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Kendall County is in close proximity to Chicago and its regional assets such as interstate systems, airports, and rail

State of the County. April 23, 2013. Kendall County is in close proximity to Chicago and its regional assets such as interstate systems, airports, and rail. About Us. State of the County. April 23, 2013. Kendall County offers some great outdoor recreation opportunities . Outdoor Recreation.

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Kendall County is in close proximity to Chicago and its regional assets such as interstate systems, airports, and rail

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  1. State of the County April 23, 2013 • Kendall County is in close proximity to Chicago and its regional assets such as interstate systems, airports, and rail

  2. AboutUs State of the County April 23, 2013

  3. Kendall County offers some great outdoor recreation opportunities Outdoor Recreation Marge Cline Whitewater Course, Bicentennial Riverfront Park in Yorkville Farnsworth House Kendall County Fair Fox River Silver Springs State Park

  4. Historic Courthouse Kendall County Forest Preserve District 15 Forest Preserves totaling more than 2,600 acres of scenic land The Ellis House & Equestrian Center at Baker Woods Forest Preserve The MeadowhawkLodge At Hoover Forest Preserve

  5. Education Higher education presence with the new Waubonsee Community College Campus in Plano Quality of Life Downtown Shopping Amtrak provides daily service at the Plano stop for residents to take advantage of the Carl Sandburg Route and the Illinois Zephyr route connection to the west coast Wide variety of shopping, dining, and entertainment with unique historic downtown communities Healthcare Transportation Healthcare Access to quality healthcare including Rush Copley Emergency Center, Presence Health, Dreyer Medical, Kish Health, Edward Urgent Care, and John Wentworth Cancer Center

  6. Kendall County Residents

  7. Kendall County has experienced remarkable growth over the last 30 years, with over 50% of its current population inhabiting Kendall County in the last 12 years. • During the last decade, Kendall County was considered the fastest growing county in the nation with a growth rate of 110%. Source:U.S. Census Bureau: Decennial Census – 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2012,; American Community Survey – 2012

  8. Kendall County’s median age became younger with the housing boom in the 2000’s and remains slightly below age 35. Source:U.S. Census Bureau: American Community Survey 2000, 2005, 2011

  9. Compared to surrounding counties, Kendall County has the highest percentage of the population with a bachelor’s degree, demonstrating a highly skilled workforce Source:U.S. Census Bureau

  10. Kendall County’s median household income remains near the top for the Chicagoland region • This can be viewed as a strength for Kendall County as it attracts retail development interested in locating in areas with higher disposable income Source: Tax Foundation; U.S. Census Bureau

  11. When compared to the surrounding area, Kendall County residents typically travel further to work • The median travel time to work for Kendall County residents remains slightly over 35 minutes Source:U.S. Census Bureau: American Community Survey 2011

  12. Economy

  13. Source:U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

  14. Since 2009, the unemployment rate has dropped roughly half a percentage point each year. Source:U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

  15. Source:U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

  16. Source:U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

  17. Employed Unemployed • At the beginning of 2010, more Kendall County residents entered the workforce and are employed. • The employment level has climbed by 9,120 people in the last three years while unemployed persons declined by 2,805. Source:U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

  18. Source:Illinois Department of Employment Security

  19. Since 2010, the total number of jobs in Kendall County has reached its highest peak ever, while the number of private sector jobs has nearly reached peak level Source:Illinois Department of Employment Security

  20. While employment for Kendall County residents has shifted over the past decade, the area of Education still remains the highest, followed by Manufacturing and Professional. Source:U.S. Census Bureau

  21. Worker Commute PatternsU.S. Census 2006-2010 5-Year Survey – Released March 2013 Where do Kendall County residents work? Kendall County 14,583 28% DuPage County 13,626 26% Kane County 10,242 20% Cook County 6,429 12% Will County 4,687 9% DeKalb County 777 1% Grundy County 394 0.8% Lake County 222 0.4% LaSalle County 205 0.4% McHenry County 186 0.3% Other IL County 168 0.3% Out of State 355 0.6% Total 51,874 Where do Kendall County workers live? Kendall County 14,583 54% Kane County 3,926 15% Will County 2,271 8% LaSalle County 2,029 7% DuPage County 1,296 5% DeKalb County 1,272 5% Cook County 830 3% Grundy County 396 1% Lee County 74 0.3% Lake County 50 0.2% Other IL County 193 0.7% Out of State 138 0.5% Total 27,058 • 54% of Kendall County workers also live in Kendall County • 28% of Kendall County residents work in Kendall County • 67% of Kendall County residents work in DuPage, Kane, Cook, or Will Counties Source:Illinois Department of Employment Security; U.S. Census Bureau

  22. Kendall Economic Development Alliance Kendall County Montgomery EDC Village of Oswego Plano EDC Sandwich EDC Yorkville EDC Waubonsee C.C. The Kendall Economic Development Alliance is made up of Kendall County, the Village of Oswego’s Economic Development Department, and the local EDC’s of Yorkville, Montgomery, Sandwich, and Plano. Waubonsee Community College has become an important part of the group during the last year.

  23. GRAND OPENINGS! • The local EDC’s are constantly active in their communities to bring in new business • These are some of the major new businesses that have either opened or have been announced in Kendall County in the past year

  24. Advertisement created as a collaboration between the County, the local economic development corporations, and other communities within Kendall County. • To be published within the first Illinois Economic Development Guide, due for distribution in May • This is a great way for Kendall County to market itself to site selectors and businesses who may be interested in pursuing an opportunity in Illinois

  25. Transportation Projects

  26. Kendall County is always working to upgrade and improve the County Highway System Orchard/Minkler/ Collins/Grove Connection – Preliminary Engineering (2016) • Eldamain Road • Improve from Menard’s to Galena – Land Acquisition • Extend from Route 34 across Fox River to Walker – Phase II Engineering Ridge Road Connection (New Major North-South Thoroughfare) – Land Acquisition Grove Road Realignment – Construction Grove Road Improve from Sherrill to Route 52 – Preliminary Engineering (2014) Sherrill Road Improve from Ashley to O’Brien – Land Acquisition Source:Kendall County Highway Department: 5-Year Surface Transportation Program 2013-2017

  27. The Illinois Department of Transportation has several projects in Kendall County There are four major IDOT projects in various stages Source:IDOT FY13 Illinois Highways Program

  28. Since 2010, Kendall Area Transit (KAT) has provided 37,527 rides for seniors and other transit-dependent individuals within Kendall County as part of Kendall County’s “dial-a-ride” para-transit service. • In January of 2013, KAT began service between the Village of Oswego ‘Park N Ride’ lot and the Aurora Transportation Center • KAT is a excellent example of public private partnership and intergovernmental cooperation with participation at the federal, state, county and municipal level Source:Kendall Area Transit

  29. Thanks For Stopping By

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