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Spirituality. as you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the headneither ought you attempt to cure the body without the soul'Plato. Spirituality. What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare...'It makes you think'Life's a bitch and then you die'To be or
1. Spirituality Death, Dying & Spirituality
The Revd Dr Barry Clark
April 2007
2. Spirituality as you ought not to attempt to cure the eyes without the head
neither ought you attempt to cure the body without the soul
3. Spirituality What is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare...
It makes you think
Lifes a bitch and then you die
To be or not to be, that is the question...
4. Spirituality Spirituality is concerned with how individuals understand the purpose and meaning of their existence within the universe. It requires an individual to develop a harmonious connection between themselves and their spiritual thought
(Faull, 1999)
5. Spirituality Connecting the here with the there, the living with the dead, meaning with meaninglessness. This is the territory of spirituality. It is concerned with placing our own existence and extinction within the existence of the cosmos
(Clark, 2002)
6. Spirituality I do not like the word spiritual, its is too loaded for me, but for want of a better word, I feel that the spiritual part of us is indestructible and emerges again in some form
Religion and spirituality
7. Spirituality Spiritual distress experienced by cancer patients may be under addressed due to time constraints, lack of confidence in effectiveness, and role uncertainty
I hope your visit has inspired you
8. Spirituality 2004 Nice Guidelines Improving Supportive and Palliative Care for Adults with Cancer Chapter 7 Spiritual Support Service
the search for the existential or ultimate meaning of life
it usually includes reference to a power other than self
Great emphasis on TEAM responsibility, with accurate and timely (and regular) evaluation of spiritual issues
9. Spirituality When the going gets tough
Designed to support and encourage the patients and the staff
Designed by patients/carers, to be completed by patients
Currently being evaluated
10. Spiritual Symptoms Why me?
What have I done to deserve this?
Am I going to die?
Who will look after my family
How long have I got?
Is there a God? I need to make my peace.
How will I be remembered?
Will it be painful?
I want to go home!
I am so angry
I am so frightened
11. Spirituality Physically haywire
Mentally fragile
Emotionally unpredictable
Spiritually d y n a m i c
12. Spirituality Question is not, How am I? but rather, Who am I?
Desperate need to re-establish the self or nurture the damaged self.
13. Practical spirituality Recognise the person, not merely the patient - determine and affirm their hopes and fears.
Listen to their story and build a picture
Draw alongside - what unites, one human beings concern for another, has greater power than anything that might separate.
14. Practical spirituality Encourage but do not enforce - the spiritually dynamic need space to explore
Re-establish roots if possible
Be aware of your spiritual pilgrimage
Be aware of limitations
15. Practical Spirituality Ted Bowman : Loss of Dreams a special kind of Grief
Role or function
16. Practical Spirituality Ted Bowman
Name losses
Grieve the losses
Be realistic about your losses
Keep dreaming
Know you are not alone
17. Practical Spirituality NICE Guidelines
Listen to patient experience
Affirm humanity
Protect dignity & self worth
Integrate care
Review care
18. Spirituality I have spread my dreams under your feet; Tread softly, for you tread on my dream
Grief has several coats and many shades
19. Spirituality BMJ: What is a good death? Themed Issue 26th July 2003
BMJ: Spiritual needs in healthcare
2004 (329) 123-124
NICE Guidelines Improving Supportive and Palliative Care for Adults with Cancer March 2004
Spiritual & Religious Care Competencies for Specialist Palliative Care Marie Curie Cancer Care Sept 2004
20. Spirituality European Journal of Palliative Care (2005)
12 (5) A philosophical consideration of attitudes towards death
Nursing Management October 2005, 12 (6) Themed issue on Spiritual care
A Time for Listening and Caring (Spirituality and the care of the chronically ill and dying) OUP 2006
One in Three Adam Wishart Profile Books - 2006
21. Spirituality Recognising spiritual needs in people who are dying Rachel Stanworth OUP 2004
Spirituality & Palliative Care Ed: Bruce Rumbold OUP 2005
Palliative Care for South Asians Ed: Rashid Gatrad Quay Books 2006
Reflections on Spirituality & Health Stephen Wright Whurr 2005
Hidden Aspects of Palliative care Ed: Brian Nyatanga Quay Books - 2005