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Heading Towards War, Again. Totalitarianism and World War II. Complete Control Under a Dictator. Totalitarianism – One political party or group maintains control under a dictatorship and bans all others.
Heading Towards War, Again Totalitarianism and World War II
Totalitarianism – One political party or group maintains control under a dictatorship and bans all others. • The government maintains a strong influence over all aspects of society, restricting personal freedom. What is Totalitarianism?
Benito Mussolini’s political ideas • Fascism – Glorifies the state and nation and gives the state control over every aspect of national life. Fascism – A form of Totalitarianism
Celebrates nation and race above all other • Seeks to force all into their vision • Used organized violence to suppress opposition • Individual had no significanceexcept as a member of the state • All Economic functions controlled by the state • All taught 3 things: • To Believe • To Obey • To Fight What is Fascism?
Benito Mussolini Mussolini and Hitler The Great Leaders of Italy and Germany
Seized control of Italy as it is suffering through a depression • Founded the Fascist Party – 1919 • People embraced Mussolini as their best hope for a better life • Became known as IL Duce (or leader) • Abolished Democracy • Censored Media • Controlled the economy Mussolini
Fascist Dictator Answers: • 1. His political Party? • 2. What led M- to power? • 3. Goal for Italy? • 4. Invaded? • 5. League of Nations? • 1. Fascist Party • 2. Hatred for Treaty of Versailles and Depression in Italy • 3. Restore Italy to the glory of Rome • 4. Ethiopia to increase the Empire • 5. Did nothing to stop him All About Mussolini
1931 – The Japanese army invaded the Chinese province of Manchuria • (many feel this was the first act of WWII) • Military leaders gained control in Japan led by Tanaka Giichi Japan
Nazi Symbol Symbol that represented good for many cultures
Germany suffering a Economic Depression • People turned to the National Socialist, or Nazi Party • Claimed the Aryan Race was superior (non Jewish) • Blamed Economic problems on the Jews, war reparations, and the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles • This blame appealed to struggling Germans Rise of Hitler
Hitler elected Chancellor(1933) and soon became Dictator • He began rebuilding: • Military/Air Force • Began Draft • Gestapo – spied on citizens to suppress dissenters • All of this violated the Treaty of Versailles Hitler’s Rise to Power
Gained control of U.S.S.R. in 1928 • Created a Police State to maintain power • Command Economy and Five Year plans • Gov’t controlled – impossible goals • Collective Farms • Great Purge (1937) Eliminated any perceived threats to his power • Charged with Crimes against the Soviet State • Estimated to have killed 8 – 13 million Joseph Stalin
Stalin’s Goals • 1. His Goal? • 2. Five Year Plans? • 3. Collectivization? • 4. Secret Police? • 5. Great Purge? • 6. Who makes deal with him? • 1. USSR World Power • 2. Industrialize USSR • 3. Collect peasant on gov’t farms to work • 4. KGB – spies on citizens • 5. Execute all against him • 6. Hitler Stalin’s Fascist Totalitarian Dictatorship
Kellogg-Briand Peace Pact – Signed by 63 countries who promised to use negotiations to solve disputes, not war • Not signed by Italy, Germany, and Japan Rejection of Peace
1931 – Japan invades Manchuria • 1935 – Italy invades Ethiopia and aids rebels in the Spanish Civil War • 1936 – Germany invades Rhineland, annexes Austria, and then Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia(large German population) • All violated the Treaty of Versailles Aggression and Response
Britain (Neville Chamberlain) and France (Edouard Daladier) hoped to avoid war through the policy of Appeasement – give into Hitler’s demands • Munich Conference - 1938 – agree to give Hitler Sudetenland in exchange for Hitler’s promise to invade no more • Chamberlain states this is “peace with honor” and a “peace of our time” • Hitler has other plans!! How do Br. And Fr. Respond?
Appeasement Giving in to an aggressor’s demands to keep the peace Do they really think this was going to work? Why or Why not?
1936 – Italy agrees to an alliance with Germany – The Rome-Berlin Axis • Germany also allies with Japan • These three countries become known as the Axis Powers Hitler and Mussolini Join Forces
Isolationism – Belief that political ties to other countries should be avoided • Why? • Great Depression • Still a little shy from WWI • Neutrality Act – Pres. Could veto the sell of arms to any country • Ludlow Amendment – Required national vote before US declared war – failed in Congress U.S.’s Reaction - 1935
September 1, 1939 – Germany invades Poland • Used Blitzkreig technique, or lightening War • Used Tanks and bombers across the Polish land • September 3, 1939 – Britain and France declare war on Germany • September 17, 1939 - U.S.S.R. invaded Poland • Poland surrenders 3 weeks later ending the First Battle of World War II Germany Invades Poland
Br. And Fr. asked the Soviets to join them against GY • Soviets also talking with GY • August 23, 1939 Soviets and GY sign Nonaggression Pact and promise never to attack each other NonAggression Pact
As Hitler was expanding German borders, he was creating the Third Reich, or German Empire The Third Reich
Hitler and Stalin agreed to divide Poland in their Nonaggression Pact • Hitler invades Poland –Sept. 1, 1939 • Stalin invades Poland – Sept. 17, 1939 • Quickly annexes Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia with little resistance • Finland resisted their attempts and repelled the Soviets – Winter Fighting!! Hitler’s Lightning War
Spring 1940- Germany Invades: • Netherlands • Belgium • France • Germans surprised French by going around their fortified lines at Maginot Line • Dunkirk - German trapped the entire Br. Army and Fr. forces • Br. Navy and private boats evacuated 338,000 Allied troops, • Escaped major disaster!! German Offensive
June 22, 1940 – France signs armistice with Germany(controls 3/4 of France) • GY sets up a puppetgovernment • GY now controls Central and Western Europe • Britain only country not controlled by GY in Western Europe Fall of France
Br. Prime Minister, Winston Churchill: “We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets…we shall never surrender.” • Hitler planned to take Britain by air first and then by sea • Defeat the Royal Air Force (RAF) using the Luftwaffe, or German Air Force Battle of Britain
Summer 1940 Germany begins bombing Britain – British did not give in • Br. Advantages: • Enigma– German code-making machine • Radar – track German planes electronically Battle of Britain
Battle of Britain lasted until May 10, 1941 • Britain resist attacks and Hitler call off attacks • This proves that Hitler’s attacks could be blocked Battle of Britain Ends
Sept. 1940 – Mussolini(Italy) attacks Egypt(Britain) to gain control of Suez Canal – wanted access to Oil in the Middle East – this ends in a stalemate • Germany had to help Italy repel the British troops Attacks in Mediterranean and Eastern Europe
Hitler plans to attack Soviet Union • Take Balkan Countries • Bulgaria • Romania • Hungary • Yugoslavia • Greece Balkan Peninsula Falls to Germany
Operation Barbarossa – June 22, 1941 – Hitler launches attack on Soviets who are unprepared for battle • Soviets begin to retreat and used the “scorched earth policy” and destroyed anything the Germans could have used • Germany focuses on city of Leningrad – tried to starve them – 1 million – the city refused to fall – October 1941 Hitler Invades Soviet Union
Hitler turns to Moscow – Winter and GY in summer uniforms • Hitler demands “No Retreat!” • March 1943 – GY advance in Soviet Union but gain nothing – lose over 500,000 soldiers Leningrad and Moscow
U.S. wants to remain Neutral • Lend-Lease Act – March 1941 – President could lend weapons to any country important to the U.S. • Atlantic Charter – Roosevelt and Winston Churchill issue the Atlantic Charter – Free trade among countries that promote the right of people to chose their own government America’s Involement
October 1940 – U.S. sent aid to China to help resist Japanese invasion • U.S. stops trading oil with Japan because they invade Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos • Pearl Harbor was “a dagger pointed at Japan’s throat” and must be destroyed Why attack the U.S.?
December 7, 1941 • Japan attacks • U.S. knew an attack might happen • Sunk 19 ships (8 battle ships) • 2,300 American killed • Roosevelt: “a date that will live in infamy” • Congress declared war on Japan • Guam and Wake Islands also fall • Philippines fall despite Am/Phil efforts • Bataan Death March – Japanese brutal treatment of captives 54,000/70,000 survive • Other key locations fall – Japan dominating Pacific Attack on Pearl Harbor
Battle of the Coral Sea – Stopped Japan’s march southward (toward Australia) • The Battle of Midway – key Japanese Airfields • Americans destroyed 332 planes, 4 aircraft carriers, and 1 support ship • This American victory turned the tide of the war in the Pacific Allies Strike Back
American General Douglas MacArthur • August 7, 1942 – Allied forces(Am./Australian) took a Japanese Air Base at Guadalcanal • Japan loses 24,000/36,000 soldiers • 6 months later, February 1943 – battle ended Allied Offensive
1942 – Br. And Am. Forces forced German and Italian troops to surrender in Africa • American were led by Dwight D. Eisenhower • Battle of Stalingrad – Hitler attacks this major city – Soviets surround Germany troops/cut off supply lines • Germans forced to surrender – Hitler realize he can’t defeat the Soviet Union Meanwhile back in Europe
Italy surrendered on July 25, 1943 as Allied forces invaded • Mussolini was shot and killed by an Italian resistance fighter Invasion of Italy