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Confined Spaces. “Non-Permit” “Permit-Required”. ETSU Confined Spaces. Physical Plant’s Confined Space Policy Approved October 17, 2003. Confined Space Defined. The space is not designed for continuous employee occupancy The space is large enough to enter and perform work
Confined Spaces “Non-Permit” “Permit-Required”
ETSU Confined Spaces • Physical Plant’s Confined Space Policy • Approved October 17, 2003
Confined Space Defined • The space is not designed for continuous employee occupancy • The space is large enough to enter and perform work • The space has limited means of entry and exit
Confined Space Examples ● Tanks ● Manholes ● Boilers ● Furnaces ● Sewers ● Hoppers ● Vaults ● Pipes ● Tunnels ● Bins ● Pits ● Silos
Not Designed for Continuous Worker Occupancy • Most confined spaces are not designed to enter and work in on a regular basis. • The space encloses materials or processes. • Occasional worker entry for inspection, repair, cleanup, maintenance, etc.
Permit-Required Confined Space ● Contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere; ● Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant; ● Has an internal configuration such that an entrant could become trapped or asphyxiated; or ● Contains any other serious safety or health hazard. A Permit-Required Confined Space is a confined space that has one or more of the following characteristics:
Non-Permit Confined Space ● A non-permit confined space does not contain or, with respect to atmospheric hazards, have the potential to contain any hazard capable of causing death of serious physical harm. ● A permit-required confined space can be reclassified as a non-permit space.
ENTRY by Entrant ● The act by which a person passes through an opening into a permit-required confined space. ● Occurs during work activities when the entrant’s body breaks the plane of an opening into the space
Categorizing the Work Space • Space large enough to enter &; • Limited or Restricted entry or exit &; • Not designed for continuous worker • occupancy. NO Not a Confined Space YES Confined Space Hazardous Atmosphere Or Permit- Required Confined Space Non Permit- Required Space Engulfment Hazard YES NO Or Configuration Hazard Or Any other recognized serious hazard
Confined Space Entry To reclassify a permit-required confined space, a pre-entry checklist shall be completed and certified by an entry supervisor prior to entry. The checklist shall contain the date, the location of the space, and the signature of the person providing the certification.
Pre-Entry Procedures Physical Plant employees shall follow the pre-entry procedures that establish safe entry for our employees. Pre-Entry Checklist
Unfavorable Natural Ventilation • Lack of air movement in and out of the space can create an atmosphere much different than the outside atmosphere. • Deadly gases can be trapped inside. • Organic materials can decompose. • May not be enough oxygen due to presence of other gases or chemical reactions such as rusting.
Confined Space Entry - Hazards Manholes often remain covered for long periods of time. Poisonous gases, such as hydrogen sulfide can accumulate inside of manholes. CH4 Manholes may also accumulate highly flammable gases such as methane. H2S
Oxygen Deficient Atmospheres 19.5 % Minimum acceptable oxygen level. 15 - 19% Decreased ability to work strenuously. Impair coordination. Early symptoms. 12-14% Respiration increases. Poor judgment. 10-12% Respiration increases. Lips blue. 8-10% Mental failure. Fainting. Nausea Unconsciousness. Vomiting. 6-8% 8 minutes - fatal, 6 minutes - 50% fatal 4-5 minutes - possible recovery. 4-6% Coma in 40 seconds. Death
Oxygen Enriched Atmospheres • Oxygen level above 21%. • Causes flammable and combustible materials to burn violently when ignited. • Never use pure oxygen to ventilate. • Never store or place compressed tanks in a confined space.
Flammable Atmospheres • Critical Factors: • Oxygen content in the air. • Presence of a flammable gas, or vapor • Presence of dust (visibility of 5’ or less) • Ignition Sources: (Hot Work Permit) • Sparking or electric tool • Welding / cutting operations • Smoking
Hydrogen Sulfide • Decomposition of materials. Human waste. • Rotten egg odor at low concentrations. • Possibly no warning at high concentrations. PPMEffectTime 10 ppm Permissible Exposure Level 8 Hours 50 - 100 Mild Irritation - eyes, throat 1 Hour 200 - 300 Significant Irritation 1 Hour 500 -700 Unconsciousness, Death 1/2 - 1 Hour >1000 Unconsciousness, Death Minutes
Carbon Monoxide • Odorless, Colorless Gas. • Combustion By-Product. • Quickly collapse at high concentrations. • PPMEffectTime • 50 Permissible Exposure Level 8 Hours • 200 Slight headache, discomfort 3 Hours • 600 Headache, discomfort 1 Hour • 1000-2000 Confusion, nausea, headache 2 Hours • 1000-2000 Tendency to stagger 1 1/2 Hours • 1000-2000 Slight heart palpitation 30 Min. • 2000-2500 Unconsciousness 30 Min.
Confined Space Entry - Hazards Fresh outside air is blown into the space to dilute and remove contaminants, and supply oxygen. ?? ?? ?? O2 ?? If concentrations of gases and vapors are found to be at harmful levels, the confined space must be ventilated before entry. Fresh Air O2 O2 O2
Testing The Atmosphere • Verify presence of safe work atmosphere. • Test at various depths of a confined space. • Top, Middle, Bottom
Alwaystest the air at various levels to be sure that the entire space is safe. Good air near the opening does NOT mean there is good air at the bottom! • Methane is lighter than air. • Carbon Monoxide is the same as air. • Hydrogen Sulfide is heavier than air.
Emergency Procedures Should conditions develop which require extrication, and the entrant cannot get out of the confined space on their own, the attendant must call for emergency assistance at once! Call 911 It is very important to communicate to the dispatcher that a confined space rescue is necessary.
CAUTION Opening in Ground Keep Out ! BARRIERS and SIGNS must be placed around any openings to protect the entrants and passers-by.
Contractor Confined Space Entry • Contractors must follow their own established confined space entry procedure. • A joint entry by ETSU employees and contractors will be coordinated by an ETSU entry supervisor. • Contractors must supply their own air monitors. • Contractors are required to contact a Physical Plant representative at the completion of an entry to discuss any hazards confronted during the entry.
Ventilation • First option to correct problems. • Must be aware of hazards you are trying to correct in the confined space. • Air intake in a safe location to draw fresh air only. • Continuous ventilation whenever possible. • Retest the confined space before entry.
Isolation • Locking and tagging out electrical sources. • Blanking and bleeding pneumatic and hydraulic lines. • Disconnecting mechanical drives and shafts. • Securing mechanical parts. • Blanking sewer and water flow. • Locking and tagging out shutoff valves.
Respirators • Air-Purifying Respirators • Filter dangerous substances from the air. • Must know the type and amount of hazardous substance present in the confined space. • NEVER use with oxygen deficiency! • Air-Supplying Respirators • Deliver a safe supply of breathing air from a tank or an uncontaminated area nearby.
Entrant Responsibilities • Know the hazards of the space. • Proper use of equipment in space. • Communicate with the attendant. • Places his/her lockout/tagout device on isolation point(s) before entry • Alert the attendant whenever • they recognize a dangerous situation. • Detect a prohibited condition
Entrant Responsibilities • Exit from the space as quickly as possible whenever: • An order to evacuate is given by the attendant or entry supervisor • The entrant recognizes any warning signs of exposure or a dangerous situation • The entrant detects a prohibited condition. • The multi-gas detector alarms
Attendant Responsibilities • Knows the hazards that might be faced during entry • Aware of possible behavioral effects of hazard exposure to the entrant • Maintains a count of entrants in the space • Remains outside the permit space during entry operations
Attendant Responsibilities • Communicates with the entrants and alerts if evacuation is needed. • Monitors activities inside and outside the space determining if it is safe. • Performs non-entry rescue (tripod, non-entry retrieval device) • Summon rescue services if person needs assistance to escape space (911)
Entry Supervisor Responsibilities • Knows the hazards that may be faced during entry, including mode, signs or symptoms, and consequences of exposure. • Verifies that the appropriate entries have been made on the permit. • Verifies that all tests specified by the permit have been conducted • Verifies that all procedures and equipment specified by the permit are in place before approving the permit and allowing entry
Entry Supervisor Responsibilities • Terminates the entry and cancels the permit as required when: • The entry operations have been completed • A condition that is not allowed under the entry permit arises in or near the space (Note: The employer shall retain the permit for at least 1 year. Entry supervisor turn in permits to Health & Safety at the Physical Plant.)
Entry Supervisor Responsibilities • Verifies that rescue services are available • Removes unauthorized individuals who attempt to enter the permit space • Verifies that acceptable entry conditions are maintained during entry and that all requirements of the permit are met.
Confined spaces are generally classified into two categories Permit Required Have the potential to contain serious safety and health hazards Non Permit Required Summary
Some common confined space hazards include: Atmospheric hazards Moving parts Tight spaces Engulfment hazards Summary
The Company’s “entry permit system” is designed to ensure that confined space hazards are controlled during the entry process Summary
The entry supervisor makes sure all entry procedures are followed as outlined on the entry permit Summary
The standby attendant acts as the eyes and ears of the entry process, monitoring conditions both inside and outside the space The standby attendant may not enter the confined space during a rescue Summary
The confined space entrants are the only ones authorized to enter a confined space Entrants must know all potential hazards, maintain communications with the attendant and immediately exit the space when instructed to evacuate Summary
Each member of the entry team has a specific role to play in the entry process By following the requirements of the entry permit system, the entry team is able to work safely in confined spaces Summary