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The Lansing Strategic Plan: Welcome Task Forces!. Building People and Organizations. Suite 300 Bldg 200 1250 Pittsford-Victor Rd. *Pittsford, NY 14534 Phone: (585) 264 – 0886 Fax: (585) 264 – 9029 plc200@plcassociates.com www.plcassociates.com. Published : March 2010.
The Lansing Strategic Plan: Welcome Task Forces! Building People and Organizations Suite 300 Bldg 200 1250 Pittsford-Victor Rd. *Pittsford, NY 14534 Phone: (585) 264 – 0886 Fax: (585) 264 – 9029 plc200@plcassociates.com www.plcassociates.com Published: March 2010
Elements of Great Schools Fullan, All Systems Go, 2010 1
More Research! When resources of time, money and emotional energy are held constant while the number of past “less than effective” strategies continue and new initiatives are identified…organizational implosion is inevitable. The Law of Initiative Fatigue EnthusiasmBurnout Harvard Business Review Overload Doug Reeves, The Learning Leader, 2006 2
The Learning For Leadership Framework Lucky Leading • High results • Low understanding of elements • Continued success - Unlikely • High results • High understanding of elements • Continued success - likely Achieve Results Losing Learning • Low results • Low understanding of elements • Continued failure - likely • Low results • High understanding of elements • Achieve continued success- likely Antecedents of Excellence Doug Reeves, The Learning Leader, 2006 3
Leadership and Student Learning 64.8 % 43.6 % Student Achievement ( % Proficient/Higher) Low Inquiry Teams High Inquiry Teams Doug B. Reeves, The Learning Leader, 2006 4
Why The Collaborative Model? Organizations are complex, requiring critical mass support in order to push forward our initiatives and realize results. Essential Truths: • Leaders can make decisions within their authority – implementation won’t occur without collaboration. • Organizations can compel our endurance and compliance with protocols, we can’t compel minds and hearts. • True leverage for implementation occurs through networks, not individuals. Doug Reeves, The Learning Leader, 2006 5
Leadership That Works… Unleash the power of the Strategic Plan! Ensuring collaborative goal setting 2. Establishing nonnegotiable goals for achievement and instruction 3. Creating alignment with Board and School goals. 4. Monitoring achievement and instruction goals 5. Allocating resources to support the goals for achievement and instruction Robert Marzano, District Leadership That Works, 2009 6
Calendar Core Team Strategy Sessions 3:30-5:45 PM -Strategy Session #1: Monday, 3/15/2010 -Strategy Session #2: Monday, 3/29/2010 -Strategy Session #3: Monday, 4/26/2010 -Strategy Session #4: Monday, 5/24/2010 -Strategy Session #5: Monday, 6/14/2010 -Strategy Session #6: Monday, 9/20/2010 -Strategy Session #7: Monday, 11/1/2010 All Task Force Night: Monday 5/10/2010 3:30-5:45 PM Our Community Presentation: Monday 11/22/2010 7:00 PM 7
Building Our Strategic Plan Clear Strategic Intents (Goals) Includes five-year targets across a number of areas. Key Initiatives/Action Plans (Strategies) Includes the activities/projects which are implemented. Successful Strategic Planning not only builds an outstanding blueprint for success – it also unites the entire community in implementation. There is room for everyone! 8 4
The Relationship: Strategic Planning Vision Parameters Mission Parameters Strategic Intents District Wide Key Initiatives / Action Plans Site Based Plans Beliefs Beliefs The Core Team Task Forces 9
It Takes Teamwork! • Core Team • Includes diverse cross section of stakeholder groups • Task Forces • Based upon expertise and/or interest Stakeholder groups will be very involved in the selection process. Our Board of Education will approve the Core Team Membership. 10 5
Core Team/Task Force Work Process Guidelines • Strategic Planning Core Team/Task Force Ground Rules • We are all important contributors in a highly participatory process. • Strive for actions/solutions; staying away from over processing “minutia.” • Contribute timely, on-target information; monitor contribution. • Be respectful in disagreement. • Build support, conviction and a united coalition. • Decision-Making Model • 75% of the named membership of the Team set by roster. Team members for decision • making must be a “member in good standing.” • Webinar Communication • The Project Leader will hold various Webinar Strategy Sessions for purposes of • coordinating work and sharing results. Pass-codes and instructions will be provided. 11
Core Team/Task Force Work Process Guidelines • Task Force Work • Each Task Force has a designated Facilitator (Appointed). Task Forces follow a methodical 15 step process and set their own calendars. Task Forces are encouraged to break into smaller subgroups as a means of creating efficiency. • Task Force Facilitator Responsibilities • Set Agendas/Post Minutes and Work in Progress. • Facilitate discussions. • Function, by position, as a member of the Core Team. • Provide briefings, as requested, at Core Team/Board Meetings. • Meet the target date deadlines of Work Process. 12
Connection Points 2. Value in Education: Fiscal Opportunities 1. Student Success Core Team Board of Education 4. Facilities, Transportation, Health and Safety 3. Engaged Community . 13 9
Beginning Our Work: Let’s Start Core Team Follow the Recommended Work Process (7) Task Forces Follow the Recommended Work Process (6-10) • Setup logistics • Conduct Force Field Analysis • Draft Strategic Intents, Vision, Mission, • Beliefs, Parameters • Respond to Key Initiatives/Action Plans of Task Forces • Prepare Strategic Plan for presentation • Setup logistics • Clarify the Charge • Conduct SWOT • Collect/Analyze data • Identify Critical Issues • Report Out, as requested Core Team and Task Forces are interdependent; it is critical that all groups have timelines. 18
Data Based Strategic Intents 1. Academics / Pass Rate By _____, x % of all students shall be passing courses at the middle (by grade) / high school (by key content) level as measured at marking period points. 2. Academics / ELA By _____, x % of 4th and 8th grade students will achieve Level 3 or higher on the ELA Assessment; x % will achieve “with distinction” at Level 4. 3. Academics / Math By _____, X % of 4th and 8th grade students will achieve Level 3 or higher on the Math Assessment; x % will achieve “with distinction” at Level 4. 4. Extra Curricular By _____, X % of our Middle School / High School Students will be involved in either an extracurricular activity or athletic team. 19 12
DPS/CES Strategic Intents The District Performance Scan By 2013-14, 85% of our internal staff, collectively and by position (teachers, administrators, support staff) will indicate they Agree/Strongly Agree: Q4. We have built a accountable culture where success matters. Q23. We work to maintain the fundamentals of teamwork. Q44. Our decisions are data based and result in action. The Community Engagement Survey By 2013-14, 75% of community respondents will Agree/Strongly Agree: Q9. Our district benefits from a talented and expert staff. Q27. I feel committed to the district as a member of the community. Q35. We have outstanding academic programs. 20
Build The Data Dashboard Strategic Intent: By 2014/15, 75% of respondents on the Community Engagement Survey will Strongly Agree/Agree that the District has created a positive school community as measured by: -The District offers opportunities for involvement in schools (Q 4) -I feel welcomed when on campus (Q 15) -I feel connected to the District a community member (Q 26) 21
Mission Statement (CT) Definition: A focused statement that outlines the purpose of the organization. The Lansing Central School Community will educate our students to become knowledgeable, responsible, healthy and productive citizens. 22
Key Initiatives (TFs) • Definition: • Multi-year Initiatives aimed at moving the organization toward its Desired State and achieving the Strategic Intents. Based upon approval with 75% support from the Task Force. • Examples: • We will create a strategy to hire, retain and develop personnel who model and reflect high performance skills and strategies consistent with the Strategic Plan. • We will create a communication network that will comprehensively connect the community providing ongoing and timely information regarding the work and results of the district. • We will align our shared decision making process with the Strategic Plan and create a consistent planning model for use throughout the organization. • We will infuse data-driven decision making and current relevant research into all components of the organization. • We will identify essential learner outcomes for each appropriate level (grade/content area) as well as the means for assessing whether the outcomes have been achieved. • We will establish a program which will expand the extracurricular offerings at the • Middle School level. 23
Action Plans (TFs) • Definition: • Narrowly written results which meet criteria and receive 75% Task Force support. Stated as an end result, measurable, “doable” within a year, necessary to achieve the Key Initiatives and assignable to person(s) or groups for monitoring. • Examples: • To train all employees in the strategies and skills of effective listening, sending clear messages and conflict management. • To develop and publish selection criteria, consistent with the beliefs of the Strategic Plan, for new/potential hires. • To create community forums which will involve the public in topic-specific discussions. • To schedule two, three-part staff development activities series on cloze reading • instructional strategies. • To design and implement district-wide, standardized protocols for meeting structure, agendas and minutes reporting. • To utilize faculty meetings on a quarterly basis for reporting, analyzing and interpreting school report card data. 24
Effective Decisions ED = f (Q x A x I) Q = Quality A = Acceptance I = Implementation Use data; think criticallyGo for Critical Mass SupportSet up by design; anticipate the organizational response If we take out any one of these components, we are reducing our predictability of success. 25
Data Drives Decisions Our Students The Student Voice Our Staff/District Our Community District Performance Scan Community Engagement Survey Engaged stakeholders… from the district, community, and student perspective create the framework. 28
The Community Engagement Survey Twelve Areas: Example Questions: Participation 1. The district offers meaningful opportunities to be involved in the schools. 2. I feel welcomed when on campus. 3. I feel connected to the district as a member of the community. 29
The District Performance Scan Twelve Areas: Example Questions: Accountability/Responsibility 1. Each staff member accepts responsibility for their performance. 2. Our staff is candid and forthright. 3. Performance is measured both individually and organizationally. 4. We have built an accountable culture where success matters. 5. We view mistakes and difficult challenges as opportunities for learning. 30
The Student Voice Twelve Areas: Example Questions: Classroom Practices 1. My teachers use different strategies that help with the way I learn best. 2. Students work together in different ways (i.e. groups, partners, projects). 3. I have access to current technology. 4. Classes are interesting and keep my attention. 31
Core Team/Task Force Strategy Session Template Agendas must be posted one week in advance. Minutes must be available within one week. 32
Our Go Forward Together, as a community including staff, our parents, families, businesses, organizations… actually, everyone - we have an incredible opportunity! We are positioning ourselves to make a difference in the life of every student that walks through our doors. 34 8