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Curriculum and Instruction Council

Curriculum and Instruction Council. September 23, 2010. Welcome and Introductions. The Year of Getting to Get Ready. SED Updates. LOTE The plans to address the two issues ( not approved so be patient ): Earning the one high school credit by two years and a test

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Curriculum and Instruction Council

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  1. Curriculum and Instruction Council September 23, 2010

  2. Welcome and Introductions

  3. The Year of Getting to Get Ready SED Updates

  4. LOTE The plans to address the two issues (not approved so be patient): Earning the one high school credit by two years and a test Assessments that have been eliminated can be replaced by a local exam QUESTION: Regional Collaboration? SED Updates

  5. LOTE The plans to address the two issues (not approved so be patient): Note: There are no proposed substantive changes to Commissioners Regulation 100.4(d) which provides for grade 8 acceleration for diploma credit. Students will still have the opportunity to complete an accelerated Checkpoint A LOTE course and pass a locally developed examination in order to earn their first unit of credit in LOTE. SED Updates

  6. Accountability • Performance targets and safe harbor adjustments, loss of 34 points • High school completion might have been reported differently, but that has been scuttled for now SED Updates

  7. SED Updates Common Core State Standards Final adoption in January “State” Curriculum 2010-2011 Interim assessments 2012-2013 PARCC assessments 2014-2015 Don’t write, revise, map, etc. until then For now, familiarize

  8. SED Updates Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) WAIT! Draft regulations in April 4-8 teachers and principals implementation 2011-2012 Public reporting All other teachers and principals implementation in 2012-2013 (training evaluators, improvement plans, value-added, too)

  9. SED Updates Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) WAIT! Don’t do anything yet. Get ready but don’t do anything yet. Guidance will be specific. Familiarize with Danielson; all three rubric tracks are based on her work

  10. SED Updates • Assessment News • The new 3-hr Regents ELA examinationis a go for January, 2011. It will consist of: • 25 multiple choice questions, • two short constructed-response items, and • one essay (critical lens).

  11. SED Updates • NAEP, TIMMS, PIRLS • Districts have been notified about NAEP • TIMMS window in the spring

  12. SED Updates • Dignity For All Students Act (DASA) • Not just bullying; all discrimination • July 2012 implementation • Don’t worry about any policy at this time; keep up anti-bullying efforts

  13. SED Updates • Online Learning • Yes, credit recovery • Initial credit very possible, too • Q and A rather than regulations

  14. Legislative Updates

  15. Replaces ITIPGood lessons; right lessonsCohort A begins 10/28Cohort B begins 1/19

  16. Enrollment of 76 Two cohorts merging to one with repeat sessions for flexibility

  17. CI&A Website

  18. IT&D Updates

  19. CNY NYSASCD • “21st Century Learner” workshop by Giselle Martin Kniep • First meeting will be announced soon

  20. BIG EVENTS • Beyond Textbooks • October 7, 2010 • “Follows” BCIC Meeting • What next for textbooks???

  21. BIG EVENTS • A K-12 Look at Response to Intervention • November 15, 2010 • RIC Data Warehouse/ISS collaboration • John McCook Keynote • More that 10 breakout sessions • All over campus

  22. BIG EVENTS • APPR Prep: Exploring the Danielson Framework • January 13, 2011 • “Follows” BCIC Meeting • Candi McKay from the Danielson Group

  23. BIG EVENTS • Assessment 101 • Late January/Early February • Data Warehouse/ISS Collaboration • Assessment Literacy • Using assessments to inform instruction • Using student achievement data in evaluations • Just what is value-added and how does it work?

  24. BIG EVENTS • LC21: Learning Commons in the 21st Century • District instructional leader plus lead LMS/teacher librarian • PD scheduled throughout the year (paid for by member items) • Vision of your LC for the future

  25. BIG EVENTS • 21st Century Skills Implementation • Building Awareness • Assessing Current State • Narrowing to a Manageable Handful • Planning • Two Tracks

  26. BIG EVENTS • Professional Learning Communities at Work Institute • August 11-13, 2011 • Convention Center • School Improvement Project • 30% Discount • Limited number of discounted slots

  27. Assessment • Professional Learning Communities at Work Institute • August 11-13, 2011 • Convention Center • School Improvement Project • 30% Discount • Limited number of discounted slots

  28. National Summit • Cyber Summit • NYP21 • Implementation sessions

  29. Changing the Odds for Student Success: What Matters Most • Copies distributed • Browse; what’s in it? • Interested in a close read? Suggestions for process?

  30. Gather data about what is on our minds as instructional leaders Use these data to identify focus topics and groups for meetings during the year What’s On Our Minds?

  31. Next year’s calendar laid out • Some extended days • Beyond Textbooks • Allison Zmuda • Assessment Day • More collaboration opportunities (with interest group work) • Less paper (use archive) BCIC Next Year

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