, with a1a2 … an, and x Output: j if aj= X and 0 if no j exists such that aj = X. i := 1 m := n while (im) do begin j := (i+m)/2 if (x= aj) then output j & stop if (x < aj) then m := j1 else i := j+1 end j := 0 output j
Ex.2.2 The binary Search (Example) ← step 1 <= step 2 <≡ step 3 < step 4 1 ← i x= 10 2 3 4 5 → 6 j 7 <=i 8 => 9 j 10 <≡i< i,j,m≡> 11 j 12 ← m<= m<≡ m
Ex.2.2 The binary Search (Analysis) 具「決定性」,足以評估方法優劣的步驟是 comparison! • best case: 1 step = O(1) • worst case: (log2 n+1) steps = O(log n) • average case: 所有的情況:
Ex.2.2 The binary Search (Analysis- Average case)* 找得到的情況: 計有 1 個情況,是找了 1 次即得 2 2 4 3 ︰ : 2lognlogn + 1
Ex.2.2 The binary Search (Analysis- Average case)* 找不到的情況: 在 (n+1) 種情況裡,每一種都得找 logn + 1 次方可確定。 ∴ 平均 “找”的次數 A(n)= (令 = logn + 1) 利用歸納法 (induction) 可得: A(n) < k= O( logn )
n cases for successful search • n+1 cases for unsuccessful search • Average # of comparisons done in the binary tree: • A(n) = , where k = log n+1
Ex 2.3 Straight Selection Sort (Example) 7 5 1 4 3 1 5 7 4 3 1 3 7 4 5 1 3 4 7 5 1 3 4 5 7
Ex 2.3 Straight Selection Sort (Algorithm) • Input: a1,a2, …,an. • Output: The sorted sequence of a1,a2, …,an. For j :=1 to n1 do Begin f:= j For k := j+1 to n do If ak < afthen f:= k ajaf End
Ex 2.3 Straight Selection Sort (Analysis) • We consider the # of changes of the flag which is used for selecting the smallest number in each iteration. • best case: O(1) • worst case: O(n2) • average case: O(n log n)
Ex 2.4 Quicksort (Example) ex. x = 6 6 4 3 7 1 2 5 8 9 5 4 3 7 1 2 6 8 9 5 4 3 6 1 2 7 8 9 5 4 3 2 1 6 7 8 9 j i j i j i <6 >6 • Recursively apply the same procedure.
Ex 2.4 Quicksort(f, l) (Algorithm) Input:af, af+1, …, al Output:The sorted sequence of af, af+1, …, al If (fl) then return x:=af; i:=f;j:=l While (i<j) do begin while af x do j:=j 1 ai ←→ aj while ai x do i:=i+1 ai ←→ aj end Quicksort(f, j-1) Quicksort(j+1, l)
Ex 2.4 Quicksort ( Analysis Best Case) 每次都能”均分 ”input之數列 比較的次數 n (n/2)2 (n/4)4 . . . 數列能切logn 次,而每次都比較 n次:O(nlogn)
Ex 2.4 Quicksort ( AnalysisWorst Case) 比較的次數 n n1 n2 . . . (原數列已sorted,或reversely sorted) 這種數列得進行 n 次,
Ex 2.4 Quicksort ( AnalysisAverage Case) 可能的”分割 ”方式: 每次分割均花n次comp n n n n T(n)=Ave(T(S)+T(n-S))+cn => O(nlogn) 1 S n
Harmonic number T(n) n
D B C A E Ex. 2.5 The Problem of Rank Finding 2-D ranking finding • Def. Given two points A=(a1, a2) and B=(b1, b2). A dominates B iff ai>bi , i=1,2 (a1> b1 and a2 > b2) • Def. Given a set S of n points, the rank of a point x is the number of points dominated by x. *一個直覺的解法: 每二點的pair都分別找 dominate的關係 => O(n2) rank(A)= 0 rank(B) = 1 rank(C) = 1 rank(D) = 3 rank(E) = 0
Ex. 2.5 A Rank Finding Algorithm Input: A set S of planar point p1,p2,...pn Output: The rank of every point in S 若S只有1點,則return rank = 0 Step1. 以垂直X軸的直線L,將平面切成兩半, 使左右各含 n/2個點 (右半X座標>L,左半X座標<L) Step2. Recursively 用本方法求出A,B內各點之 rank Step3. 將A,B內點依y座標大小排序,對B內每一點 都查是否有A中的點,其y座標小於自己的y值 rank即自己的加上A中比自己小的點個數。
Straightforward algorithm: Compare all pairs of points : O(n2)
Ex. 2.5 Rank FindingTime-complexity analysis Step1. 求median:O(n) Step2. 計算A,B的rank,recursive Step3. sorting & scanning:O(nlogn) & O(n) T(n) 2T(n/2)+c1.nlogn+c2.n設n=2P 2T(n/2)+c.nlogn 2(2T(n/4))+c(n/2)log(n/2)+cnlogn = 4T(n/4)+cnlog(n/2)+cnlogn nT(1)+c(nlogn+nlog(n/2)+nlog(n/4)+...+nlog2) = nT(1)+cn(((1+logn)/2)logn) = c'n+cn/2logn+cn/2log2n = O(nlog2n) 比 check all pairs 好! …
2.3 The Lower Bound of a Problem 為什麼要找 Lower Bound • 利用對algorithm的time-complexity analysis可以評判algorithm的好壞! • 是不是也可以用time-complexity 分析problem本身的難易度 (difficulty)? (yes!) • 若一個problem有lower time-complexity 的algorithm,它就是easy,否則該problem是difficult。 這樣的觀察將引導我們想到該問題是否有 lower bound?
Lower bound • Def : A lower bound of a problem is the least time complexity required for any algorithm which can be used to solve this problem. • ☆worst case lower bound ☆average case lower bound • The lower bound for a problem is not unique. • e.g. (1), (n), (n log n) are all lower bounds for sorting. • ((1), (n) are trivial)
Lower boundΩ • Def. f(n)=Ω(g(n))if and only if there exists positive constant c and n0 , such that f(n) c|g(n)| for all n > n0
trivial lowerbound • ex.: sorting Ω(1),Ω(n)均為trivial lowerbound,討論它們沒有意義! Ω(n2)如何?已有heapsort 其worst case為Ω(nlogn)由 Def. 可知 lower bound 必須是所有 algorithms 中最小者,所以 Ω(n2) 也不對!lower bound 至多是Ω(nlogn)。
若目前 problem 之 highest lower bound 為 Ω(nlogn) 而找到的algorithm 最快的是O(n2),則: • 若問題的 lower bound 為Ω(nlogn)且找到的 algorithm 的 time-complexity 為 O(nlogn) 則 optimal algorithm of this problem 即已找到! lower bound 與 algorithm 都無法再 improve。
既然在「所有」 algorithms 中挑最少不可能,那麼設法把problem 轉換了一種替代的形式,而該形式「蘊藏 」著該 problem 至少要花的代價。
Lower Bound VS Algorithm (upperbound) • 希望能找到解決 problem P的optimal algorithm A。但在 A尚未找到之前,目前可解P 的algorithm 中,若time-complexity 最少的為 Ai,如何確定 Ai 是最好的方法呢? • 証明 P的 lower bound, LB,即為 Ai的追尋定出下界。 我們找到的 algorithm Ai‘的 complexity ;而我們能証得的 LB(凡合理要花的成本愈高愈有兩者重合之時,就是 optimal algorithm 誕生之日!
Lower Bound觀念整理-1 • An algorithm is optimal if its time-complexity is equel to a known found lower bound of this problem. • 一個問題(problem)的lower bound是所有可解該問題的algorithm中time-complexity最少者。 • (由於無法舉証「所有」解該問題algorithm中最少者,我們都試圖「証明」該問題的lower bound愈高愈好!
Lower Bound觀念整理-2 • 若目前得到的lower bound低於找得algorithm中time-complexity最少者,則可能: (1)lower bound可以提高 (2)algorithm可以改進,使time-complexity降低 (3) (1)與(2)同時進行。 • 若已知的lower bound恰與已得algorithm的time-complexity相同,(兩者均無法再improve)則此algorithm正為optimal也;此lower bound亦為 the highest lower bound(the truly significant one.)
2.4 The Worst Case Lower Bound of Sorting • 如何找到sorting的lower bound? • 在所有解sorting的algorithm中找最少? • 將sorting轉成另一種形式, 其LB可掌握!
Sorting 中的compare & exchange可以容易地以binary decision tree表示 整個binary tree中最長的path即對應該 sorting algorithm 之 worst case time-complexity
觀察並思考下面描述: (1)不管那一種sorting algorithm,它要面對 input instance的種類皆有n!;即對應 binary decision tree之leaf node皆有n!個。 (2)不管binary decision tree長相為何,唯在 balanced tree上方有最少的depth。 (3)若binary tree 是balanced,則其depth為 [logX],X為leaf node個數。 • sorting problem 的 lower bound為 [logn!] ∵ [logn!]=[nlogn]。 ∴ sorting 所需最少comparison的數目為Ω(nlogn), in the worst case.
Lower bound of sorting • To find the lower bound, we have to find the smallest depth of a binary tree. • n! distinct permutations n! leaf nodes in the binary decision tree. • balanced tree has the smallest depth: log(n!) = (n log n) lower bound for sorting: (n log n) (See the next page.)