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Varied Activities (Including Sport/Art/ICT and Study Support)

Varied Activities (Including Sport/Art/ICT and Study Support). Things we do now ! Beech Hill Primary Breakfast Club 8am -8.50am After School Club 3.30pm – 4.30pm. Dallow Play scheme, Trips/outings, Link with PKYK- Youth group Tykando club, Toy Library. Foxdell Infants

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Varied Activities (Including Sport/Art/ICT and Study Support)

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  1. Varied Activities (Including Sport/Art/ICT and Study Support) Things we do now ! Beech Hill Primary Breakfast Club 8am -8.50am After School Club 3.30pm – 4.30pm Dallow Play scheme, Trips/outings, Link with PKYK- Youth group Tykando club, Toy Library Foxdell Infants Breakfast Club 8am – 8.50am After School Clubs 3.15pm – 4.30pm Lunchtime Clubs 12pm – 1pm Fund Raising Events Denbigh Junior Spelling Quiz, (Weekly 12.30) Lunch Time and After School Family Workers, Homework, ICT, Dance/Drawn,Games, X Factor Downside Juniors Facilitate (DJS) Polish School & Weekend After School Clubs 3.45 – 5.00 Lunch time 12.00 – 1.15 Active Linx 3.45 – 4.45 Study Support 12.00 – 1.15 Study Support 3.45 - 4.30 Lunch Time active 12.00-1.00 Pupil Participation Luton crew 5.30 – 7.30 Stand up speak 3.30 – 4.30 CHB Lunch Time and After School Clubs Pre School, Lunch time and after school study support Work Shops during holidays (pupils) Evening intense study Participation in young enterprise close partnership with local business (ICT) Collaboration with local feeder schools (Year 6 Sport) & Secondary Schools pilot ICT & campus Luton Downside Infants Lunch Time, Play Schemes, Sports courses, Dance, Karate, Basket Ball, Tennis Maidenhall Junior Holiday play schemes After school Clubs 3.30 – 5.00 Lunch time clubs 12.00 – 1.00

  2. Varied Activities (Including Sport/Art/ICT and Study Support) Things we could do! Foxdell Infant School More Lunch time Clubs – 12pm-1pm Facility during holidays Beech Hill Find funding to subsidise activities Increase percentage of children involved in After School Activities Match activities more effectively to the needs of the community (such as religious classes) Youth Club (Downside) Joint event with other schools (Downside J /Foxdell J) Liaison with other activities outside agencies clubs

  3. Childcare (8am –6pm) 52 weeks per year Things we do now! Before School and after school childcare (Breakfast Club) & 4 pm – 6pm after school - Foxdell Junior School Dallow Breakfast Club 8.00 – 8.45 Computer Club 8.00 – 8.45 Lunch time Club Board games, computer, sports After School Clubs – Craft – 3.30 – 4.15 Sports etc. Pre School Nursery Care 0-5 years 8 – 6pm Sensory Room Links with SENST Team After school Club – Denbigh Infants Denbigh Junior Offer Flexible Childcare to all age groups with Quality ( NCMA Network) After school Clubs 4.15pm Cricket Club till 4.30pm Netball Club Until 4.30pm Afterschool Clubs Lunch time Clubs Beechwood Homework Club 4.30 pm ICT/SAM Learning 4pm Breakfast Club 8am – 9am Afterschool Club 3.30pm – 6pm Downside Infant and Juniors Breakfast Club – 8 – 8.50am Foxdell Infant School Breakfast Club & After School Club (Beech Hill) 8an – 4.30pm Childrens Centre & Holiday Play Schemes

  4. Childcare (8am –6pm) 52 weeks per year Things we could do…. Under BSF develop accommodation for crèche & childcare facilities Link in with children’s centres and Extended Schools Child care 0 – 7 years (Childrens Centre) – Foxdell Infant School Multi agency links through the centre After school care from 4.30pm – 6.00 Dallow Primary – Link with other cluster primary schools After school activities – 3.30 – 6.00 – Maidenhall Infants and Juniors After School Club – Challney Girls, 3.30 – 6.30 & Saturday Sport Club – Tony Ojedale

  5. Swift an easy referral – to specialist support services Things we do now! CHB – Working in close partnership with community services including Ed psychologist, social services. Police developments of vocational programmes with sector colleges & other providers @ KS4 single conversation team development to work with each year group/parents & common services CHSG as above A big improvement in ease of referrals to CAMH (this is their doing- much more responsive!) but long delay in then acting CAMH Black boys can. Specialist services – as appropriate Work in partnership with SENST Team (NCMA) CAMH –School medical service, Edwin Lobo, Social Services, SALT, Ed Psych, Behaviour & Tuition, EWO, LAC, Court service, Police, Accessibility Family Workers  Link Workers, link to services – CAMHS, Edwinm Medical – Denbigh Junior Job centre Plus (launch) – Denbigh Junior Things we could do! Better liaison with social services International Referral stage (face to face discussion about concerns) Review of systems, increased staffing feedback Child assessment of Edwin Lobo to extend 10 yr olds

  6. Community Access including Parent/Family/Adult/Learning Things we do now! Adult Education – Downside Infants/Juniors, Beech Hill, Dallow, Maidenhall Community Events – Downside Infants/Juniors, Beech Hill, Dallow, Maidenhall, Foxdell Juniors, Denbigh Infants (PEEP)  Parenting Course – “ “ Family Literacy, Family Numeracy, story sack Library – Beech Hill, Downside Infants/Juniors, Foxdell Infants ICT Access Dallow, Maidenhall, Foxdell Juniors, Dads & Staff cricket match – Dallow Parent and Toddler groups – Dallow Primary, Beech Hill, Maidenhall Infants/Juniors, Foxdell Infants Brights Eyes P.T.A Beech Hill, Foxdell Juniors Maidenhall Toy Library – Maidenhall Beech Hill Community Toy Library & Foxdell Toy Library Baby Clinic – PCT – Foxdell Antenatal classes – Beech Hill Child Care – Beech Hill ESOL/Sewing – Beech Hill, Foxdell Juniors Adult Sporting Activities, Religious Group – Foxdell Juniors Toy Library – Dallow After school Club – very low take up almost closing but now linked to Junior. Still poor take up, Denbigh Infant Adult Learning – Denbigh Infant Lunch Clubs  Mums & tots, ESOL classes  Story sacks, drop in sessions with family workers  Adult Ed, ICT, NVQ sewing, English classes – Denbigh Junior  Baby clinic, NVQ Level 3 CHB – Adult Education parent ESOL classes parent workshops on 1) pupil progress 2) Study support 3) reporting & ass ‘ systems working with L&D nursing courses. Working with local feeder schools Things we could do…. Offer more specialists (Downside Junior & Beech Hill) PEEP, Health sessions- Foxdell Infant School SSCO – help with coaching courses for adult/parents

  7. SCHOOLS - A view of the future Thinking/Feeling/Saying Flexible approach to the needs of the community Flexible Childcare outside school building Now I can help the child I’m worried about by helping his parent’s access what’s on offer. Possible access to computer/internet in school after normal hours We will need to be able to change to meet the needs of different groups of people. We know everyone in our community and their needs Sporting champions on every school field The Tesco analogy – What else can we provide I don’t know, but someone who does Doing  On-going

  8. COMMUNITY – A view of the future • Thinking/Feeling/Saying • Why is that school open everyday? It’s so noisy now • I like to be part of the extended school management group • The roads are busy all the time now • “Does the community centre have something for me to do? • “What’s on tonight?” • “I’m lonely I’ll go to the community centre/school • “ My kids want to go out. Lets see what’s on at the community centre/school • Links with sporting clubs within community • People feel less isolated, increased impact on women, increased access to other services “one stop shop” • Advise about benefits etc. Someone that I can take to in my community language • I know someone I can trust to help me • Increased Peer mentoring, decreased crime/vandalism • Builds communities • Friendship groups • Women feel comfortable in accessing the services through school • Youth support clubs/activities CYDC •  Keep Fit •  Health drop in – Doctor, Antenatal classes, baby weights

  9. Parents/Familes - A view of the future Thinking/Feeling/Saying No relationship/bonding between parents and children ‘Great. I can take the extra shift on the Astra line.’  Thinking – “ Great, the kids are out till 6.”  “Great!” I know who to contact for help.” “Its” a one stop shop, but I get to meet other parents too” No home  Great I have an open space to kick a ball around  Loss of responsibility because services are available to do it for them  Not enough time to spend with my mum and dad As a child when can I go home?  No Home Life  Not enough time with families  I’m forced to attend as everyone is going  (Peer pressure)  School bringing up your kids  I never seem to go anywhere was except to the school  Are we really benefiting from these services? Doing More work! Enjoying reading to the kids when they get them home I have learnt to speak English, which has opened doors for me Eating together Job centres plus have helped me apply for a job I have been helped which parenting my child – I am a teenager and can now go back to college

  10. Children – A View of the Future Thinking/Feeling/Saying When can I go home? Confident with communities My mum needs to learn to cook now we’ve got time together We don’t need to worry everything is at school. We are always at school I want to go home I’m to be a great footballer with all this coaching I learnt something new at Badminton today! What else have you got to offer? I know what I’m going to be They still haven’t built that swimming pool! I want to go home! Je parle franc ais très bien All these adults say the same things! I would like to be at home sometimes! But like some of the clubs Doing Activities

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