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Venue: Deloitte - Brussels Author(s): D. Polemi, P. Hengeveld Organisations: E xpertnet SA, Deloitte Date: 11/11/

Electronic and Secure Municipal Administration for European Citizens eMayor. eMayor at a Glance – Standards. Venue: Deloitte - Brussels Author(s): D. Polemi, P. Hengeveld Organisations: E xpertnet SA, Deloitte Date: 11/11/2004. Partners of e-Mayor. Deloitte Expertnet (GR)

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Venue: Deloitte - Brussels Author(s): D. Polemi, P. Hengeveld Organisations: E xpertnet SA, Deloitte Date: 11/11/

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  1. Electronic and Secure Municipal Administration for European Citizens eMayor eMayor at a Glance – Standards Venue: Deloitte - Brussels Author(s):D. Polemi, P. Hengeveld Organisations: Expertnet SA, Deloitte Date: 11/11/2004

  2. Partners of e-Mayor • Deloitte • Expertnet (GR) • University of Piraeus Research Centre (GR) • Fokus (D) • Ubizen (B) • AET Europe (NL) • Sadesi (E) • University of Zurich (CH) • University of Siegen (D) • Municipality of Aachen • Municipality of Sevilla • Municipality of Siena • Municipality of Bolzano • Municipality of Psychico (Athens)

  3. Objectives of eMayor • building an open, secure, interoperable and cost effective eGovernment platform, addressing the needs of small and medium sized public organizations • multi-modal web services based on European standards which will deploy as much as possible open source software solutions for secure municipal eGovernment applications, including secure interaction with citizens, civil servants and governmental processes.

  4. Specific Technical Objectives • Analysis of requirements & existing technologies • Selection of promising services and scenarios • Design and specifications of the eMayor platform • Development and implementation of the eMayor platform • Set-up, operation and evaluation

  5. eMayor Platform Architecture

  6. eMayor eMayor eMayor eMayor MoSeville MoBolzano MoSiena MoAachen eMayor Pilot setup SADESI UoSiegen Internet D&T UoZurich

  7. eMayor standards adoption/assessment • Security XadES standard • Web-services:DSIG, XML Encryption, XKMS, XForms, W3C Accessability • E-governmentSAGA (OSCI), MIReG, OASIS

  8. eMAyor Standards issues and solutions • X-Forms digsig and smartcard integration (W3C?) may need enhancements • E-Gov XML exchange standards at European Level • Language Issues at European Level • Issues around Government digital identification tokens (SmartCard) standardization and related CA-architecture at European Level needs practical solution

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