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GROUP ORDER. MONDAY: Group #1 (Jenna, Seth, Nicole, Cody, Spencer, Lisa) and Group #2 (Mike, Victoria, Taylor, Emily P., Taro) WEDNESDAY : Group #3 ( Bana , Hillary, Emily B., Ericca , Brittany, Lauren) and group #4 (Mitch, Matt, Amy, Aaron, Jalonn ). CRN . 12053. Speech Requirements.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. GROUP ORDER MONDAY: Group #1 (Jenna, Seth, Nicole, Cody, Spencer, Lisa) and Group #2 (Mike, Victoria, Taylor, Emily P., Taro) WEDNESDAY: Group #3 (Bana, Hillary, Emily B., Ericca, Brittany, Lauren) and group #4 (Mitch, Matt, Amy, Aaron, Jalonn)

  2. CRN • 12053

  3. Speech Requirements • Bring critique sheet on presentation day • 10 minutes • Allow an additional 2-3 minutes for a question/answer session • Five credible sources (minimum) • Cited orally • Listed on reference sheet

  4. Speech Requirements (continued) • Organizational pattern • Clear • Appropriate • Extemporaneous and conversational • Notes • Abbreviated • Professional looking • Power Point presentation • Cohesive • Work as a unit • Use effective transitions

  5. How is the group speech…

  6. …similar to the other two speeches? • Still in front of the class giving speech • Still need to make a presentation • Still need to follow speech structure

  7. …easier than the other speeches? • 4-6 brains are better than one • Responsibilities are split across group, not just one person • Different people have different points of views • You don’t have to talk for five minutes alone

  8. …different? • Transitions between person • Logical!!! • Idle time • What do I do with my hands? • Who goes next? • Am I in the way?

  9. …different? • Continuing pace • Match previous speaker’s vocal flow • Revitalizing pace • If previous speaker was not as dynamic • Establish audience connection early!

  10. …question session going to work? • Why have the question time? • Questions have to relate to the speech • How do you prepare for them?

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