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IRIS GADSDEN • Hello,my name is Iris Gadsden. I am 14 years old in the 9th grade at Brookland-Cayce High School in West Columbia. My interest are the fine arts and spending time with family and friends.In spare time I like to watch tv,read nonfiction, or hang out with my best friends. Well, thats all for now,hope to talk to you soon:)
LIBBY MATHIAS • Hello, my name is Libby Mathias, and I am 14 years old. I am a freshman at Brookland-Cayce High School. I live in West Columbia, South Carolina. I play on my school tennis team and other recreational leagues. I like to go to the high school football games and the movies with my friends. I also like to go to the lake and tube. I absolutely love to go shopping for clothes at the mall. I love Coach purses. Every Sunday and Wednesday, I go to my church for youth. We hang out and have a lot of fun. I like to take vacations at the beach and in the mountains. I also like to text my friends. I look forward to the Wimbledon tournament every year. My favorite types of music are Country and Christian. Talk to you soon! Your Friend, Libby Mathias
CRYSTAL CONNOR • Hi! My name is Crystal Connor. I am an only child. Do you have any siblings? I am fourteen years old and in the ninth grade at Brookland Cayce highschool. I have seven classes everyday for the whole school year. How many classes do you have each day? I am on the school's swim team and cross country (running) team. Also, I am part of FCA which is a club for Christian athletes. Outside of school, I am in a local choir and I take piano lessons. Other than that, I love to hang out with my friends, listen to music, and just talk.
MAGGIE CLAYTOR • Hello my name is Maggie Claytor. How are you? I am 15 years old and go to Brookland-Cayce High School. I enjoy hanging around with friends and learning new things. I have a brother that is a freshman in collage and I live with my mom, dad, and puppy Scout. I would love to travel the world someday.Sincerely,Maggie Claytor
JACKSON WILKINSON • Hello my name is Jackson Wilkinson, I am 14 years old, and I like to play sports like baseball, football, and basketball. I live in Columbia, South Carolina, and I go to Brookland Cayce High school. I enjoy spending time with my friends, and playing my xbox. I love to eat, my favorite food is pizza and cheeseburgers, and my favorite drink is mountain dew,and sweet tea. I have 2 dogs named trixie and tebow.
ZANE CARROLL • Hello Mrs. Tucker. As You Are Aware, I'm Writing You This Letter To Tell About Myself. I'm 14 Years Old, Having Been Born 4/10/1998. My Favorite Sport Is Between Football And Baseball, And Other Hobbies Include Watching T.V., Listening To Just About Any Type Of Music But Pop, Drawing, Hunting And Fishing, And Reading Various Kinds Of Books. I'm A Christian, But Not Like Some Of Them Who Proclaim And Put On A Front. I Guess To Sum It All Up, I'm My Own Uniqua Individual With Tastes That Sometimes Do Match Up With The Masses, But Sometimes Don't. In The End, I Would Say I'm Not Pink Floyd's Other Brick In The Wall; Rather, I'm A Mostly Peaceful Person That Attempts To Not Pass Judgement. I Hope I Didn't Sound Like I Was Overtalking Myself, And Wish You Good Days Sincerely, Zane Carroll
Frances Dickson-Vandervelde • Dear whomever, • My name is Frances Dickson-Vandervelde. I am thirteen years old, and my birthday is December 14. I am the youngest in the QUEST program and the second youngest in my graduating class. I usually do exceptionally well in all of my classes, but I am best at math. I hate doing homework because I find it too easy, but I endure it so I can achieve my elaborate dream house when I'm older. • I am not very athletic, but I do enjoy ping pong and I want to start martial arts training. I prefer sedentary activities like drawing, reading, sleeping, playing video games, playing card games, playing bored games, and watching Japanese animation (anime). I also enjoy acting (mainly improvising and pantomiming), juggling, and playing the cello. • I also like making pitiful puns. For example in the previous paragraph I made a pun of bored and board. • My favorite type of music is classical, but I enjoy most music. My favorite color is SHINY black. My favorite food would have to be chocolate, and my life ambition is to have a giant sunflower field in France with a labyrinth for a house and have a cafe at the edge with an architect firm on top and an aquarium underneath. I also hope to be a professional musician. I apologize if this is too long to read, or if I seem a bit crazy. • Sincerely, • Frances Dickson-Vandervelde :)
Aaron EISH • My name is Aaron • I am 15 years old • I have two sisters • Their names are Gabby and Mary Anna • My Mom's name is Jodie • My Dad's name is Jim • I like sports like swimming • I like to play video games • I live in South Carolina
JAYDA • Hi there! • Please to meet you! My name is Jayda and I am 14 years old and in the 9th grade. I like to sing, dance, and draw. Oh and video games are pretty fun too. I have dark brown hair and brown eyes.I am also a "Artist of Boredom". You know when you are really bored, and you start to just draw? That's what I do. When I am bored, I start to draw, and when I am done I realize I have created a masterpiece, and I eventually end up keeping it because I like it so much rather than throwing it away like usual. I have two little brothers, one is 9 years old and the other is 8 years old. I'm looking forward to another letter back!Vousparler plus tard!Jayda
Chaley JAMES • Hi. My name is Chaley James. I am 14 years old. I like to play soccer and I love watching football. I have great friends and I like to have lots of fun. I really like to sing dance draw and do my hair and makeup. I can't wait to get to know my pen pal(s) .
Zachary JORDAN • Bonjour! Je m’appelle Zachary Jordan.J’aiquatorze ans. I am currently a freshman at Brookland-Cayce High School. I love the arts. I play trumpet in concert, marching, and jazz bands, and enjoy arranging music for all bands. (I also play ocarina, an instrument made popular by the Legend of Zelda videogame series.) I enjoy reading, playing videogames, surfing the Internet, and painting on both real-world and digital canvases. I am extremely excited for this opportunity to communicate with someone from another country, and I look forward to our correspondence! • Sincerely, • Zachary Jordan
KELSEY SOX • Je m'appelle Kelsey Sox. • J'aiquatorze ans. • I will turn 15 October 24, 2012. • During my free time I like to listen to music, read, and do photography. • I play volleyball, basketball, and softball. • One day I hope to travel around the world, but for right now I'm stuck exploring South Carolina. • My best friends name is Iris and I've known her since preschool. • I love to laugh and joke around with my friends. • In the future, I hope to either become a writer or photographer. • Well this is my basic life story, so hope to talk to you soon.
Amber ARNOLD • Bonjour, Je m'appelle Amber. J'aiquinze ans. I am a ninth grader at Brookland Cayce High School. My favorite subjects are Graphics and French. In graphics we learn how to make designs on the computer, and sometimes we can put those designs onto our own t-shirt. I enjoy French because I think that learning another language is very interesting. I have one older sister who is twenty years old. She goes to the University of South Carolina. I play volleyball and basketball for my high school. I like reading, going shopping, and hanging out with friends. I hope to one day visit France. It think it would be a very fun trip. There are so many exciting places to go in your country. I hope that my class can go on a trip to France and our classes could meet. That would be so cool! I look forward to hearing back from you! Sincerley, Amber
Haley HARRELL • Pin pal letter-Hi , my name is Haley Harrell. I can't wait to be contacting you more often throughout the year(s) and hopefully learning more about your culture and language. I am a 14 year old freshman here at Brookland Cayce high school. I play soccer here and I try to be very active. I love to listen to music (pop) and hang out with friends. I also like to travel a lot and love shopping! I hope we will contact more in the future and learn more about each other.
Haley Addy • Hi, mynameis Haley Addy. I am 14 yearsold. • I play tennis and have alwayswanted to go to France! I am in the 9th grade atBrookland-Caycehighschool. I hope to correspond soon!! - Haley Addy
Drayton HEH • Hi my name is Drayton Heh. I am fourteen years old and my birthday is May 1, 1998. I am a freshman at Brookland-Cayce high school.I live in Columbia South Carolina. My hobbies are playing soccer and skateboarding. I have an eight year old sister named Christian. I have two puppies named Coastal and Boo. I hope that we can stay in touch, and please write back. Thank you for your time.
Taylor PITTMAN • Hey! • My name is Taylor Pittman and I go to Brookland Cayce High School where I am a student and Junior Varsity cheerleader. My favorite subject is English and I really like to write. One day, I hope to be a dentist or any other career in the medical field. I have a Mom named Suzanne, a Dad named Billy, a brother and sister (I am a triplet) and two pets: “Jeep” my dachshund and “Max” the guinea pig. I’ve always wanted to learn a new language and I’m very excited to learn French! I’ve heard of all types of food there and I think would be neat to see France one day!
Laken • Dear Student, • Hi my name is Laken. I am 14 years old and am in the 9th grade. I love to draw and play violin. I am a cheerleader for the JV football team. I have one brother who is 10. My favorite food is black bean burritos. I have blonde hair and green eyes. I am looking forward to getting to know you! I have posted a picture of my self below • Sincerely, Laken
Hanna SHARPE • Dear pen pal, • My name is Hanna Sharpe, I am 14 years old and attend Brookland Cayce high school as a freshman in the advanced program called QUEST. I am a very athletic girl that loves nature and sports. In my free time I play softball year round with a group of girls and travel all around the state. I have been blessed with the ability to be able to be on both, volleyball and softball varsity teams at my high school and love every minute of it. I love to hunt and fish as well with friends and family. My favorite thing to eat is pizza and chicken! Where I come from down in the south we love to eat chicken! My favorite colors are, blue, green, pink, orange, and, purple and I love strips and polka dots. I love to shop for clothes to at a store called Forever21. I hope to hear back from you so I can learn a little more about you! • Sincerely, • Hanna Sharpe. • p.s. my French name is Dominique • Cher/Chère pen pal, • * Mon nom est Hanna Sharpe, J'ai 14 ans et fréquentent BrooklandCayce haute école comme un collège dans le programme avancé appelé QUEST. Je suis une très jeune fille sportive qui aime la nature et les sports. Dans mon temps libre je jouer au softball toute l'année avec un groupe de filles et voyager à travers tout l'état. J'ai eu le bonheur de pouvoir être en mesure d'être sur les deux à la fois, le volley-ball et du softball varsity équipes à mon école secondaire et d'amour chaque minute. J'aime à chasser et à pêcher ainsi avec les amis et la famille. Ma chose préférée à manger est pizza et le poulet ! D'où je viens vers le bas dans le sud, nous aimons à manger du poulet! Mes couleurs préférées sont, bleu, vert, rose, orange et violet, et j'adore les bandes et polka dots. J'adore acheter des vêtements à un magasin appelé Forever21. J'espère vous entendre de vous pour que je puisse en apprendre un peu plus sur vous! • Sincèrement,
Bailey EPTING • Hello! • My name is Bailey and I am 14 years old. I have one sister and she is 12. I like to play sports, but I'm not on a team. I like to horseback ride, and I love to be outside. I'm excited about learning French! • Sincerely, • Bailey Epting
Dennie DILLARD • Hello, • My name is Dennie Dillard. I'm 14 years old and I go to Brookland-Cayce High School. I like playing x-box and watching TV. My favorite show is "The Walking Dead." I also like to play basketball and to be with my friends. • Sincerely, • Dennie
Katelyn SMITH • Hello, • My name is Katelyn Smith. I live with my mom in Columbia, SC. My birthday is February 11, 1998, so I'm 14 years old. I attend Brookland-Cayce High School as a freshman (ninth grader). For my career, I'm hoping to be either a gastroenterologist or a wedding photographer. All music genres suit my taste with the exception of country and R&B. My favorite bands are Maroon 5 and Evanescence. As far as movies go, I'll watch anything. Some of my favorite movies are "Remember the Titans" and "The Titanic." • Katelyn
Gabe CALDWELL • Hello! • My name is Gabe Caldwell. I am 14 years old. I like bowling and swimming. I also enjoy playing video games, especially titles like Halo, Call of Duty, and Minecraft. This is my first year taking French and I look forward to learning about the language and the culture. • Sincerely, • Gabe
Cornisha RIVERS • Hi,My name is Cornisha Rivers. I'm 15 years old and my birthday is Sept. 12th. I go to Brookland-Cayce High School, where I am a junior varsity cheerleader. I have two little sisters . My favorite color is blue and I love to play sports. I also like to dance and chocolate is my favorite candy. Pizza is my favorite food. I love to have fun. • Sincerely, • Cornisha Rivers