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Examining the Relationship of Quality IEPs to Student Progress

25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 · (860) 632-1485. Connecticut State Department of Education · Division of Educational Programs and Services. Examining the Relationship of Quality IEPs to Student Progress.

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Examining the Relationship of Quality IEPs to Student Progress

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  1. 25 Industrial Park Road, Middletown, CT 06457-1520 · (860) 632-1485 Connecticut State Department of Education · Division of Educational Programs and Services Examining the Relationship of Quality IEPs to Student Progress A Reflective Process to Promote Reasonable Calculations for Educational Benefit January 27, 2006

  2. What is “Educational Benefit”? Determine with a Neighbor • What does this term mean to you? SERC

  3. What is Educational Benefit? • Instruction that is reasonably calculated to enable the child to achieve passing marks and advance from grade to grade Judge Rehnquist BOE v. Rowley decision, June 28,1982 SERC

  4. Educational Benefit • Educational Benefit can be measured by… • Passing marks • Advancement from grade to grade • Progress toward goals and objectives • Improved scores on district/statewide assessments/ alternate assessment • Passing the high school exit exam SERC

  5. IDEA ‘04 The IEP must include… • “a statement of the special education and related services and supplementary aids and services,…to be provided to the child,… • to advance appropriately toward attaining the annual goals; • to be involved in and make progress in the general education curriculum … and to participate in extracurricular and other nonacademic activities…” Section 614 (d)(1)(A)(i)(IV) SERC

  6. Focused Monitoring • “The primary focus of Federal and State monitoring activities… • improving educational resultsand functional outcomes for all children with disabilities” Section 616 (a)(2) SERC

  7. Why Procedural Compliance is Not Enough? • “You can be in compliance with all 755 required items and not be achieving results for students with disabilities.” Alan Coulter SERC

  8. Current Underlying Concept • Compliance Consists of Two Interrelated Elements: Educational Procedures + Educational Benefit (Results) BOE v. Rowley, decision, June 28, 1982 www.hdc.lsuhsc.edu SERC

  9. How is Educational Benefit Obtained? “instruction… should be reasonably calculated to enable the child to achieve passing marks and advance from grade to grade” Judge Rehnquist BOE v. Rowley decision, June 28,1982 SERC

  10. Assessing for Educational Benefit A Process for Districts to Examine IEPs

  11. Educational Benefit Analysis • Reviewing IEP documentation for a 3-year cycle • Analyzing the relationship among needs, goals, and services • Comparing progress across annuals • Looking for patterns in the planning process • Discussing if the IEP was reasonably planned to result in educational benefit • Reviewing the child’s progress SERC

  12. Steps for the Process • STEP 1Chart what is recorded in the IEPs about needs, goals and objectives, services and progress. • STEP 2Analyze the needs, goals and services within each IEP for alignment. • STEP 3Compare across each IEP to determine progression of progress (or lack of progress). SERC

  13. STEP 1 • Jigsaw the documentation of each IEP • Look for… • Present Level of Performance (p 3) • Goals & Objectives, Accommodations & Modifications (pp 4 & 8) • Services (p 5) • Progress made on annual goals (p 4) SERC

  14. STEP 1 • For each IEP • Record what is written on the IEP. • Information must be present in the IEP • Information is verbatim as much as possible • Short-hand and abbreviations are ok, but paraphrasing or summarizing is not • Color Coded • Green- what is written in IEP • Blue-strengths • Red-supporting documents (psy. evals) SERC

  15. Domain

  16. Present Level

  17. Concerns

  18. Goals, Objectives, Accommodations, & Modifications

  19. Service

  20. Progress

  21. STEP 2 • For each IEP • The group will determine the alignment between each component • The recorder will draw circles and arrows to show alignment SERC

  22. STEP 3 • Comparing each IEP • The group will determine if there was a change from the previous IEP to the next IEP • The recorder will note the changes using 0, +, or – SERC

  23. KTEA Reading 2.1 G.E. Oral Reading Inventory 2.5 G.E. +

  24. Comp. is sig. below grade level O +

  25. Improve comp of read material from 2.5 to 4.0 O + +

  26. Given passage state 2 details O + + O

  27. Given passage ans correctly 6/6 W quest O + + O -

  28. Learning center 3.75 hrs/wk O O + + O -

  29. O O + + O -

  30. O O + + O -

  31. Keeping Track SERC

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