*What is it? - A type of government where the gov’t takes control of all aspects of public and private life*Key Traits of Totalitarianism 1.Dynamic leader-Unites people -Can convince people to support him or uses force to achieve it 2. Dictatorship/One Party-Dominates gov’t completely and has full control Totalitarianism
3. State Controls all parts of society -Business, labor, housing, education, religion, the arts…4. Modern Technology -Gov’t controls mass communication -Uses it to spread propaganda (biased/incomplete information to sway how people believe and act) -Advanced military weapons5. State Control of Individuals -Demands loyalty -No basic freedoms -Expect personal sacrifice for the good of the country Key Traits Continued…
6. Methods of Enforcement (how do they force?) *Police Terror -Force obedience and crush all opposition -Spying, violence, murder *Indoctrination -Instruction in “gov’t beliefs,” used to mold minds -Control of education to glorify the leader How do they enforce things?
*Propaganda & Censorship -Gov’t must approve everything published (news, art, music…) -People constantly surrounded by false info that seems true -Anyone who rebels is imprisoned or killed*Religious/Ethnic Persecution -Blame “enemies of the state” for anything that goes wrong -Groups are targeted for blame and are attacked/terrorized -Members of these groups are often forced to live in restricted areas where they have different rules that apply only to them How do they enforce things?
-Secret police & tanks to stop riots-Monitored telephones, mail, planted spies-Arrested and executed millions of “traitors” Stalin’s Police State
*A campaign of terror to eliminate everyone to threatened his power*Tried thousands of Bolsheviks who helped with the revolution -Executed or send to labor camps*Stalin is now in total control of Soviet Union and Communist Party -8-13 million murdered THE GREAT PURGE 1937-1938
*Education & Indoctrination -Gov’t controlled all schools & ed. -Kids in school learned about the virtues of the Communist Party*Russian Propaganda & Censorship -Controlled all newspapers, movies, radio, & all other sources of info -Writers, artists, composers all censored -All media & art to glorify communism, Stalin, and his programs -No creativity, threat to obedience -Used as means for propaganda INDOCRINATION & PROPAGANDA
*Churches and synagogues destroyed*Religious leaders killed or sent to labor camps*Less freedoms for people, more power for state RELIGIOUS PERSECUTION
* Command Economy: economic system where the gov’t makes all economic decisions*Five-Year Plans -Goals and impossible quotas for production (steel, oil, coal…) -Never met but huge gains made -Consumer goods limited leaving shortages of housing, food, clothing, other necessities STALIN CONTROLS ECONOMY
* Gov’t seized 25 million privately owned farms*Collective farms -Hundreds of families work on these large now gov’t owned farms to produced food for the state -Kulaks (wealthy peasants) resisted, gov’t took food & eliminated them -Ukraine=5-6 million dead -Anyone who resisted was forced or killed -90% of peasants lived on collectives by 1938 -5-10 million Russians die as a result of Stalin’s Agricultural Revolution AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION