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Latvia C hina Great Britain Russia South Korea Germany France Italy Hungary Australia Japan Kazakhstan Netherlands Ukraine New Zealand Cuba Iran Jamaica
Latvia China Great Britain Russia South Korea Germany France Italy Hungary Australia Japan Kazakhstan Netherlands Ukraine New Zealand Cuba Iran Jamaica Czech Republic North Korea Spain Yugoslavia Namibia Burundi Brazil India Mongolia Thailand Egypt Slovakia Armenia Belglum Finland Bolgaria Estonia Indonesia Malaysia Puerto Rico Chinese Taipei Botswana Cyprus Gabon Guetamala Montenegro Portugal Costa Rica Tonga Greece Molodva Qatar Singapore Afghanistan Bahrain Hong Kong Saudi Arabia Kuwait Morocco Tajikistan Zimbabwe Iceland Israel Togo Ecuador Cameroon Kyrgyzstan Mauritius Chile Suden Austria United States Of America Brazil Poland Turkey Switzerland Lithuania Norway Canada Sweden Colombia Georgia Mexico Ireland Argintina Slovenia Serbia Tunisia Dominican Republic Trinidad Tobago Uzbekistan United Arab Emirates Serbia-Montenegro Paraguay Nigeria
In total 108 countries have competed in the olympics in the last 20 years.
RESOURCE http://www.abc.net.au/olympics/2008/results/medaltally/ http://www.abc.net.au/olympics/2000/medaltally/atlanta_medals.htm http://london2012.olympics.com.au/medal-tally http://goaustralia.about.com/cs/olympicgames/l/blgames.htm http://www.abc.net.au/olympics/2004/results/medaltally.htm
PICTURES http://dailydoseofcute.net/pictures/oh-hai-12-animals-waving-hello-pictures/ http://www.broadsheet.ie/2011/01/25/squee-oh-hai/ http://irinagriskocritical.wordpress.com/2010/12/16/session-10-wed-8dec-the-end-of-history-the-end-of-everything/ http://animalswaving.tumblr.com/