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The Jamestown Colony. What were the reasons for English colonization in America?. Why did the King of England want an American colony?. Some European countries, including England, were in competition to increase their wealth and power by expanding their empires to America.
The Jamestown Colony
What were the reasons for English colonization in America?
Some European countries, including England, were in competition to increase their wealth and power by expanding their empires to America.
England wanted to establish an American colony to increase her wealth and power.
England hoped to find gold and silver in America, as the Spanish had done in Mexico and South America.
Each dot on this map of England shows a place where a Jamestown settler came from. Historians have read the 400-year-old records of Jamestown to find where the settlers came from. Why did the Jamestown settlers come to America?
Jamestown was founded in 1607 as an economic venture. What are these people doing? Where are they? What year is it?
An American settlement would furnish raw materials that could not be grown or obtained in England. What raw materials do you see here?
An American settlement would open new markets for trade. Sewing with needles from England • England needed rawmaterials, such as lumber and tobacco. • Virginia needed manufacturedgoods, such as furniture, tools, needles, and muskets.
Jamestown was established (started) by the VirginiaCompany of London as an economic venture. The Virginia Company hoped to make a huge profit on their investment. Coat of arms of the Virginia Company of London
The Virginia Company was a group of people who got others to invest their money. Seal of the Virginia Company
After the Jamestown settlement made money, the investors were supposed to get a profit from their money.
Jamestown was the first permanent English settlement in America.
Where is Jamestown located? Jamestown
When the settlers chose the location in 1607, Jamestown was located on a narrow peninsula bordered on three sides by the James River. the peninsula the James River
Today, Jamestown is located on an island in the James River. This is an aerial view of part of Jamestown fort.
Why did the settlers choose the site at Jamestown? This is one of the very first maps of Virginia. Can you find the Chesapeake Bay?
The location could be easily defended from attack by sea. The English feared a sea attack by the Spanish.
The water along the shore was deep enough for ships to dock. harbor
What was the importance of the charters of the Virginia Company of London to the Jamestown settlement?
The King of England granted charters to the Virginia Company of London. London in the 1600s
The charters gave the Virginia Company the right to establish a settlement in North America.
The first charter of the Virginia Company of London established companies to begin colonies in the New World.
The charters extended English rights to the colonists. The Capitol at Williamsburg, where the House of Burgesses met to make Virginia’s laws The Houses of Parliament, where English laws were made
What was this system of government called? Houses in Jamestown looked like English houses.
In 1619, the governor of Virginia called a meeting of the Virginia Assembly. The Assembly included two citizen representatives, called “burgesses.”
The Assembly also included the governor’s council and the governor. John Smith was an early governor of Virginia.
By the 1640s, the burgesses became a separate legislative body, called the Virginia House of Burgesses. Patrick Henry speaks in the Virginia House of Burgesses.
The government of the Virginia colony was based on the English model of a representative government. This is the church in Jamestown where the House of Burgesses first met.
The House of Burgesses was modeled afterthe English Parliament.
The House of Burgesses was the first electedlegislative body in America, giving settlers the opportunity to control their own government. This is an old engraving showing colonial Virginia men voting.
Today it is called the General Assembly and is the oldest legislative body in the western hemisphere. An 1800s drawing of the General Assembly building in Richmond
The House of Burgesses became the Virginia General Assembly, which continues to this day. the state capitol building in Richmond, where the Virginia General Assembly meets to make our laws
What was the impact of the arrival of women on the Jamestown settlement?
In 1620, the Virginia Company of London sent a ship with 90 young women to Jamestown. A man who wanted to marry one of these women, had to pay 120 pounds of tobacco to the ship’s captain for her trip to Jamestown.
The arrival of women in 1620 made it possible for the settlers to establish families and a more permanent settlement at Jamestown. 1600s drawings of children at play
What was the impact of the arrival of Africans on the Jamestown settlement? African Americans re-enact slaves listening to a slave preacher on a plantation.
Africans arrived in Jamestown against their will. It is believed that they arrived as baptized Christians and therefore were labeled indentured servants for a period of 5 to 7 years.
But Virginia planters soon saw that they would need a cheap supply of labor for along time. Tidewater plantations were expanding because people could make so muchmoneyfrom tobacco.
The arrival of Africans made it possible to expand the tobacco economy.
How did the Powhatan people and the English settlers interact? This is a 1600s drawing of Powhatan Indians smoking fish over a fire.
The Powhatan people and the English settlers at Jamestown established trading relationships and for a while had positive interactions. 1600s drawing of a Powhatan village
Captain John Smith initiated (started) trading relationships with the Powhatans.