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Ty p ogr ap h y (fr o m t he G r ee k w o r d s τύ π ο ς ( t yp o s ) = f o rm and γ ρ α φ ή ( g raph e ) = wri t in g ) is t he art and t e chni q u e o f arran g ing t ype in o r d e r t o make lan g u a g e vi s ibl e .
Typography(from theGreek words τύπος (typos) = form andγραφή (graphe) = writing) istheart and technique of arranging typein order to makelanguagevisible. Thearrangement of typeinvolvesthe selection of typefaces, size, line length, leading(linespacing), adjusting thespacesbetween groupsof letters (tracking) andadjusting thespace betweenpairsof letters(kerning).
Typedesign isa closely relatedcraft, which someconsider distinct and othersa part of typography; most typographersdonot design typefaces, andsometypedesignersdonot consider themselvestypographers. Typography usesfontsof type (typefaces). Thesecan bephysical or digital. A definingfeature of a typeface isthat characterscan berepeated identically each timethey areused. In modern times, typography hasbeen put intomotion—in film, television and onlinebroadcasts—toaddemotion to masscommunication. Typography isperformed by typesetters, compositors, typographers, graphic designers, art directors, comic book artists, clerical workers, andanyone elsewho arrangestypefor a product orcommunication.
Until theDigital Age, typography wasa specializedoccupation. Digitization openedup typography tonew generationsof visual designersand anyonewith a personal computer.
Typography is the design of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants to convey. Typography is the design of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants to convey. Typographyisthedesignoftypefacesandtheuseofthosetypefacestodesignthelayoutof text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants to convey. Typography is the design of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants to convey. to convey. Typography is the design of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants to convey. Typography is the design of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants
Typography is the design of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express themessage the designer wants to convey. Typography is the design of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this isto promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants to convey. Typographyisthedesignoftypefacesandtheuse ofthosetypefacesto designthelayoutoftextona surface. Thetypedesignerconsidersgeometryandspace aroundthetypographicletterforms. Usuallythisis to promotereadability. Typefacesandtypographic designsareselectedto expressthemessagethe designer wants to convey.
Typography is the design of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants to convey. Typography is the design of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readability. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants to convey. Typography isthedesignoftypefacesand theuseofthosetypefacesto design the layout of text on a surface. The type designer considers geometry and space around the typographic letterforms. Usually this is to promote readablity. Typefaces and typographic designs are selected to express the message the designer wants to convey.
Typographyis thedesign of typefaces and the use of those typefaces to design the layout of t e x t o n a s u r f a c e . The type designer considers geometry and space aroundthetypographicletterforms.Usuallythisisto promote readability.Typefacesand typographicdesigns are selected to express the message thedesignerwants to convey. s e o t h y t p f e o f e a s c u e e s y t T p h o g r a t p h y i d s t h an e d s e si e g c a n f e o p f y
Calligraphy (from Ancient Greek: κάλλοςkallos "beauty"andγραφή graphẽ "writing") isa visual art related towriting. It isthe design andexecution of letteringwith a broad tip instrument or brush in one stroke(asopposed tobuilt up lettering, in which thelettersaredrawn). Modern calligraphy rangesfrom functional inscriptionsand designsto fine-art pieceswherethelettersmay or may not belegible. Classical calligraphy differs from typography andnon-classical hand-lettering, though a calligrapher may practiceboth.