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Join the Esperanza Program training for Grades 1-3 and Lenguaje y Lectura for Kindergarten Bilingual Teachers this summer. Enhance Spanish literacy skills with evidence-based strategies. Limited spaces available - register now!
$100 stipend for each day of attendance! ESPERANZA SUMMER 2013 TRAININGS ML0183 & ML0184 As part of the district’s Literacy Initiative, the Curriculum and Multilingual Programs Departments are offering training for the Esperanza Program For Bilingual Teachers in Grades 1-3 and the Lenguaje y Lectura Training for Kindergarten Bilingual Teachers this summer. The training will provide an opportunity for bilingual teachers to further develop and extend their knowledge of foundational literacy skills in Spanish. Participants will learn and receive ESPERANZA materials to implement evidence–based strategies for improving Spanish oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, reading fluency, reading comprehension, vocabulary, and writing skills. The Esperanza Training for Bilingual Teachers in Grades 1-3 is comprised of two consecutive days of training. The Lenguaje y Lectura Training for Kindergarten Bilingual Teachers is a one day training. Please register to attend one of the following sessions listed below as soon as possible. Spaces are limited.