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Welcome to 1 st Grade!

Welcome to 1 st Grade!. Alison Doolin Ashley Freeman DeAnn Hamilton Leia Unsworth Lavonne Williams. 1st Grade Teachers. Lavonne Williams 281-641-3026 lavonne.williams@humble.k12.tx.us. General Daily Schedule. 7:30-8:05 Unpack, Attendance, Lunch Count, Announcements, Morning Work

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Welcome to 1 st Grade!

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  1. Welcome to 1st Grade!

  2. Alison Doolin Ashley Freeman DeAnn Hamilton Leia Unsworth Lavonne Williams 1st Grade Teachers

  3. Lavonne Williams281-641-3026 lavonne.williams@humble.k12.tx.us

  4. General Daily Schedule • 7:30-8:05 Unpack, Attendance, Lunch Count, Announcements, Morning Work • 8:05-8:15 Morning Meeting • 8:15-9:15 Math Workshop/Calendar • 9:15-9:30 Words Their Way (Spelling) and Snack • 9:30-10:50 Shared Reading and Literacy Workshop Stations/Reading Groups • 10:50-11:40 Restroom and Lunch • 11:45-12:05 Recess • 12:10-12:45 Writing • 12:45-12:55 Restroom • 12:55-1:50 Specials/teacher conference time • 1:55-2:30 Science • 2:30-2:50 Social Studies • 2:50-3:30 Stack/Pack and Dismissal

  5. Early Release Schedule • 7:30-8:05 Unpack, Attendance, Lunch Count, Announcements, Morning Work • 8:05-8:15 Morning Meeting • 8:15-9:10 Math Workshop and Calendar • 9:10-10:20 Literacy Stations/Reading Groups • 10:20-11 Restroom and Lunch (sack lunches for buyers and eat in classrooms; no visitors) • 11-11:20 Writing • 11:20-11:40 Science • 11:40-12 Stack/Pack and Dismissal

  6. 8:05 - Tardy Bell – Students arriving after 8:05 have to report to the office for a tardy slip. Attendance bell at 9:10 – Students will be marked absent if arriving after 9:10without a doctor’s note Absence notes must be received within 2 days after returning to school for an absence to be excused – e-mails, attendance line (281-641-3019), or written notes are accepted Humble ISD will be sending letters to parents if a student has 3 unexcused absences in a 4 week period 10 or more unexcused absences in a 6 month period Attendance

  7. Afternoon Pick Up • Students will not be dismissed from class after: • 2:30 PM on normal school days • 11:30 AM on early release days • Students will be called to the office for early dismissal after being signed out by the parent • If your child’s normal dismissal needs to be changed for any reason, please call the teacher/front office, send a note, or email the teacher. We cannot accept verbal notice from the student. Please notify us no later than 1 PM for a change in dismissal. • Please send a note if the person picking up is not on the student’s contact list. • Office contact number is 281-641-3000.

  8. Text Message AlertsThis will be very helpful for Rainy Day Dismissal alerts! Please add to your contact list! Text - @4aedc To – 469-507-3731

  9. Breakfast $1.40 Lunch $2.10 Lunch Hotline 281-641-5838 Breakfast and Lunch choices can be found on the SWE website at http://www.humble.k12.tx.us/Page/9948 Breakfast and Lunch Information*Please talk to your children about a COMPLETE meal – 3 items including milk, a vegetable/fruit, and main dish (a la carte items can add up to being more than a complete meal price)

  10. Snack • Three C’s • No Chips, No Candy and No Cookies • Water only to drink in a water bottle (top must close completely) • Snack Ideas: • fruits, crackers, cheese, breakfast bars, cereal, pretzels, popcorn, veggies • DRY snacks only, please! • Please send a snack daily with your child! • On testing days (District Benchmarks and STAAR), the school lunch times will change. Please be prepared to send an additional snack (two for the day) with your child on those days as we may eat lunch up to one hour later than usual.

  11. Visitors and Volunteers • All visitors must check in at the front office with a valid drivers license. • Volunteers must wear a badge and be in specified location(s).

  12. Car Rider Information • FRONT-East/school side-If you live on the East side of W. Lake Houston Pkwy, you will drop off and pick up your child through the FRONT driveway of the school. These cars will have YELLOW signs. • CAFETERIA-West side-If you live on the West side of W. Lake Houston Pkwy, you will drop off and pick up your child through the CAFETERIA driveway. These cars will have GREEN signs.

  13. Homework • To start off the year, we will… • Encourage students to read every night to reach our school goal of 1 million minutes! More information about this to come! • Reading nightly will continue throughout the year! • Within a few weeks expect… • Word Study (spelling) homework and tests • Weekly math activities focusing on story (word) problems

  14. Daily Folder • Your child will have a PURPLE daily folder which will contain a behavior calendar and important papers to go home. • Please initial/sign your child’s daily behavior conduct sheet and check your child’s folder every night! Please do not remove the behavior sheet from your child’s daily folder.

  15. Behavior Color System • White/Blue= Great Day!  • Green= 1st conduct mark • Yellow= 2nd conduct mark • You may receive a note, email, or call home regarding this behavior. • Red= Behavior Ticket • A call home will be required.

  16. Way to go! PBIS • Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS) is a school-wide system which promotes good behavior with positive rewards. • Throughout the first few weeks of school, you will receive further information about this awesome new initiative!

  17. Specials 12:55-1:50 Aug. 25th – Sept. 26th: • Monday – Computer • Tuesday – Art • Wednesday – PE* • Thursday – Music • Friday – PE* *Tennis shoes MUST be worn on PE days (Monday and Wednesday)!

  18. Physical Education News • We are looking forward to working with your child in physical education. Our goal is to provide a positive learning experience while developing the mind and body through physical activity. • Safety is a primary concern, so we ask that your child wear or bring tennis shoes or wear enclosed flat rubber soled shoes on physical education days. No Crocs, sandals, wheelies, or flip flops are allowed. Our classes are outside (weather permitting), so children should be dressed appropriate for the weather. Please be sure your child wears shorts under a dress/skirt. Children are also encouraged and permitted to bring water bottles (with names on them).

  19. Physical Education News • If your child is to be excused from participation due to illness or injury, they will need a parent note. If they are to be excused for more than three days, a doctor’s note is required according to district policy. Please advise your child to give all notes to their homeroom teacher or the school nurse. Also, if a child has a note and is excused from PE they are not allowed to participate in recess. • Physical Education Expectations: Participate- Give 100% Support Others & Be A Good Sport Remember To Listen & Follow Directions Respect Others & Equipment AlwaysThink Safety!

  20. Physical Education News • Students that choose not to follow expectations will have consequences ranging from being pulled from the activity for a period of time, signing the penalty book, a note home, a phone call or email to parents, or a visit to the AP/Principal’s office. • Our grading procedures will be run by a point system. A student receives a point when they sign the penalty book. P.E. Grade0-3 = E, 4-6 = S, 7-10= N, 11+= U • We feel that all of our students will do wonderfully! Please feel free to contact us anytime you have a special need or concern. (281) 641-3009 P.E. Teacher-Ms. Burgess Paraprofessional- Ms. Moore

  21. Activity Funds • First Grade Activity fee is $25. • This fee covers transportation for field trips and special activities/projects done in the classroom. • Activity funds must be paid to the teacher. You may pay in cash or check. Please make checks payable to Summerwood Elementary.

  22. Birthday Celebrations • Summerwood Elementary policy: • No birthday parties at school • You may send non-edible, educational treats (pencils, erasers, bookmarks, etc…). Please send enough for each child in class. • Please do not distribute party invitations at school. • You may pre-arrange 2 weeks in advance to purchase ice cream from the cafeteria for the whole class. Please talk to the cafeteria staff if you are interested in doing this.

  23. Early Dismissal 2014-2015 • Our 1st early dismissal date is THIS FRIDAY, Aug. 29th! • Other Dates: • Sept. 17th - Professional Dev. • Oct. 1st – Professional Dev. • Oct. 29th – Conferences • Oct. 30th – Conferences • Dec. 3rd – Professional Dev. • Dec. 19th – Winter Break • Jan. 28th, 2015 – Professional Dev. • March 25th, 2015 – Professional Dev. • May 6th, 2015 – Professional Dev. • June 4th, 2015 – Last day of school *Dismissal begins at 11:45 AM on early dismissal dates! Older students with kindergarten siblings will dismiss from the kinder wing (circle drive). *We will NOT have specials on these dates. *Lunch will be at 10:30 and we will eat in our classrooms.

  24. PTO Information • Please stop by the cafeteria and check out the school spirit shop! • Don’t forget to join PTO if you are interested and sign up to volunteer! The sign up sheet is in the hallway. • Sign the celebration permission form! • Turn in Box Tops to support SWE!

  25. Welcome Back Breakfast • Welcome back to SWE parent breakfast (for ALL parents not just new to SWE) • Monday, Aug. 25 from 8:00-9:00 in the cafeteria • Visit with other parents, PTO members and the principals • Parents will be able to write their child a letter that will be delivered during the school day. • Breakfast sponsored by our Summerwood HEB

  26. We’re going to have a GREAT year!!! *Make sure you get an information packet!*Students take your goodie bag!*Pick up a green (cafeteria/west side) sign or yellow (front/east/school side) sign for car rider pick up!(*Fill out information sheets for your child! Please write names for telephone numbers and put in all e-mail addresses you would like to receive information at (this will NOT be shared- it will be for me to better communicate classroom happenings and information with you).

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