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Winners without Losers. Development & Research Project Motivation and Models of Learning among Primary School Students in the Subjects of Chinese, English and Mathematics. The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Members of the Research Team. Principal Investigator : Prof. Wong Hin-wah
Winners without Losers Development & Research Project Motivation and Models of Learning among Primary School Students in the Subjects of Chinese, English and Mathematics The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Members of the Research Team Principal Investigator: Prof. Wong Hin-wah Chinese Subject Ms. Chui Ching-ying, Mr. Ng Mau-yuen, Eric, Prof. Tong Choi-wai, Mr. Yeung Chi-kwan English Subject Prof. Man Yee-fun, Evelyn, Mr. Sze Man-man, Paul Mathematics Subject Mr. Lau Ying-chuen, Mr. Law Huk-yuen Mr. Tang Kon-ming, Prof. Wong Ngai-ying Researcher: Prof. Lee Chi-kin, John Assistant School Development Officer: Ms. Chu Ka-wing, Julia Project Assistant: Ms. Ho Bik-yu, Beatrice, Ms. Yu Wing-sze, Taina
Participating Schools LKWSFL Wong Yiu Nam Primary School CUHKFAA Thomas Cheung School
1. Foreword—(1) The focal point of this project is not only confined to the students’ academic achievements; we are more concerned about the students’ maintenance of their interest and engagement in learning, and the multiplicity of their learning models.
1. Foreword—(2) The foci of the project centers round: • Motivation and Models of learning • Learning engagement • Teacher empowerment • Reflective teaching and Action research • Professional development of teachers and curriculum leaders • Collaborative Partnership
2. Views on individual differences Each student is an individual different from all other students; Over emphasis on pencil-and-paper exam results may neglect students’ effort; Catering for individual differences is not solely to reduce the differences in test or exam results. Rather it is to lead students to find personal meaning in learning and to learn how to learn.
3. Strategies in catering for individual differences—(1) Concept and Goals Our starting points are not the school organizational system or the structure of the curriculum. Instead, we begin with the status quo, with reality. We believe that to analyze thoroughly the teaching problems in schools and consider theories about student motivations in learning will develop school teachers’ sensitivity to individual differences among students.
3. Strategies in catering for individual differences—(2) Strategy of development adopted: T: Task A: Authority R: Recognition G: Grouping E: Evaluation T: Time (Epstein, 1989) We aim at changing the present learning model, performance-goal orientation, to one of mastery-goal orientation. TARGET
Big Wheel Collaborative Partnership Enhancement of teachers’ motivation and models of teaching Maintenance of students’ learning motivation and models of learning Individual Difference Small Wheel Operational Mode of strategies
Workshop on TARGET model Curriculum & Instructional Leadership Teacher reflection & professional development Teacher empowerment & Improvement of school culture Big Wheel Collaborative Partnership: Build up Mutual Trust Relationship among university, school & CDI Relationship between school & parents Improvement in teaching Models Operational Mode of strategies
Collaborative Partnership: Build up Mutual Trust Relationship among university, school & CDI Relationship between school & parents Improvement in teaching Models Small Wheel Enhancement of teachers’ motivation and models of teaching Maintenance of students’ learning motivation and models of learning Individual Difference Subject Meetings/ Workshops on Subject Teaching Core Group (on teaching and learning) Meeting Interview with Principals Parents’ Meeting Interview with Students & Parents School-wide Dissemination Consultants’ Meeting with CDI officers
5. Research Design 5 aspects of the study: • Study of the students • Study of the teachers (including PSM(CD)s) • Study of the principals • Study of the parents • Study of the researchers Multiple channels and angles of observation to collect and analyze data (Table)
6. Improvement in learning and teaching Change in school culture Individual to collaborative culture Collective lesson planning, Peer lesson observation, etc. and the formation and development of the Core Group of Teaching and Learning Improvement in subject teaching A wide range of various strategies are developed by teachers at two participating schools to enhance their teaching and learning.
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Students(1) Student questionnaire (refer to ER-p.16, 7.1.1. & CR-p54, 7.1.1.) Findings Students’ self concept is generally high in the first year. Then it tends to get slightly lower in the second and third year. When students get to a higher form, they will encounter more difficult subject content, and their interest and motivation in learning and learning motivation will likely be adversely affected.
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Students(2) Student interview (refer to ER-p.17, 7.1.2. & CR-p.58-7.1.2.) The topics of the first two interviews focus on dimensions of students’ experiences and impression of school life: how they see “going to school”, “attending class”, “homework”, “dictation”, “teachers”, “classmates” and “school”.
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Students(2) The interview data is summarized from two dimensions: (1) How the students view learning (refer to ER-p.17, & CR-p.59, (2) How the students view their teachers (refer to ER-p.18- & CR-63,
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Teachers(1) Observations by the university researchers • Increase in taking the initiative in teaching • Self-reflection • Opening up the classroom and meeting challenges • Using research to enhance teaching and professional development (refer to ER-p.19, 7.2.1. & CR-p.64-7.2.1.)
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Teachers(2) Interviews with teachers: The “Changed” and the “Unchanged” (refer to ER-p.20, 7.2.2. & CR-p.70, 7.2.2.) Changes in teacher • Changes in teaching model, beliefs, concepts about teaching (refer to ER-p.24, & CR-p.71, • Views on collaborative lesson planning (refer to ER-p.21, & CR-p.77, b) • Views on collaboration among teachers (refer to ER-p.22, & CR-p.79, c) • Views on teacher empowerment, teacher autonomy (refer to ER-p.23, & CR-p.82, d) • Views on reflective teaching (refer to ER-p.23, & CR-p.84, e ) • Views on co-operating with parents (refer to ER-p.23, & CR-p.84, f)
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Teachers(3) Reasons for the teachers’ changes (refer to ER-p.24, & CR-p.85, • Students’ reactions and changes • Collaboration among colleagues • The leadership of subject leaders • The support of university experts • Identifying with the model TARGET • The parents’ impetus • The principals’ encouragement and support • The mobilization of the whole school • Some teachers are self-motivated • To be answering the call of educational reform
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Teachers(4) Changes out of expectation (refer to ER-p.24, & CR-p.89, • Teachers’ personal change and growth • Materials-design with own efforts • The project could reap quick returns • Begin to realize that pressure can be minimized if teachers are able to collaborate nicely and to achieve professional growth in due course.
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Teachers(5) The Unchanged (refer to ER-p.25, & CR-p.91, • The curriculum content of some subjects is still packed; • Some teachers in the schools still do not accept reform; • Principals support the teachers strongly; • Parents’ concern about their children.
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Teachers(6) Teachers’ personal growth (refer to ER-p.25, & CR-p.93, • Enhanced understanding of the curriculum • Raised teachers’ sense of autonomy over the curriculum • More active concern over students • Increased team spirit • More capable of designing learning activities • More patient with students • Increased confidence in teaching
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Teachers(7) Relationship between teachers’ personal growth and the development of the school: tightly interconnected (refer to ER-p.26, & CR-p.96, Relationship between the project and the development of the schools: to hasten the overall development of the schools (refer to ER-p.26, & CR-p.97,
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Teachers(7) Problems and challenges faced by teachers (refer to ER-p.26, & CR-p.97, • Not really know how best to help those students who are weak in learning ability or have great difficulties in learning learn with efficiency; • Not enough manpower or time • Some teachers in the schools are still skeptical about the efficiency of the project • Really need help from “experts” in the relevant field
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Principals(1) Interview with principals (refer to ER-p.27, 7.3. & CR-p.99, 7.3.) Principal A (refer to ER-p.27, 7.3.1. & CR-p.99, 7.3. A-E) • Changes in the teachers perceived by the principal • Recognized that students can change teachers • Self reflection on the principal himself • Continuation of the project in the school • Problems and challenges
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Principals(2) Principal B (refer to ER-p.28, 7.3.2. & CR-p.104, 7.3. A-C) • Changes in the role of the principal • Reflection on the principal’s role • The Unchanged • The attitude of the parents in co-operating with the school
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Parents Interview with parents Parents’ perception of the teaching in the school and the students’ learning (refer to ER-p.29, 7.4. & CR-p.110, 7.4.) • Reasons for changing schools (refer to ER-p.29, 7.4.1. & CR-p.111, 7.4.) • Views on subject teaching (refer to ER-p.30, 7.4.2. & CR-p.112, 7.4.) • Changes in students (refer to ER-p.30, 7.4.3. & CR-p.113, 7.4.) • New understanding of students’ homework (refer to ER-p.30, 7.4.4. & CR-p.114, 7.4.) • Change in views towards dictation (refer to ER-p.31, 7.4.5. & CR-p.114, 7.4.) • The understanding of the relationship between reading and learning (refer to ER-p.31, 7.4.6. & CR-p.115, 7.4.)
7. Research findings: Changes taking place in participants—Researchers Interview with researchers (refer to ER-p.32, 7.5. & CR-p.129, 7.5.) • The understanding of the conceptualization of the project • The role of the project researchers • The understanding of the entire project • The experience gained in participating in the project and its relevance to teacher education
8. The dissemination of the project To disseminate the experience of the project with CDI (refer to ER-p.34, 8.1. & CR-p.138. 8.1.) Publication of monographs (refer to ER-p.34, 7.2. & CR-p.141, 8.2.) Application of one participating school to join the Seed Project for the sake of experience-dissemination (refer to ER-p.34, 8.3. & CR-p.142, 8.3.) Presentation in 3 regions conference on Curriculum Leadership & Evaluation
9. Conclusion—(1) No educational problems can be solved by one party, so the concept of collaborative partnership becomes a bridge connecting educational theory and practice. Teaching is an interactive process. This means not only that teachers and students interact. It also means interaction between school and family. Learning by doing is a central tenet of the Project.
9. Conclusion—(2) Educational reform required time. Its effectiveness may not be measurable by quantification. On the long march to educational reform, wayfarers need to hold steady their educational principles, pay attention to students’ needs, be sympathetic to and have faith in teachers’ capacity. We need patience and persistence. It really requires the support and understanding of every stakeholder, indeed every citizen. That, too, is part of the true meaning of “No one is dispensable”.
Theoretical consideration • 1. Zeichner and Gore(1990)suggest that interface between individual teachers and their schools reveals a critical gap in our understanding of change. (Richardson, ed., 2001, 4th Handbook of Research on Teaching, p.929)
Theoretical consideration • 2. Effects of Teacher Change on Students. Few studies of teacher change in either the individual or organizational literature move toward examining what happens to student learning when teachers change their practices. Within a community, student learning should be assessed longitudinally to determine the effects of teacher change on student learning over a number of years.(Richardson, ed., 2001,p.929)