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Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School!. Spirituality, Scholarship, Service. Thursday April 4. DAY 2. Ms. Teeters' Spanish 3 Honors classes are reminded to report to the computer lab at 12:30 for the National Spanish Exam.
Welcome to Oakland Catholic High School! Spirituality, Scholarship, Service
ThursdayApril 4 DAY 2
Ms. Teeters' Spanish 3 Honors classes are reminded to report to the computer lab at 12:30 for the National Spanish Exam.
All Honors American Lit students are to bring their textbooks to class Today.
Attention, Swim Team • Today is the final day for any swim team member in the freshman, sophomore, and junior class to try on the pants for the team gift. • They are located in the office, and so if they do not try the pants on by tomorrow, their size will be chosen for them.
"ALL JOA Scholars should read check their email and read any messages from Mrs. Kasunic thoroughly! • These emails have to do with graduation or continuing in JOA next year."
Want to try out for the talent show next week? • The last chance to try out is TODAY afterschool. Please sign up in the guidance office and be sure to meet Mrs. Benedik and Ms. Marchese immediately after school in the JOA theater.
SPANISH CLUB • There will be a dinner at Mad Mex on Tuesday, April 9, 2013. Meet in room 215 at 2:45. We will return to school by 5:00 or your ride can pick you up at the restaurant. • Sign up in room 215 by April 5, 2013
Our OC softball lost to McKeesport 11-0 in 5 innings yesterday. • Their next game is on Friday.
Congratulations, Mara Fitzgerald Mara was named to the All-Section basketball team.
Attention, Seniors Please submit ALL college decisions to the Guidance Office asap!Thank You
Please join us as Oakland and Central Catholic Student Councils present Dancing with the Vikings at Central's theatre on Friday April 5! • The finest Oakland dancers have prepared dances with Central boys. • Our judges include former Steeler Lynn Swann, broadcaster Guy Junker, central teacher Mrs. Snider and our very own Mrs. Fratto! • Tickets will be on sale during lunch for $5. Tickets will also be sold at the door for $5 beginning at 6:30. • However, there are a limited number of seats! • All proceeds benefit Oakland's Guatemala mission and Central's Haitian Mission.
Meeting: Thursday April 4th @ 2:40 in the study area Senior Class Decorating Committee *For anyone who is interested in helping with spirit week
Friday is the last Day to purchase tickets for Freshmen and sophomores semi formal dance on April 26 at the Heinz History center, • The price for a couple ticket is $50.00, the price for a single ticket is $25.00. • Tickets are on sale in the office, before school and during the lunch periods.
Prom contract and Cedar Point permission forms are now available in the main office and room 211. • Dresses will be approved by Ms. Teeters and Mrs. Riegelnegg in rooms 211 and the back of the library. • Tickets go on sale beginning Monday, April 8 in room 211.
The second annual 'Race Against Cancer' is going to be held Saturday, May 4th. • Anyone interested may pick up a brochure in the office.
MAPS is sponsoring a gently used blanket and children's book drive. • There will be a donation box located outside of the Guidance Office. • The drive will run for the next few weeks and all donations will benefit "Angel's Place" which provides child care for Pittsburgh's impoverished families.
Pittsburgh PiratesCatholic School Night Friday, May 31 at 7:05 Order Forms for Tickets are available in the office.
April is HeadandNeckCancerAwareness Month • Tobacco and alcohol use are major risk factors for head and neck cancers • 3% of cancers in the United States • Commonly found in men over the age of 50 • Ribbons colors are burgundy and ivory