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WELCOME TO EARTH SCIENCE. Mr. Lambert Room 176. Welcome. Good Morning/Afternoon: Check your schedule to make sure you are in Mr. Lambert’s EES in room 176.
Welcome • Good Morning/Afternoon: • Check your schedule to make sure you are in Mr. Lambert’s EES in room 176. • If you are in the correct place please find a seat in the room. We will be making seat changes but I will help point you in the correct location.
Activity • When you see this slide it indicates that we will be doing something other than listening to ME TALK… • We will follow the following model when performing activities: CHAMPS • I will explain in a few…
Activity Goal: Organize yourself as a class in alphabetical order by last name. How will you organize yourself? • You will only be allowed to mime or mouth part of your name without making a sound. • Once you have yourself in the correct order you must place yourself in a seat from left to right when facing the board. If a row is full the person in the back of the row will move to the front of the class.
Activity 3. Once you have found your seat, sit down and we will go through the class roster and check on how well you organized your class.
Before you Start Conversation – You will not be allowed to talk during this activity. You will only be allowed to make hand motions and move your lips. Help – “Ask” your classmates for their name. Activity – You will be seated in A-Z order at the end of this activity. Movement – You will be moving around the room with your bags. Participation – Students should be actively arranging themselves around the room. SUCCESS
Attendance • Students cannot miss more than 10 days. • After 10 days you will fail. • Documentation should be kept in case you miss more than 10 days. • Notes should be turned into the front office 5 days following your absences.
Mr. Lambert’s Contact InformationTake Out Your Phone • Email: delbertl.lambert@cms.k12.nc.us • Twitter: @lambert_science (Might be used) • Phone: 980-343-5992 • Class Webpage: http://lambertearthscience.weebly.com/
Test/Quizzes 70% • Major tests are announced in advance. Tests are announced ahead of time, so that you may begin preparation. • If a student is absent on the day of the test, he/she will be expected to make up the test when he/she returns to school. • Test questions cover class notes, book assignments, worksheets, vocabulary words, lab work, etc. • Test answers may be in either pencil or acceptable ink. USE ONLY BLUE OR BLACK INK. Bubble sheets used in many of the tests require a number 2 pencil.
Quiz/Lab • Quizzes and vocabulary test must be made up as soon as possible after an absence from school. • Lab assignments which are submitted after lab may receive the weight of quiz/vocabulary tests. • Once a week there will be a pop quiz and should be expected. The quiz will cover information that was previously covered in class. (Some will be open note. Make sure you are taking notes in class.)
Participation/Classwork/Homework 30% • A record is kept throughout the nine weeks of the student’s activity and participation in class and is explained as follows: • Twenty points are possible each day, with a total of one hundred possible points at the end of the week, if the following requirements are met: • You must have your textbook in class. No Book = 0 for that day on your activity/participation grade. • You must have your pencil or pen in class. No pencil or pen = 0 for that day. • If student is tardy they will be given a 0 for the day this includes being up and out of your seat when the bell has rung.
Classwork/Homework • During the nine week period, you will have various assignments which will be taken up, graded, and returned to you. You are responsible for making up assignments due to absences. • Examples of such homework assignments are: worksheets, textbook assignments, questions on notes, etc. • Homework assignments may be in either pencil or acceptable ink (blue or black ink only) • Late assignments will not be accepted.
Classwork/Homework • All work done in class will be subject to being taken up and graded.
Bathroom Breaks • All students will get 4 bathroom passes per semester. • These bathroom passes are for emergency use only. • If you abuse your bathroom privileges you will not be permitted to go to the bathroom again during this class. • DO NOT ASK TO GO TO THE BATHROOM 15 MIN BEFORE OR AFTER THE BELL.
Class Webpage • http://lambertearthsceince.weebly.com
Materials • 1 Composition Notebook • Colored pencils or crayons • Personal pencil sharpener. • Pen and Pencil (Please only bring black or blue ink) • Scissors • Glue
Class Rules/Discipline 1. Student is seated when bell rings signifying beginning of class – assignment will be on the board at the start of class. 2. Respect the people, equipment, and furnishings of Room 176 3. No sleeping in class. 4. No profanity 5. Only bottled water allowed (Except during labs)
Class Rules/Discipline 6. Student is prepared with notebook paper, pencil/pen to use. 7. No cell phones or electronic devices allowed (have turned off and out of sight before you enter the class) 8. Student gets classroom work done in timely manner and uses spare time constructively. 9. Student does not talk and socialize during class time. 10. Student picks up all paper around their desk and does not need prompting to do so.
Class Rules/Discipline 12. Student does not get out of seat during class without permission. 13. One person talks at a time. RAISE YOUR HAND 14. Stay in seat until bell rings – I dismiss class not the bell. 15. DO NOT HERD AT THE DOOR AT THE END OF CLASS.
Class Rules/Discipline • BE PREPARED: PENCIL, PAPER, NOTEBOOK, BRAIN. Please prepare to learn!
End of Class • All trash is expected to be picked up from around your desk. • Folders should be put in basket in numerical order. • All students should return to their seat and wait for the bell once they have cleaned up their area properly. • We will complete a daily book and trash check before class is dismissed.
Cell Phone Use Policy • Use it and lose it. • If you feel you cannot resist using a phone in my class you may wish to hand the phone to me to hold for you until class is over. • Warnings are not given on this policy, if you are caught the phone is taken. • Phones will be turned into the office that day. • There will not be a phone battle once you have been caught. Either give up the phone or go to chill out.
Cell Phone • Occasionally we might use cell phones in class. This will be the only time that they will be allowed out during classroom instruction time. I will make sure to notify students when cell phones are no longer allowed out.
CONSEQUENCES 1ST OFFENSE – Verbal Warning 2nd OFFENSE – Verbal Warning, Name on Board. 3rd OFFENSE – Check by name, Moved to new location to complete reflection page, ASD, and phone call home to parents. 4th OFFENSE – Office Referral. 5th OFFENSE – Removal from class.
Tardy Policy • Report directly to your assigned class regardless of your arrival time (a pass is not required). • Complete the electronic tardy log in the classroom and submit. Tardy Consequences • Verbal Warning (Teacher) • Verbal Warning and Parent Contact (Teacher) • Verbal Warning and Written Notice (BMT) • In-School-Suspension (loss of school incentives/special activities) • Referral (must meet with grade-level administrator) • Saturday School • In-School Suspension
Activity Objective: Clarify Class Rules in groups of 4. Directions: In your group you will quickly come up with a demonstration to share with the class on what following the rule looks like and an example on what not to do. Partner selection: You will work with the people close to you. Do not get up out of your seat to find a partner. Time: I will allow you 5 minutes to plan out your activity.
Activity Rules Conversation – Should be low enough that only members in your group can hear them. Help – If you need help all members of the group should raise their hand. Activity – Design a skit to explain class rules and present. Movement – You are only allowed to move your desk so that you can face your partners. Do not move from your current location. Participation – All members of the group must help present the skit. SUCCESS